
OMNIA is the best nightclubs in Las Vegas this year



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Chandelier located on the dance floor of OMNIA Las Vegas

虽然Omnia Las Vegas成立的时间并不长–它在2015年3月举行了备受期待的盛大开幕式–但它肯定已经成为了这条街上最令人垂涎的俱乐部之一。这也是有充分理由的:它的EDM DJ阵容星光熠熠,接待了Afrojack、Calvin Harris、Martin Garrix和Tiesto等超级巨星,加上最先进的舒适设施,保证你在Omnia度过一个难忘的夜晚。

奢华的Omnia体验从一进门就开始了–迎接您的是一个巨大的、最先进的灯光系统,它笼罩着宽阔的舞池,并向整个主俱乐部区域发出美丽的光瀑。在四层楼高的屋顶下,您会被一束束变幻莫测的灯光所包围,照亮Omnia的其他建筑奇迹。让我们从高耸入云的65英尺天花板穹顶开始,穹顶上有一盏22,000磅重的动感吊灯。但俱乐部真正的核心是由8个同心圆组成,其中的制作元素包括戏剧性的灯光效果、视频项目和LED灯,在整个晚上都会发生变化。不喜欢EDM?更喜欢嘻哈?想找个地方放松一下?没问题:Heart of Omnia是Omnia内的一个独立房间,里面有一位嘻哈DJ。此外,在楼上你会发现一个屋顶露台,那里有自己的DJ,一般会播放更多的冷酷音乐,让你感受一下。除非你在主厅,否则你是听不到主DJ的声音的,所以不用担心会被打扰。不幸的是,Omnia的桌子并不便宜,但嘿–你不能给乐趣贴上价格标签。

XS在Wynn Encore(EDM)

Nighttime Pool Party at XS Las Vegas


XS at the Wynn的设计灵感来自于人体曲线,它拥有一盏10英尺高的旋转吊灯和丰富的金、黑、棕色配色方案。别忘了它的惊人阵容:XS的常驻DJ包括Chainsmokers、David Guetta、Alesso、Major Lazer和Diplo等超级明星。此外,我们有没有提到,在夏季,XS在周日举办每周一次的夜游活动?相信我们,当我们说没有在XS的夜晚,拉斯维加斯之旅是不完整的:这是拉斯维加斯的地方。


View of the Dance Floor at Marquee Las Vegas

拉斯维加斯的Marquee夜总会占地6万平方英尺,是向夜店之神致敬的地方,这里有能欣赏到拉斯维加斯壮丽景色的屋顶天井,有超强的泳池俱乐部,还有来自世界各地的顶级DJ。Marquee Nightclub & Dayclub展示了国际知名的驻场DJ,如Mustard、Benny Benassi、Oliver Heldens、Deorro、Timmy Trumpet和Alan Walker。

如果你还没有加入EDM的行列,不用担心–Marquee还提供 “Boom Box “作为Hip Hop房间,以及 “The Library”,一个低调的VIP休息室,如果你想更低调一些。巨大的玻璃幕墙可以俯瞰著名的拉斯维加斯大道,客人将享受到不同于其他场所的夜生活体验。

 小贴士:Discotech通常会为Marquee Nightclub提供免费或打折的客人名单,所以一定要去看看,省点钱。

Drai’s Nightclub在Cromwell(嘻哈)

Panoramic View of Live Performance at Drais Las Vegas

Drai’s Nightclub是新建成的Cromwell酒店的皇冠上的宝石,它提供了一个无与伦比的视野,涵盖了整个Strip和其他地方。由同名的夜生活大师Victor Drai设计,这个65,000平方英尺的场所提供了一个多感官的环境,将娱乐和服务提升到新的高度。一丝不苟的细节,巨大的LED照明系统和现代技术的融合,创造了一个感性的,多感官的体验,不同于其他在大道上。Drai’s夜总会拥有超过7,000平方英尺的最先进的LED灯和75个不同的室内和室外座位,可容纳2,500名客人。

Drai’s Nightclub最初是以EDM为主,但随着时间的推移,它已经转向嘻哈。Drai’s会定期举办活动,由Future、Ty Dolla $ign、Wiz Khalifa、Migos等嘻哈巨星现场表演。在没有表演者的夜晚 期待听到Hip Hop和Top 40音乐的混合。

Hakkasan在MGM Grand(EDM)

Top Down Dance floor of Hakkasan Las Vegas

位于米高梅大酒店,拥有巨大的LED屏幕、强烈的灯光秀和世界级的表演者,Hakkasan是拉斯维加斯夜生活的皇冠上的宝石。它的场地占地8万平方英尺,有五层舞池、休息室和餐厅。前两层是主餐厅,提供国际知名行政主厨何志文的精致粤菜。再上一层到三楼,你会发现凌凌酒廊和凌凌厅的舞池和酒廊面积超过10,000平方英尺。Ling Ling Room的DJ播放嘻哈音乐;主厅几乎都是EDM/house音乐。

最上面两层是主夜总会和上层阳台,驻场DJ Tiesto和Calvin Harris经常在这里转播。其他常驻DJ包括Tiesto、Steve Aoki、Martin Garrix、Zedd等大牌DJ。舞池的布置是为了给夜店的客人提供最大的享受,这里有许多VIP桌,呈半圆形排列,面向DJ台,让每张桌子都能看到DJ的身影。毫无疑问,Hakkasan是拉斯维加斯最豪华、最独特的俱乐部之一,一定要来这里看看。

EBC at Night在Encore(EDM)

Marshmello Performing at EBC At Night Las Vegas

EBC at Night在整个夏天都会有夜游活动,它将Encore海滩俱乐部最好的一面带到了夜生活现场。EBC at Night的前身是Surrender,它的特色是三间设备齐全的酒吧、舞池边的VIP包厢、泳池边的小屋和日间床,以及供华丽的Go-Go舞者使用的脱衣舞杆。最重要的是,俱乐部的主吧台守护着一条巨大的绿眼蛇,看守着俱乐部的客人,暗示着诱人的酒水和罪恶之城本身的诱惑。

当您准备好在户外举行派对时,EBC at Night也能满足您的需求。室外区域提供池畔贵宾桌、两层的小屋、亭子、沙发、平房和充足的空间,让您随心所欲地跳舞。完整的棕榈树装饰,空间提供了更休闲、更冷清的氛围。这里有26个小屋,设施齐全,包括平板电视和俯瞰拉斯维加斯大道的阳台。在冬季,一个气候控制的穹顶覆盖了泳池区域。

EBC at Night的常驻DJ包括Chainsmokers、Diplo、Alesso、David Guetta、Kygo、Major Lazer等国际明星。根据DJ和当晚的情况,演出内容可能包括更多的Hip-Hop、dubstep、trap和dirty EDM;请务必对当晚的DJ进行调查。 这是另一个我们通常提供嘉宾名单的场地,所以如果你想获得免费或折扣门票,一定要去Discotech看看!

Light at Mandalay Bay(Hip Hop / Top 40)

DJ Performance and Crowd at LIGHT Las Vegas

正如你可能已经从它的名字中猜到了,Light at Mandalay结合了创新的灯光、声音/特效和令人难以置信的音乐,创造了一个独一无二的夜生活体验。Light是有史以来第一家以太阳马戏团为特色的夜总会,面积达38,000平方英尺,以独家打造的表演元素为特色,包括前卫的服装和独特的编舞,让您度过一个难忘的夜晚。驻场艺术家包括嘻哈明星E-40。

近年来,Light已经偏离了EDM人才;根据夜晚的情况,音乐可能是房子和嘻哈的混合。在计划行程时,一定要做好对DJ的研究!  如果您想在预算内参加派对,您可以使用我们的优惠代码 “DISCO “来节省预售门票,或者您可以在我们的嘉宾名单上注册,以获得免费的提前入场。 

TAO Nightclub在Venetian(Hip Hop / Top 40)

Bruno Mars Performing Live at TAO Las Vegas

自2005年9月开业以来,这家以亚洲为主题的餐饮和娱乐场所一直位居世界夜总会收入榜首。这座多方位的三层楼高的 “亚洲城”,集餐厅、宴会设施、酒廊、夜总会和海滩于一体,面积超过60,00平方英尺,不用说,您在这里永远不会缺少事情可做。不用担心在哪里吃饭的问题,餐厅丰富的菜单上有来自中国、日本和泰国的美食,一定会让大家满意。

周四至周六开放,TAO是A级名人、体育明星和美食鉴赏家经常光顾的地方。这家夜总会有Snoop Dogg和Jermaine Dupri等人气DJ,还有创意节目。需要注意的是,TAO并不是一家纯粹的EDM俱乐部,主厅播放的是前40名、EDM和Hip-Hop的混合音乐,而大厅下的Opium Room则更多地迎合了Hip-Hop爱好者的需求。那些寻找只属于EDM俱乐部的人应该避开。使用优惠代码DISCO可以在购票时节省5美元! 

On the Record在MGM (Open Format)

Front Entrance of On The Record at Park MGM Las Vegas

向所有音乐致敬,On the Record是洛杉矶双胞胎Jonnie和Mark Houston在Park MGM开设的一家新夜总会。Houstons的目标是创造一种城市中任何其他夜总会都无法提供的夜生活体验,它有一个音乐商店的入口,卡拉OK室,地下酒吧,带双层巴士的天井,供DJ,客座调酒师和舞池。该场所位于公园美高梅的公园剧场对面,入口横跨两层。

一进门,夜店的客人就可以前往地下酒吧的门,通往一个11,000平方英尺的空间,里面配备了扬声器、电视屏幕和卡带,带来一种复古的氛围。然后,客人们可以参观三个卡拉OK室之一,走到天井,与那辆双层巴士一起,或者前往主厅,那里有一个由老式劳斯莱斯改装而成的DJ台。不要忘了客厅空间里的壁炉和黑胶唱片客厅,客座调酒师会在这里调制特色饮料。如果你正在寻找新的和独特的俱乐部体验,一定要去On the Record看看(以及我们的免费客人名单优惠)。

Drai’s After Hours在The Cromwell(2个房间–1个Hip Hop,1个EDM

After Hours Tables at Drais After Hours Las Vegas

所以,DJ开始在你所在的俱乐部结束,但派对还没有结束,毕竟,夜晚还很年轻。这是我们很多人在某一时刻都遇到过的老难题。那么,你该怎么办呢?我们有一个解决方案:去Cromwell的Drai’s After Hours看看。这家俱乐部位于巴巴里海岸最初开张的地下;寻找标有金色电梯的地方,有一个身穿红宝石裙的女人曲线玲珑的身体,带你下到场地。

如果你想在Strip找寻下班后的乐趣,这里就是你要去的地方。Drai’s 充分利用下班后的一切俏皮事,深入挖掘,给你带来与众不同的俱乐部体验。Drai’s在1997年开创了 “after-hours “的深夜概念,提供了一个私密而独特的场所,派对一直持续到天亮(场地开放到上午10点)。Drai’s有两个独立的房间:一个播放hip-hop,一个播放EDM。要注意的是:当这里偶尔变得非常繁忙时,你可能需要支付额外的封面费用才能进入嘻哈房间。但是,嘿,为了享受美好时光,这是值得的。 

移动,老虎机! 拉斯维加斯正从赌博世界的中心转移到夜总会现象的中心,这使伊比沙岛和里约热内卢获得了瓶装服务的收入。

如果您是几年前问过任何人的,很少有人能预料到DJ驱动的电子舞蹈音乐将在罪恶之城风靡一时,但是今天,这是真正的拉斯维加斯式时尚的新典范,世界范围内 顶级夜总会-Hakassan(MGM大酒店),XS和OMNIA(凯撒宫),Marquee(世界性)和Drai’s(克伦威尔镇)-负责。

落地式屏幕具有前所未有的令人印象深刻的视觉和灯光效果,分耳的分贝水晶般清晰的音频,80面LED迪斯科舞会,世界上收入最高的名人DJ,以及大量的拳头抽气 人类都为不停地进行黑暗后放荡而结合。

当然,您将不得不浏览线条,门口的收益以及内部的抢钱场景。 请记住,如果您看起来不像21世纪的Superfly版本,那就别忘了通过着装测试了。 但是拉斯维加斯提供的夜总会体验是无与伦比的-您投入的才是真正的回馈。 因此,抓住您最好的朋友,装满钱包,准备好一个永远不会忘记的夜晚!

Las Vegas Nightclubs FAQ


拉斯维加斯的俱乐部通常在10:00和10:30 PM之间开放。 如果您想避免排队,我们建议您在晚上10:00之前到达。


拉斯维加斯的夜总会通常关闭什么时间拉斯维加斯的关闭时间取决于夜晚的忙碌程度。 如果聚会仍在进行,他们可以迟到5到6 AM。 但是在较慢的夜晚,聚会可以在3 AM到4 AM结束。


头条新闻DJ通常在12:30 AM和1:30 AM之间的任何时间播放。




盘后时段最受欢迎的节目之一是克伦威尔(Drom)的克雷威尔(Drai)盘后时段。 这场传奇的狂欢派对直到1:30 AM才开放,通常要到8-9 AM。

拉斯维加斯俱乐部的着装要求如何? 我应该在拉斯维加斯俱乐部穿什么?

着装得体! 这意味着男士们需要领衬衫,漂亮的牛仔裤和正装鞋。 如果您要使用瓶装服务,可以多买点东西(西装外套+ T恤等)。 女孩子可以穿得整整齐齐,但是请记住,其他所有女孩子都将穿着高跟鞋和连衣裙,相比之下,您的着装会很糟糕。


一般没有。 唯一的例外是夜间游泳,这种情况发生在夏季的XS(星期日)和EBC(夜间)。


通常不会,除非您要花几千美元在瓶装服务上。 但是,某些夜晚的着装要求也会放松。


不,您必须21岁才能进入维加斯夜总会。 如果您那天晚上也未满21岁,那将是行不通的,那一定是在第二天。




即使杂草在内华达州合法化,大多数赌场仍然禁止在该场所使用杂草。 如果您在大多数夜总会被杂草或杂草用具所困,他们将拒绝您进入或将您踢出。


所有维加斯夜总会都有免费的女孩客人名单,而大多数夜总会都有免费的偶数比率客人名单-如果您的派对中有相同数量(或更多)的女孩,则免费。 您可以使用我们的免费移动应用程序注册来宾列表。


您可以使用我们的免费手机mobile app来预订table service, 或者web app, 如果您使用您的desktop。




我们建议您在假期周末和知名DJ(Alesso,Kaskade,Chainsmokers,Tiesto,Calvin Harris等)购买门票。 工单行通常比来宾列表更快和更短。






拉斯维加斯一般不会免费入场。 但是,您可以注册免费的来宾列表,通常,如果您在特定时间之前到达那里,通常可以免费进入。

Can guys get into clubs in Vegas?

如果您在嘉宾名单上并参加平均比例的派对(至少男女人数相同),男生通常可以免费入场。 您将需要提前注册来宾列表,并在一定时间之前到达。 伙计们还可以获得瓶装服务或购买门票。


当前,最受欢迎的EDM DJ最受欢迎的俱乐部是Omnia,XS,Marquee和Hakkasan。 最热门的嘻哈俱乐部是Drai’s和Light。


一些俱乐部在客人名单上为女士提供免费饮料票(Light,Chateau,EBC at Night,XS),另一些则在特定时间之前为女士免费提供露天酒吧(Marquee)。 一般来说,如果您是男生,几乎不可能获得免费饮料。

OMNIA is the best nightclubs in Las Vegas this year

Top 10 Best Nightclubs in Las Vegas in 2021

You just turned 21 and you’re ready to hit up Las Vegas and paint the town red. But there’s one problem – you’re a Vegas virgin and you don’t know where to go. Which Las Vegas clubs play hip hop music? Which Las Vegas nightclubs play EDM? Which clubs stay open late? What are the hottest clubs in Las Vegas right now?

Don’t worry we’ve got you covered. First, check out our list of top 10 nightclubs in Las Vegas or check out our video below!

Download the FREE Discotech mobile app! You can use it to book tables, sign up for free guestlist, and buy tickets to all of the best clubs in Las Vegas.

Omnia Nightclub at Caesar’s Palace (EDM)

Chandelier located on the dance floor of OMNIA Las Vegas

Following its much anticipated grand opening March 2015, Omnia Las Vegas has quickly become the hottest club on the strip. Located in the space previously occupied by Pure Nightclub in Caesars, Omnia LV features a star studded EDM DJ line up that includes Afrojack, Calvin Harris, Martin Garrix, and Tiesto. The Omnia aura begins upon entering the lavish space. A colossal lighting system, which looms over the expansive dance floor, sends cascading light throughout the main club. Guests under the four-story roof will be showered with beams of changing colored lights revealing layers of architectural wonders. 

The main club boasts a dramatic 65-foot-tall ceiling dome that encompasses a 22,000-pound kinetic chandelier. The grandiose centerpiece of the main club consists of eight concentric rings featuring production elements including theatrical lighting effects, video projections and light-emitting diodes (LED) choreographed to evolve throughout the night.

If you’re into hip hop music, Heart of Omnia is a separate area within Omnia that features a hip-hop DJ. There’s also a rooftop terrace upstairs that has it’s own DJ, typically playing more chill music. Keep in mind that you won’t be able to hear the main DJ unless you’re in the main room. Of course, main room table prices don’t come cheap. Can’t put a price on fun.

XS at the Wynn (EDM)

Nighttime Pool Party at XS Las Vegas

Going eleven years strong, XS at the Wynn Encore Hotel is still undeniably the King of Clubs. Regarded by many as one of the most luxurious nightclubs on Earth, XS continues to rack up five-star rankings and plenty of adoration from club goers with its 40,000 feet of sprawling dance floor, outdoor patio, and pool area. The venue offers over 70 VIP tables inside and another 80+ tables outdoors, providing a flexible range of price options if you are looking for that VIP experience.

With a design inspired by the curves of the human body, XS at the Wynn features a 10-foot rotating chandelier and a rich gold, black and brown color scheme. And let’s not forget about its amazing lineup: resident DJs at XS include superstars like The Chainsmokers, David Guetta, Alesso, Major Lazer, and Diplo. Also, did we mention that during the summer, XS hosts a weekly nightswim on Sundays? Trust us when we say a Vegas trip is not complete without a night at XS: this is one of the best nightclubs in Vegas. 

Marquee Nightclub at the Cosmopolitan (EDM)

View of the Dance Floor at Marquee Las Vegas

Marquee Las Vegas is a 60,000 square feet tribute to the clubbing gods, featuring a rooftop patio with breathtaking views of Las Vegas, an ultra pool-club and the best DJs from around the world. Marquee Nightclub & Dayclub showcase internationally acclaimed resident DJs such as Mustard, Benny Benassi, Oliver Heldens, Deorro, Timmy Trumpet, and Alan Walker.

If you haven’t jumped on the EDM bandwagon, fear not – Marquee also offers the ‘Boom Box’ as a hip hop room, as well as ‘The Library’, a discreet VIP lounge if you’re feeling something more low key. With vast glass window-walls overlooking the famous Las Vegas Strip, guests will enjoy a nightlife experience unlike any other venue. 

Pro-tip: Discotech usually offers a free or discounted guest list to Marquee Nightclub, so be sure to check it out and save some dough.

Drai’s Nightclub at Cromwell (Hip Hop)

Panoramic View of Live Performance at Drais Las Vegas

The crown jewel of the newly built Cromwell hotel, Drai’s Nightclub provides an unrivaled view encompassing the entire Strip and beyond. Designed by namesake nightlife impresario Victor Drai, this 65,000 square feet venue offers a multi-sensory environment taking entertainment and service to new heights. Meticulous attention to detail, massive LED lighting systems, and modern technology fuse to create a sensual, multi-sensory experience unlike any other on the Strip. Drai’s features over 7,000 square feet of the most state of the art LEDs in production and 75 various indoor & outdoor seating options to accommodate its 2,500 guest capacity.

Drai’s Nightclub was actually initially launched with an EDM focus, but over time it’s shifted towards hip hop. Drai’s regularly promotes events with live artists such as Future, Ty Dolla $ign, Wiz Khalifa, Migos, and much more. On nights without performers, expect to hear a a mix of Hip Hop and Top 40 music.

Hakkasan at MGM Grand (EDM)

Top Down Dance floor of Hakkasan Las Vegas

Located in the MGM Grand and featuring giant LED screens, intense light shows, and world-class performers, Hakkasan is Las Vegas nightlife’s crown jewel. Its venue features a sprawling 80,000 square feet and five levels of dance floors, lounges and restaurants. The first two levels house the main restaurant, which serves exquisite Cantonese cuisine from internationally-renowned executive chef Ho Chee Boon. Go up a floor to the third-floor and you’ll find over 10,000 square feet of dance floor and lounge in the Ling Ling Lounge and the Ling Ling Room. Ling Ling Room DJs play hip-hop music; the main room is almost always EDM/house music.

The top two floors are the main nightclub and upper balconies, where the resident DJs Tiesto and Calvin Harris spin regularly. Other resident DJS include Calvin Harris, Tiesto, Steve Aoki, Martin Garrix, Zedd, and many more. The dance floor is surrounded by numerous VIP tables arranged in a semicircle facing the DJ booth, giving every table a great view of the DJ. With its giant LED screens, intense light shows, and world-class performers, Hakkasan is one of the most luxurious and exclusive clubs in Las Vegas.

Zouk at Resorts World Las Vegas (EDM / Hip Hop)

Zouk Las Vegas offers a unique environment and has been pushing the frontiers of dance music since its creation. This 26,060 square ft nightclub is considered to be one of the most technologically advanced nightclub in Las Vegas and can hold 2,160 people. Hosting some of the biggest names in the industry, you can expect to hear music from Tiesto, Zedd, and other top tier artists through the ground shattering sound system.

After the massive success of the now iconic Singaporean nightclub, Zouk opened a new location in Las Vegas and is a part of the new Resorts World Las Vegas integrated resort (estimated to cost $4.3billion and called the “largest development in almost two decades”). Zouk is a wild ride from start to finish and is a brilliant option to up your nightlife game!

EBC At Night at Encore (EDM)

Marshmello Performing at EBC At Night Las Vegas

With nightswims throughout the summer, EBC at Night brings the best of Encore Beach Club to the nightlife scene. Formerly known as Surrender, EBC at Night features three fully-stocked bars, VIP booths along the dance floor, cabanas and daybeds near the pool, and stripper poles for gorgeous go-go dancers. To top it off, the club’s main bar guards a massive, green-eyed serpent watching over clubbers, alluding to the tempting libations and the temptations of Sin City itself. 

When you’re ready to take the party outside, EBC at Night has you covered too. The outdoor area provides poolside VIP tables, two levels of cabanas, booths, couches, bungalows and plenty of space for dancing wherever you’d like. Complete with palm tree decor, the space provides a more casual, chill vibe. There are 26 cabanas that are well-furnished, including flat-screen TVs and balconies overlooking the Las Vegas Strip. During the winter, a climate-controlled dome covers the pool area. 

EBC at Night’s resident DJs include international stars like The Chainsmokers, Diplo, Alesso, David Guetta, Kygo, Major Lazer, and many more. Depending on the DJ and the night, the set might include more hip-hop, dubstep, trap, and dirty EDM; make sure to do your research on the DJ spinning that night.  This is another venue that we usually offer a guest list for, so be sure to check out Discotech if you are looking to get free or discounted admission!

Light at Mandalay Bay (Hip Hop / Top 40)

DJ Performance and Crowd at LIGHT Las Vegas

As you might have guessed from its name, Light at Mandalay combines innovative lighting, sound/special effects and incredible music to create a one-of-a-kind nightlife experience. Clocking in at 38,000 square feet, Light is the first-ever nightclub to feature Cirque du Soleil, and features exclusively built performance elements that include avant-garde costumes and unique choreography to leave you with a night you’ll never forget. Resident artists include hip-hop stars E-40 and Rick Ross.

In recent years Light has strayed from EDM talents; depending on the night, the music might be a mix of house and hip hop. Make sure you do your research on the DJ while planning your trip!  If you are looking to party on a budget, you can use our promo code “DISCO” to save on pre-sale tickets, or you can sign up on our guest list for free early-bird admission.  

TAO Nightclub at Venetian (Hip Hop / Top 40)

Bruno Mars Performing Live at TAO Las Vegas

Since opening in September of 2005, this Asian-themed dining and entertainment venue has consistently ranked amongst the top-grossing nightclubs in the world. The multi-faceted, 3-story “Asian City” houses a restaurant, banquet facilities, lounges, nightclub and beach at over 60,00 square feet; needless to say, you’ll never be short of things to do during your stay here. And don’t worry about fighting over where to eat; the restaurant’s extensive menu features culinary components from China, Japan, and Thailand sure to please everyone. 

Open Thursday – Saturday, TAO is a frequent hot-spot for A-list celebrities, sports stars, and culinary connoisseurs. This nightclub hosts popular DJs such as Snoop Dogg and Jermaine Dupri, as well as creative programming. It’s important to note that TAO is not a pure EDM club; the main room plays a mix of top 40, EDM and hip-hop while the Opium Room down the hall is catered more towards hip-hop fans. Those of you looking for EDM-only clubs should steer clear. Use promo code DISCO to save $5 on your ticket purchases! 

Drai’s After Hours at The Cromwell (2 rooms – 1 Hip Hop, 1 EDM)

After Hours Tables at Drais After Hours Las Vegas

So, the DJ’s starting to wind down at the club you’re at but the party’s not over yet; after all, the night’s still young. It’s the age-old dilemma many of us have encountered at one point or another. So, what do you do? We’ve got a solution: check out Drai’s After Hours in The Cromwell. The club is located underground where it originally opened in the Barbary Coast; look for the gold elevator marked with the curvaceous body of a woman in a ruby red dress to take you down to the venue. 

If you’re looking for after-hours fun on the Strip, this is the place to be. Cashing in on everything saucy about after-hours, Drai’s digs deep to give you a club experience like no other. Drai’s pioneered the “after-hours” late-night concept in 1997, providing an intimate and exclusive spot where the party continues until past sunrise (the venue is open until 10 AM). Drai’s features two separate rooms: one playing hip-hop and one playing EDM. Be warned: on occasion when the place gets really busy you may have to pay an extra cover charge to get into the hip-hop room. But hey, can’t put a price on fun!

Move over, slot machines! Las Vegas is shifting from the center of the gambling universe to the center of the nightclub phenomenon, giving Ibiza and Rio a run for their bottle-service money.

Only a few years ago, few people could have predicted how DJ-driven electronic dance music would take off in Sin City, but today, it’s the new paradigm of true over-the-top Vegas vogue, with the world’s top nightclubs — Hakassan (MGM Grand), XS and OMNIA (Caesars Palace), Marquee (Cosmopolitan), and Drai’s (The Cromwell) — leading the charge.

Floor-to-ceiling screens featuring the most impressive visual and lighting effects ever seen, crystal-clear audio at ear-splitting decibels, 80-sided LED disco balls, the world’s highest-grossing celebrity DJs, and a teeming mass of fist-pumping humanity all combine for non-stop after-dark debauchery.

Of course, you’ll have to navigate the lines, payoffs at the door, and money-grubbing scene inside. And remember, if you don’t look like the 21st-century version of Superfly, forget about passing the dress test.

Las Vegas Nightclubs FAQ

What time do Las Vegas nightclubs usually open?

Clubs in Vegas usually open between 10:00 and 10:30 PM. If you want to avoid lines, we recommend arriving by 10:00 PM.

What time do Las Vegas nightclubs typically close?

Closing times in Vegas vary depending on how busy the night is. If the party is still raging they can go as late as 5-6 AM. But on slower nights the party can wind down at 3 AM to 4 AM.

What time does the headlining DJ usually come in in Vegas clubs?

The headlining DJ usually comes on anytime between 12:30 AM and 1:30 AM.

How long do DJs play in Vegas?

The headlining DJ usually plays a 1.5 – 2 hour set.

Are there any after hours spots in Las Vegas?

One of the most popular after hours spots is Drai’s After Hours at the Cromwell. This legendary afterparty does not even open its doors until 1:30 AM and will usually be going until 8-9 AM.

What is the dress code like at Las Vegas clubs? What should I wear to a Vegas club?

Dress to impress! This means collared shirts, nice jeans, dress shoes for guys. If you’re getting bottle service, you can get away with a bit more (blazer + tshirt, etc). Girls can get away with dressing down but keep in mind that all the other girls will be wearing heels and dresses and you’ll look woefully underdressed in comparison.

Can you wear shorts to a Vegas club?

Generally no. The only exception is for nightswims, which happens during the summer at XS on sundays and EBC at Night.

Can I wear hats to a Vegas club?

Generally no, unless you’re dropping a couple thousand dollars on bottle service. However, dress codes are also loosened on certain nights for nightswims.

Can you get into Vegas clubs if you’re under 21?

No, you must be 21 to enter a Vegas nightclub. It won’t work if you turn 21 that night either, it must be the day after.

Can I smoke cigarettes in Las Vegas nightclubs?

Yes you can smoke cigarettes in most Las Vegas nightclubs.

Can I smoke weed in Las Vegas nightclubs?

Even though weed was legalized in Nevada, most casinos still ban it from the premises. If you are caught with weed or weed paraphernalia at most nightclubs, they will deny you entry / kick you out.

How can I get into Las Vegas nightclubs for free?

All Vegas nightclubs have a free girl’s guestlist, and most have a free even ratio guestlist – free if you have the same number of girls (or more) in your party. You can sign up for the guestlist using our free mobile app.

How can I book bottle service for Las Vegas nightclubs?

You can book table service using our free mobile app. Or, if you’re on desktop you can use our webapp.

How much is bottle service at Las Vegas nightclubs?

Table minimums can get pretty expensive, but every nightclub is different.

Should I buy tickets to Las Vegas nightclubs?

We recommend buying tickets during holiday weekends and for big name DJs (Alesso, Kaskade, Chainsmokers, Tiesto, Calvin Harris etc). The ticket line is generally faster and shorter than the guestlist.

Which Vegas nightclubs play Hip-Hop?

Check out our guide to the best hip hop nightclubs in Las Vegas.

Which Vegas nightclubs play Electronic Dance Music (EDM)?

Check out our guide to the best EDM nightclubs in Las Vegas.

Are clubs free in Las Vegas?

General admission will never be free in Las Vegas. However, you can sign up for free guest lists that will usually allow you to get in for free if you’re there before a certain time.

Can guys get into clubs in Vegas?

Guys can generally get in for free if you are on the guest list and have an even ratio party (at least the same number of girls and guys). You will have to sign up for the guest list in advance, and arrive before a certain time. Guys can also get bottle service or buy tickets.

What are the hottest clubs in Las Vegas?

Currently the hottest clubs with the most popular EDM DJs are Omnia, XS, Marquee, and Hakkasan. The hottest hip hop clubs are Drai’s and Light.

How can you get free drinks in Vegas clubs?

Some clubs offer free drink tickets for ladies on the guest list (Light, Chateau, EBC at Night, XS), others have free open bar for ladies before a certain time (Marquee). In general it’s almost impossible to get free drinks if you’re a guy.

Intrigue Nightclub at the Wynn Closing June 1

There might be time for one more dance at Intrigue. Wynn Las Vegas is shuttering the luxurious 14,000-square-foot nightclub on June 1 and will use the venue as a private event space.

Intrigue opened in April 2016 after the Wynn club space was renovated and updated from its previous version, Tryst, which was created in collaboration with Victor Drai in 2005 after the original incarnation, La Bête, was scrapped. The indoor-outdoor club has always been known for its cascading waterfall and intimate environment, including Intrigue’s “secret space” the Living Room.

Intrigue was also the smallest nightclub among Wynn Nightlife’s offerings, which include Encore’s XS Nightclub and Encore Beach Club. Memorial Day weekend saw Intrigue performances from RL Grime and Dillon Francis.

Intrigue Promo Code

Use promo code STUPAK to get $5 off your tickets at Intrigue Nightclub. You can buy presale tickets to events at Intrigue here. This Intrigue discount code might not be valid on certain holidays + special events.

Buying presale tickets at Intrigue Las Vegas ensures that you’ll get in – ticket holders also get expedited entry.

You can book table service / cabanas and sign up for free guestlist directly on our free mobile app, or on our webapp.

Kygo, Chainsmokers, Diplo Celebrate XS Nightclub’s 10 Year Anniversary

Why have one party when you can have 10? The top talent on Wynn’s nightclub-artist roster, names such as Kygo, Diplo, Steve Angello and Sebastian Ingrosso, and The Chainsmokers, will say happy birthday to the decade-old XS Nightclub by conceiving their own monthly theme parties from April to December. The festivities kick off March 30 with DJ Snake.   

“We’ve been planning this 10-year anniversary for over a year with the sole purpose of delivering 10 unique experiences,” says Alex Cordova, managing partner of Wynn Nightlife. “Every show will be different and curated by the artists to present the space in a new format. The point is to deliver a consecutive unique experience that has never been seen at the venue. This will ultimately conclude in December with a performance by one of the top artists in the world.”    

And while the anniversary parties represent an exclusively EDM lineup, it was revealed last week after months of speculation that Drake would perform at the 5,000-person capacity XS for five dates in 2019. This signified what many have been predicting for more than two years — that the paradigm has once again shifted in the ever-evolving top party scene in the country. A statement released by the resort says “there will be a brand-new stage and a new production” for the venue, which for the better part of the last decade had been configured to put its EDM DJ–heavy talent roster center stage.

“Drake represents our commitment to delivering memorable experiences for our customers,” Cordova said. “There is a huge difference in seeing an artist with 20,000 other people in an arena or festival compared to a nightclub performance. It just feels so personal, and there isn’t a bad seat in the house.”

Sources say that admission fees for Drake’s visit to XS in January topped out at around $500 per person.

All of this would have seemed inconceivable a decade ago when the Las Vegas nightlife scene was a much different place than it is now. It was the tail end of the celebrity appearance era when billboards around the city promoted the names of reality stars such as Paris Hilton, Kim Kardashian and Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt as the talent on their big weekends. They celebrated their birthdays and blew out absurdly designed cakes while the masses showed up to gawk and take grainy images on first-generation iPhones. While there was most likely someone playing music from the corner DJ booth, most in attendance certainly didn’t know his name. There was dancing, bottle and table service, and girls were definitely taking their shoes off to relieve the true sign of a good night out, aching feet.   

But when XS Nightclub at Wynn Las Vegas opened in January 2009, it swept the scene with a different vibe: elegance and luxury. Conceived by Steve Wynn, nightlife impresario Victor Drai and head of interior design Roger Thomas, the insides were dripping in gold, from the banquettes to the statuettes. There were no advertised celebrity appearances — this was the place where A-listers actually came to party without a lens affixed on them.   

After a performance at the two-year anniversary by Deadmau5, the popularity of electronic dance music found its stage at XS and in the subsequent years the biggest names in the biz all inked deals at the club: Tiësto, Avicii, Calvin Harris, David Guetta, Afrojack, Axwell, Steve Angello, Skrillex and Alesso, among others.   

By 2015, Nightclub & Bar reported that XS was the top-grossing nightclub in America, with revenues over $100 million, with nowhere to go but up as night after night there were sellouts by the most popular acts in electronic dance music, including The Chainsmokers and Kygo, who Cordova brought onboard after he started in 2016. Sources say it continues to exceed that top position year after year.

“I cannot discuss specific numbers, but we all know from the historical press that XS has always maintained its position as a leader in the industry. It is incredible that after 10 years we have not skipped a beat. The venue to this day is arguably the top nightclub in Las Vegas with the best talent lineup in the world,” Cordova says. “I am celebrating my third anniversary of running Wynn nightlife this month, so I need to give credit to my predecessors who had the vision to create this timeless venue. The 10th anniversary pays homage to all that touched this venue and helped develop its legacy.”

Prior to Cordova’s tenure, Wynn Nightlife was separated into two groups — XS and Intrigue nightclubs were run by Jesse Waits, who departed in 2015 for James Packer‘s unrealized Alon; and Encore Beach Club and Encore Beach Club at Night were run by Sean Christie, who departed for MGM Resorts in late 2017.

“[Both groups] had both been profitable and set the industry standard in both daylife and nightlife spaces. My job was to bring everything together under one roof,” Cordova says. “It was a challenge to change seven years of operational standards in a short period of time. All the venues work together to mutually benefit each other. We’re much stronger and have a collective corporate and creative vision.”

It’s been an incredible trajectory for Cordova, who is originally from the East Coast and cut his teeth working in some of the industry’s legendary clubs. “As a promoter in New York City, I knew that nightlife didn’t have a limit,” he says. “I grew up hearing stories about Studio 54, Palladium and Danceteria, and I eventually worked for Limelight and Tunnel. I have always had this boundless vision of nightlife. What we provide is aspirational. I eat, breathe and sleep nightlife. It is the true passion of my life. Some would consider it to be an obsession. It started at age 16 and the fire I had as a teenager is still as ferocious at age 40.”

After coming to town in the early 2000s, Cordova spent more than a decade “across the boulevard” as an executive at Pure Management Group, then Angel Management Group and later Hakkasan Group — he oversaw the operations and marketing teams for some of the city’s other highest-grossing nightclubs and dayclubs. It was also during this era that nightlife became big business and Cordova was one of its innovators. Now venues make nine figures and talent can command seven.

“Vegas has always been the most competitive talent buying market. As the city has grown, so have the competitors,” he says. “Our job is to deliver acts that are at the forefront of popular music. Regardless if they are top of their class or on the rise, they are the hardest-working music producers and artists in the business. Their work ethic directly correlates with the continued successes of our venues.” 

As evidenced by the Drake partnership, though, Cordova is focusing on diversification and securing new top-tier artists as well as providing entertainment that complements the resort-guest experience.

Overseeing all of the venues also helps Cordova program a successful strategy for the entire resort nightlife portfolio, which includes Encore Beach Club, EBC at Night, Intrigue and XS. And there are other announcements coming in the quest to retain the very best.

“Stay tuned, we have a couple more surprises this year,” he says.

Wynn Las Vegas XS Nightclub’s 10 Dates Over 10 Months schedule:

March 30 – DJ Snake
April 28 – KYGO – Nightswim
May 25 – David Guetta
June 7 – Sebastian Ingrosso and Steve Angello
July – Diplo
August – Alesso – Nightswim
September – The Chainsmokers
October – “WHITE COFFEE”
November – The Chainsmokers
December – Special Guest

Techno & House in Las Vegas

Wondering where you can find Techno / House in Las Vegas?

Less than a week after announcing most of the lineup for the second edition of house and techno-fueled mega-weekend Art of the WildWynn Nightlife has added some of those names to its 2019 residency lineup. XS, Intrigue and Encore Beach Club will see additional performances from Bedouin, Black Coffee, Fisher, Guy Gerber, Jamie Jones, RÜFÜS DU SOL, Nicole Moudaber and The Martinez Brothers throughout the year, along with productions from club and festival music brands elrow, Paradise, Rumors and Saga. It’s not clear yet if any of these residents will perform at Wynn venues before Art of the Wild weekend March 22-24 at XS and Encore Beach Club, but with EBC opening for the season on March 1, anything could happen.

It’s definitely nice to see Vegas embracing some less mainstream forms of electronic dance music!

Best Las Vegas Clubs on Wednesday

What are the best parties in Las Vegas on Wednesdays?

Wednesday is probably the slowest day in the notorious Sin City, but you can’t really have a boring day here — if you know where to go. Here we have the best places to spend your Wednesday nights in Las Vegas:


Unannounced appearances from A-list celebrities and impromptu performances from some of the best up-and-coming talents are just two of the many surprises you see in 1 OAK. This world-class, upscale nightclub is the go-to spot in Vegas for Hip Hop music. Two floors spanning over 16,000 square feet carry two separate rooms equipped with two full service bars and state-of-art DJ Booths. 1 OAK Las Vegas is no doubt the best of its sister clubs around the world.

1 OAK LV Bottle Service | 1 OAK LV Guestlist | 1 OAK LV Tickets


As the giants close their doors during weekdays, Light steps up to claim the spot of the biggest club open on a Wednesday. You won’t see a sell out crowd like you would in the mega-clubs during weekends, but Light boasts great talent and solid bottle prices to make sure you and your wallet both make it past the night happy. If you’re buying tickets to Light events, remember to throw in our exclusive promo code DISCO during checkout to get a $2 off discount.

Light Bottle Service | Light Guestlist | Light Tickets


Wynn Nightlife is one of the biggest players in the Las Vegas nightlife industry, and that means its smallest child Intrigue does just as well as any other nightclub to contribute to that success. Intrigue does not compare to the size and glamour of the big guys like XS, Hakkasan, Omnia, etc. but it does make sure their performing talents are way above par. In here, modest bottle and ticket prices can get you the quality and music of a mega club. Hands down the best EDM club in the city on a Wednesday night!

Intrigue Nightclub Bottle Service | Intrigue Nightclub Guestlist | Intrigue Nightclub Tickets


Sitting at the bottom of the Eiffel Tower replica at Paris Hotel, Chateau is a 22,000 square feet nightclub with an outdoor garden rooftop that overlooks the bustling activity on the strip. The rooftop doubles as a beer garden during the day so this is a great place for you and your friends to get in the mood before moving on to the louder scenes. Note that the rooftop here only opens during good weather so make sure you check with them (or us) before making the trip out there!

Chateau Nightclub Bottle Service | Chateau Nightclub Guestlist | Chateau Nightclub Tickets

Las Vegas Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2018 Party Guide

The annual International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) – with over 180,000 registered participants – descends upon Sin City this coming week.  If you’re joining us from out of town and are attending the conference, then you are in store for hellacious crowds, physically demanding marathon race-walks, and long days stacked back-to-back with vendor/partner meetings, sales pitches, and product demos.  But hey, don’t let this Vegas trip on the company dime go to waste.  You know what they say:  Work Hard, Play Harder.  And you can always catch up on sleep on the long plane ride home… or when you’re dead.


Here’s a recap of the best parties around town after the sun goes down during CES 2018 Week:

Monday, January 8th, 2018

French Montana @ Marquee Nightclub

French is ready to go “All The Way Up” for CES – are you?

CES doesn’t officially kick off until Tuesday morning, but the majority of convention attendees will fly into town on Monday morning, set up their booths at the Las Vegas Convention Center all afternoon, and be chomping at the bit to get the party started in Sin City as the sun goes down.  There are a few Monday night events and mixers around town, including the free Startup Night Downtown Vegas, where visitors can get a sneak peek at 15 of the hottest local startups from nearby Eureka Park. NASA, Lighter Capital, Scout Ventures, and other industry leaders will help select two winners who will go on to compete in the 2018 Startup of the Year competition.  Welcome mixers end around 9pm, and the hottest afterparty will be at Marquee Industry Mondays, where Grammy-nominated Moroccan-American hip-hop star French Montana will take CES revelers “All The Way Up” into the wee hours of the morning.  Pro tip 1: Sign up for the *FREE guest list* using the Discotech app.  Pro tip 2:  MAKE SURE YOU WAKE UP.  Set your hotel room alarm clock BEFORE you head out onto the Strip… or tell a co-worker to send you a wakeup call so you can get to the Convention Center or where you need to be on time.  Or else your employability will be going all the way down.

Time: 10:00 PM – 5:00 AM

Venue: Marquee @ Cosmopolitan (3708 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89109)

Tuesday, January 9th, 2018

Chainsmokers @ XS

Don’t ask them to play that Blink 182 song that you beat to death in Tucson, OK?

Is there any doubt that 2017 was the year of The Chainsmokers?   A slew of Song of The Decade candidates, a global world tour that can only be described as EPIC, and of course the residencies at two of the hottest nightclubs in Vegas.  This past year the duo put on numerous supercharged performances to packed houses at XS Nightclub and Encore Beach Club at the Wynn — and on the heels of the Grammy-winning pop duo’s incredible inaugural year as Steve’s nightlife residents, The Chainsmokers will headline Sin City’s biggest convention week behind the decks at XS Nightclub.  Tickets will start at $50 for men and $35 for ladies, giving access to both indoor and outdoor sections of the mega-club (stage access is not included unless you have a table). Tables range from a $2K minimum spend on the outdoor patio to a $15K minimum spend for VIP stage tables, with tax/gratuity/venue fees totaling about 35% on top of your group’s final spend amount.

Time: 10:30 PM – 4:00 AM

Venue: XS @ The Encore (3131 Las Vegas Blvd S, Las Vegas, NV 89109)

Steve Aoki @ Omnia

Cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake….

A 2017 Hakkasan Group resident and the selected headliner for their 2018 Consumer Electronics Show festivities at their flagship venue, Steve Aoki is known for the enthralling electronic sounds and hard-hitting beats of his highly energetic shows.  The DJ, producer, and California native began his musical career in 1996 as founder of Dim Mak Records; since then his label has released over 250 music records for other notable electro house artists such as Datsik, Infected Mushroom, Dada Life, Zeds Dead, Aoki’s own collaboration with Tiësto, MSTRKRFT, The Bloody Beetroots, Felix Cartal and Mustard Pimp, Bloc Party, Battles, The Kills, The Gossip, Klaxons, Scanners, Whitey, and Mystery Jets just to name a few.   A surefire fan favorite for his captivating stage presence and zany antics – his signature move is throwing cakes into the crowd – Aoki enthralls dance floors and concert halls around the globe with his remixes and collaborations with some of the best-known DJs and recording artists of our time, including Celine Dion.  This is the official opening party for CES, and all CES attendees will enjoy an open bar from 10-11 PM and complimentary entry with their CES badge or event pass. Will Aoki invite any CES visitors to join him on stage at Omnia to do his world-famous “Aoki Jump” for the 2018 jump-off?  Get your tickets and make plans now, because it could be you…

Time: 10:30 PM – 4:00 AM

Venue: OMNIA @ Caesar’s Palace  (3570 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89109)

Wednesday, January 10th, 2018

Marshmello @ Intrigue

That one time you took off the VR headset and the person in front of you STILL looked like THIS.

Midway through CES week, your brain will probably be fried by all the relentless techie small talk, Virtual Reality headsets, driverless car rides, and awkward social interactions with the hordes of nerds and hipsters.   Wouldn’t it be fund to recharge by spending part of your CES rollicking and laughing the night away with one of EDM’s most talented artists and one of its funniest, quirkiest personalities?  After your CES company dinner, leave the graybeards of upper management at the slot machines, because this show will be for the twentysomething kids (and Janice in Accounting, because she’s cool AF).  A picture is worth a thousand words, and a Youtube clip is worth a million.   Enough said.

Time: 10:30 PM – 4:00 AM

Venue: Intrigue @ The Wynn (3131 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV  89109)

Rick Ross @ Light

The boss that you wish you had at work.

Not only is CES one of the most exciting weeks for technology, it’s also an exciting week for music, as prime music artists flock to Vegas to entertain the masses that the convention brings in to town.  Mandalay Bay at the far south end of The Strip – one of the furthest hotels away from the Las Vegas Convention Center – is getting in on the action too.  But after a long couple of days covering over 1,900 square feet of exhibitions, you’ll definitely need to unwind and may not be up for the hike (or monorail ride).  The choice is yours: you can head back to your room, crawl into bed, put on the noise-canceling headphones, and lose yourself in some gangster rap… or you can dump all your pamphlets, shower up, get suited and booted, and find your second wind with Grammy-winning rapper Rick Ross and the gorgeous crowd he always draws.  We strongly suggest Option #2 – because nothing gets your mind off your mean boss like your dream boss AKA “The Boss” AKA Ricky Rozay.

Time: 10:30 PM – 5:00AM

Venue: Light @ Mandalay Bay (3950 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89119)

Thursday, January 11th, 2018

Tiesto @ Hakkasan

New Year’s resolution for this guy: More Vegas.

What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. It looks like globe-trotting DJ and producer Tiësto will be staying as well, with the extension of his multi-year residency, which will go through 2020. The news was revealed last month in a press statement made by Hakkasan Group, which operates Hakkasan Nightclub, Wet Republic and several other clubs for both day and nightlife.  “It is an honor to return to Hakkasan Group and to continue my residencies at Hakkasan Nightclub and Wet Republic,” says Tiësto. “Vegas has come to feel like home, and through my residency with Hakkasan Group, I feel proud of the space we’ve created here for dance music. I look forward to many more opportunities to be inspired by this incredible city in venues that are consistently full of energy.”  Tiësto’s first performance of 2018 comes during CES; the MGM Grand Hotel & Casino will also be converting its main lobby to host meet-and-greets and more. Tickets to both events can be purchased here.

Time: 10:30 PM – 5:00 AM

Venue: Hakkasan @ MGM Grand (3799 S Las Vegas Blvd S ,Las Vegas, NV 89109)

DJ Mustard @ Tao

One beat please. Bacon-wrapped, hold the ketchup, hold the relish.

We assume most of you – yes, even you CES nerds – are at least peripherally familiar with DJ Mustard at this point.  Even if you aren’t, you’ve definitely heard a beat he’s created on your local radio station within the past five years, and you couldn’t get away from DJ Mustard in 2017: he burned up the airwaves month after month collaborating with some of hip-hop’s biggest names.  The Pushaz Ink affiliate has pioneered what he describes as “ratchet music”, and is a close friend of fellow California artist YG, also serving as his official tour DJ. Throughout his young career, the L.A. native has already collaborated with the likes of Young Jeezy, Tyga, 2 Chainz, TeeFlii, Nipsey Hussle, Ty Dolla $ign and many more.   Let’s face it: YG’s “My N*gga”, 2 Chainz’ “I’m Different” and Tyga’s “Rack City” are all DJ Mustard tracks that you – and every techie in your IT department and coding development team – had in your Spotify playlist and secretly know all the words to.  Now is your chance to sing along in person with zero shame and zero f*cks given, as Mustard returns to the site of his 2017 Vegas residency for a special CES performance featuring surprise guests and all his hits.  Main room tables start at $1,000 minimum spend; if you have control of the company AMEX card, those dance floor tables go for $4,000 and can be expensed to “team-building exercises” that are way more fun than trapezes or yoga retreats.

Time: 10:00 PM – 4:00 AM

Venue: Tao @ The Venetian (3355 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89109)

Friday, January 12th, 2018

DJ Esco @ Drai’s Nightclub

If you made it this far into CES week… then you’re from here.

Electronic dance music reigned supreme in Vegas throughout 2017, consistently commanding the highest-price tickets and tables in nightclubs around town.  That being said, there’s no doubt that hip-hop is enjoying a resurgence at the moment, and Drai’s Las Vegas has been a big reason behind that comeback.  This past year saw Drai’s surge to the top of the Vegas hip-hop nightlife ecosystem by committing to booking top-tier talent – Future, Migos, G-Eazy, Lil’ Wayne, to name a few – which in turn made Drai’s a coveted brand and destination not only for hip-hop royalty but for professional athletes and all of black Hollywood.  Yeah, yeah, yeah – we know that the Official CES Closing Party is just down the road at the Venetian.  But half of your compadres will already have skipped town, and the eggheads who worked too hard all convention week will be trying too hard to have fun there.  So trust us when we say the better party atmosphere will be elsewhere on the strip.  The coolest Vegas stories come from partying with the cool kids AKA us Vegas locals, and there will be plenty of them at the legendary Drai’s on Friday night bumping to DJ Esco and taking their city back from the hordes of CES tourists, prior to ending the night / starting the morning next door at the infamous Drai’s After Hours.

Time: 10:00 PM – 4:00AM (Drai’s After Hours goes from 2:00am to noon)

Venue: Drai’s Nightclub @ The Cromwell (3595 Las Vegas Blvd S, Las Vegas, NV 89109)

More events and more venues for CES 2018 in Las Vegas can be found on the Discotech app.  Safe travels to and from Sin City, enjoy the convention, and look for Discotech back in your own town!  (We’re in 25 North American cities and counting…)

Las Vegas New Year’s Eve 2018 Party Guide

Was 2017 a lucky one for you???  For Las Vegas – the entertainment, nightlife, and gambling capital of the world – it was certainly an up-and-down year.  On one hand, the city welcomed its first professional sports franchise – the NHL’s Vegas Golden Knights – with great crowds and rousing early success, and then broke ground on a new stadium for its soon-to-be second, the NFL’s Raiders franchise (moving from Oakland in 2020).  On the other hand, the city also suffered an unspeakable tragedy in the form of the worst terrorist mass shooting in American history during its annual Route 91 Harvest Country Music Festival back in October.

As the year draws to a close, a sense of normalcy and community has returned to Las Vegas, and its glittering fast-paced lifestyle is proudly back on display for all to see – #VEGASSTRONG no doubt.   The trademark winter chill has descended upon the desert, but the casinos, entertainment shows, nightclubs, and bars have bounced back well and warmly from this past autumn’s tragedy.  The city’s locals are forever grateful for the emotional and financial support provided by the renewed streams of visitors coming from all over the world, and they are ready to do what they do best: deliver you stress-free good times for New Year’s Eve weekend and beyond, well into the 2018 calendar year.

For one last chance in 2017 you’ve got a tailor-made excuse to set aside all your past year’s disappointments and low points and promise yourself that next year will be THE BEST YEAR OF YOUR LIFE, all while surrounding yourself with fun-loving strangers, pulsating music, and premium liquor as you dance all your cares away.  And there are few better cities in the world for doing this than in Sin City, the world’s preeminent entertainment destination, with hundreds of fabulous party options to suit any taste.

In Vegas, they say “Luck Be A Lady” and all visitors hope and pray this fleeting dame does plant a lucky midnight kiss on their cheek to ring in the New Year.   While we can’t control what happens to you at the blackjack or craps tables this weekend, Discotech can most certainly assist with you finding good fortune at a great party.  Here our “Lucky Seven” picks for the best NYE nightclub parties/events around Sin City for you and your friends – be they Rat Pack or Wolfpack – to ring in 2018:

1) Bruno Mars Hosts NYE 2018 @ The Bank Bellagio

Toast to a memorable year with Bellagio as The Bank brings in the New Year the only way it knows how: with fabulous parties, amazing menus and drink specials, and over-the-top entertainment in the form of pop mega-superstar Bruno Mars.  Ring in 2018 in glitz and glamour and dance the night away in the 24K magic glow of the “24K Magic” man, who wraps up his year-long global tour with an encore return to the same venue where he rang in the 2012 and 2017 New Year’s celebrations.

Time: 9:00 PM – 4:00 AM

Venue: The Bank @ Bellagio (Bellagio Resort and Casino, Las Vegas, NV 89109)

2) NYE 2018 f/ The Chainsmokers @ XS

Is there any doubt that 2017 was the year of The Chainsmokers?   A slew of Song of The Decade candidates, a global world tour that can only be described as EPIC, and of course the residencies at two of the hottest nightclubs in Vegas.  This past year the duo put on numerous supercharged performances to packed houses at XS Nightclub and Encore Beach Club at the Wynn — and now for the Grammy-winning pop duo’s incredible inaugural year as Steve’s nightlife residents, The Chainsmokers will lead the countdown to 2018 behind the decks at XS Nightclub.  All Access New Year’s Eve tickets will be $150 for men and $125 for ladies, giving access to both indoor and outdoor sections of the mega-club. Stage access is not included. Under the Stars tickets, with outdoor access only, are priced at $75 for men and $65 for ladies. Tables range from a $2K minimum spend on the outdoor patio to a $30K minimum spend for VIP stage tables.

Time: 10:30 PM – 4:00 AM

Venue: XS @ The Encore (3131 Las Vegas Blvd S, Las Vegas, NV 89109)

3) NYE 2018 f/ Chris Brown @ Drai’s Nightclub

Electronic dance music reigned supreme in Vegas throughout 2017, consistently commanding the highest-price tickets and tables in nightclubs around town.  That being said, there’s no doubt that hip-hop is enjoying a resurgence at the moment, and Drai’s Las Vegas has been a big reason behind that comeback.  This past year saw Drai’s surge to the top of the Vegas hip-hop nightlife ecosystem by committing to booking top-tier talent – Future, Migos, G-Eazy, Lil’ Wayne, to name a few – which in turn made Drai’s a coveted brand and destination not only for hip-hop royalty but for professional athletes and all of black Hollywood.  For New Year’s Eve, superstar performer Chris Brown – arguably the hardest working artist in R&B hip-hop – graces the stage to open 2018 in front of a star-studded and celebrity-filled crowd.  The pride of Virginia has made a reputation among Vegas locals for club performances that last over 3 hours – nearly twice as long as those of other headlining artists – so lucky fans in attendance will definitely get their money’s worth.  Ticketholders for the event will receive two complimentary glasses of champagne to toast at midnight.  Oh, and this will be a black-tie affair…. so channel your best James Bond impressions,  take this tutorial, and come to the Cromwell dressed to the nines.

Time: 10:00 PM – 4:00AM

Venue: Drai’s Nightclub @ The Cromwell (3595 Las Vegas Blvd S, Las Vegas, NV 89109)

4) NYE 2018 f/ 2 Chainz @ 1OAK Las Vegas

If you’re a 2 Chainz hater, then you’ve spent a frustrating 2017 sitting on your hands while the Atlanta-born native has burned up the radio airwaves month after month.   Fast on the heels of his third album release in 2016, 2 Chainz dropped his fourth studio album “Pretty Girls Like Trap Music” to start the summer, and it immediately became the go-to album for barbecue/pool party background music.  Star-studded tracks such as “Good Drank” featuring Gucci Mane and Quavo, “4 AM” featuring Travis Scott, “Big Amount,” featuring Drake, and of course the ultra-catchy “It’s A Vibe” featuring Ty Dolla $ign, Jhené Aiko, and Trey Songz kept the star in the public eye, and his “Pretty Girls Like Trap Music” tour with his The Trap Choir was a smashing success.   For New Year’s Eve he returns to the site of his 2017 Vegas residency for a special performance featuring surprise guests and all his hits; lounge room tables start at $1,000 and main room tables at $2,500.

Time: 10:30 PM – 4:00 AM

Venue: 1OAK LV @ The Mirage (3400 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89109)

5) Steve Aoki @ Hakkasan

A 2017 Hakkasan Group resident and the selected headliner for their New Year’s Eve festivities, Steve Aoki is known for the enthralling electronic sounds and hard-hitting beats of his highly energetic shows.  The DJ, producer, and California native began his musical career in 1996 as founder of Dim Mak Records; since then his label has released over 250 music records for other notable electro house artists such as Datsik, Infected Mushroom, Dada Life, Zeds Dead, Aoki’s own collaboration with Tiësto, MSTRKRFT, The Bloody Beetroots, Felix Cartal and Mustard Pimp, Bloc Party, Battles, The Kills, The Gossip, Klaxons, Scanners, Whitey, and Mystery Jets just to name a few.   A surefire fan favorite for his captivating stage presence and zany antics – his signature move is throwing cakes into the crowd – Aoki enthralls dance floors and concert halls around the globe with his remixes and collaborations with some of the best-known DJs and recording artists of our time.  Which of his world-famous friends will join him on stage at Hakkasan on NYE to do his world-famous “Aoki Jump” for the 2018 jump-off?

Time: 10:00 PM – 4:00 AM

Venue: Hakkasan @ MGM Grand (3799 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV  89109)

6) New Year’s Eve f/ Marshmello @ Intrigue

Wouldn’t it be fund to spend NYE rollicking and laughing the night away with one of EDM’s most talented artists and most humorous, quirky personalities?  A picture is worth a thousand words, and a Youtube clip is worth a million.   Enough said.

Time: 10:30 PM – 4:00 AM

Venue: Intrigue @ The Wynn (3131 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV  89109)

7) Calvin Harris NYE 2018 @ Omnia

We know, we know: it was your 2017 New Year’s resolution / bucket list item to go see Calvin perform live in Vegas.  Well after 100+ shows this year, an exhausted but game Mr. Harris is giving you one last chance, with presale tickets starting at $200 (!!) and main room tables starting at a whopping $10,000 (!!!!!).  But hey, YOLO, right?  (And your 2018 resolution will be to get out of debt and save some money.)

Time: 8:00 PM – 7:00 AM

Venue: OMNIA @ Caesar’s Palace  (3570 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89109)

More events and more venues for New Year’s Eve 2018 in Los Angeles can be found on the Discotech app.  Have a safe night out with your friends, please don’t drink and drive, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!

Beautiful overview of the Las Vegas Strip



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1)Omnia Nightclub at 凯撒皇宫

Top EDM Nightclubs in Las Vegas

2015年3月开业的Omnia已经成为了赌城大道上最火热的夜店。阔气的装潢以金色的家具和紫色的丝绒墙为主。 EDM最有名的几位DJ包括Martin Garrix、Calvin Harris、Afrojack等都是Omnia的表演常客。巨型奢华水晶旋转吊灯, 再加上强劲的音响和射灯,无论在哪一层的宾客都可以过一个迷幻的夜晚。夜店另设有以嘻哈为主的Heart of Omnia以及Rooftop Lounge, 保证让您流连忘返。

Omnia 订台 | Omnia 嘉宾名单| Omnia 门票 | Omnia 时间表

2)XS Nightclub at 永利

已经开业6年的XS Nightclub一直保持赌城大道夜店之王的美誉,拥有首屈一指的规模、装潢和DJ阵容。4万平方尺的舞池、露台和室外泳池区。XS的设计灵感据说源自人体的曲线;楼底挂着一盏十尺高的水晶灯,而室内的装潢都采用金、黑、咖啡三种颜色为主。驻场DJ包括The Chainsmokers, David Guetta, Zedd, Diplo等等,夏季还会有一周一次的夜晚泳池趴!

XS 订台 | XS 嘉宾名单 | XS 门票| XS 时间表

3)Marquee Nightclub at 大都会

Marquee表演的常客包括Porter Robinson、Dash Berlin、Carnage等。Marquee占地6万平方尺,拥有室内舞池,豪华天台,特大泳池, 总共7个吧台和3个房间。每个房间播放的音乐种类都不同,喜欢幽会浪漫风的可以去The Library, 喜欢个性化的可以去The Boom Box,在那里透过巨型的玻璃墙,可以饱览赌城纸醉金迷的夜景。有兴趣的朋友可以在买门票的时候用我们特有的促销代码DISCO得到五美元的折扣!

Marquee 订台 | Marquee 嘉宾名单 | Marquee 门票| Marquee 时间表

4) Drai’s Nightclub at 克伦威尔

坐落于拉斯维加斯大道克伦威尔酒店内的Drai’s Nightclub由创办人Victor Drai亲自设计,有着众多夜店里面最美丽和全面的大道景色。这个6.5万平方尺大的超级夜店最大的卖点是大量的LED射灯和特别的视觉效果,让宾客在派对中都能感受到前所未有的观感冲击。Drai’s Nightclub刚开业时原本是主打EDM,后来渐渐变成嘻哈场地。著名的嘻哈歌手克里斯·布朗、威肯、50美分等都曾在这里担任过DJ。

Drai’s 订台 | Drai’s 嘉宾名单 | Drai’s 门票| Drais 时间表

5)Hakkasan at 美高梅

五层高的Hakkasan集加勒比海餐厅、酒吧和夜店于一身。8万平方尺的场地包括了最底两层的中式餐厅、三楼的嘻哈区Ling Ling Room还有最高两层的主舞池跟EDM区。Tiesto、史蒂夫·青木和The Chainsmokers都是Hakkasan的驻场DJ。舞池上包厢的排列围绕着DJ展位,确保场内所有的贵宾都能清楚看见DJ的演出。配上巨型的LED屏幕还有先进的影音系统,令Hakkasan毫无疑问成为世界上最豪华的超级夜店之一。

Hakkasan 订台 | Hakkasan 嘉宾名单 | Hakkasan 门票| Hakkasan 时间表

6)EBC at Night at 永利安可

在拉斯维加斯大道上最著名的泳池派对Encore Beach Club会在夜里摇身一变成为EBC at Night (前身是Surrender Nightclub)。开放式的设计让室内的舞池跟外面的泳池区完全没有任何阻隔。冬天的时候会有一个控制气候的圆顶上盖确保EBC at Night全年都能正常营业。平常用于日间派对、两层共26张池畔小床也欢迎宾客预订。穿上性感的比基尼,拿起鸡尾酒,一起来开泳池趴吧!

EBC at Night 订台| EBC at Night 嘉宾名单| EBC at Night 门票| EBC at Night 时间表

7)Light at 曼德勒海湾

占地3.8万平方尺的Light融合了顶尖的创意和音乐来为宾客制造独一无二的体验。虽然坐落在赌城大道比较偏的位置,Light的性价比仍然很高。透过Discotech, 宾客在大部分的show都可以登记宾客名单来换取免费入场和饮料券!若当晚没有嘉宾名单,用我们独有的促销代码DISCO在购买门票时享受两美元的折扣。

Light 订台 | Light嘉宾名单 | Light 门票| Light 时间表

8) Tao Nightclub at 威尼斯人

Tao自开业以来一直是一家主要以亚洲为主题的娱乐场所。餐厅、宴会厅、泳池区和夜店都在6万平方尺、三层高的Tao里一应俱全。白天来这里用餐能享受中,日,泰等等各式各样的亚洲菜。著名hip hop歌手史努比·狗狗偶尔会在这里客串表演。要知道Tao夜店的Main Room平常侧重流行音乐及EDM;而小房间Opium Room则主打嘻哈音乐。有兴趣到Tao遊玩的朋友可以在买门票的时候用我们特有的促销代码DISCO得到五美元的折扣!

Tao 订台 | Tao 嘉宾名单 | Tao 门票| Tao 时间表

9)Intrigue Nightclub at 永利

永利夜生活集团里最新的Intrigue空间虽较小, 但是装潢和音响设备绝不比拉斯维加斯里任何一家夜店逊色。宾客可在Intrigue的玻璃阳台上近距离欣赏迷你瀑布和烟花表演,在顶级的音响、美酒和令人眼花缭乱的灯光下跳舞狂欢。为了让您完全投入夜店的气氛,Intrigue特设了一个禁止使用社交平台的区域。驻唱DJ包括有Diplo、棉花糖、DJ Snake等,可千万别错过喔。

Intrigue 订台 | Intrigue 嘉宾名单 | Intrigue 门票| Intrigue 时间表

10)1 OAK at 迷拉吉

如果您喜欢流行和嘻哈音乐,1OAK绝对是您的不二之选。占地1.6万平方尺的它麻雀虽小,五脏俱全。Main Room和Side Room都有自己的酒吧,每个包厢都能确保宾客能清楚看到DJ的表演。夜店面积比较小,反而令场内气氛更加亲密轻松。嘻哈界里最强艺人包括史努比·狗狗、李尔·韦恩、弗洛·里达和Chris Brown等都是这里的表演常客。喜欢嘻哈音乐的您,绝对要来1 OAK走一趟。

1 OAK 订台| 1 OAK 嘉宾名单 | 1 OAK 门票| 1 Oak LV 时间表