
Best Cities for Dadchelor Parties

Congratulations to the dads-to-be and as your life is about to change, a dadchelor party is a must. So if you still need a bit more convincing on whether to plan a dadchelor party or not, read: Top 10 Reasons Why Dadchelors are a Great Idea. But if you are already convinced and ready for the farewell party with your bros, you’re in the right place. There are so many options so planning for the dadchelor party can be a bit overwhelming so here are the best 6 cities to host your party at:

1. Las Vegas

For the party animals that love to stay out late and dance all night, Las Vegas is a great place to be. You can walk around the Las Vegas strip and enjoy the different stores or go to a casino to play some poker. Then head to XS, Marquee or Drai’s Nightclub for a lively vibe, dancing all night. Go wild for old times sake before you can’t see your friends for the next 18 years. Las Vegas also has some of the best pool parties so make sure to check Encore Beach Club, Daylight Beach Club, or Drai’s Beach.

2. San Francisco

Looking for something a bit more laid back but still keeping your options open for last minute changes, San Francisco is your best choice. Gather up the guys and get your fishing gear because San Francisco bay has a large variety of fish for cool catches. After you’re done fishing, try some culturally diverse food from Fisherman’s wharf or Little Italy. And once you feel like drinking or partying it up, head to Raven Bar, DNA Lounge or Temple. 

3. Miami

Having a yacht party is one of the best ways to enjoy the Magic City. The beach parties at Hyde Beach or Nikki Beach can be just the thing you need before you get stuck at home changing diapers. Miami’s nightlife is full of great nightclubs, head to E11even, Do Not Sit On The Furniture, or LIV to show off your dance moves. At every place you go, grab a drink as you don’t know when your next time to drink will be. You can go to Miami beach’s rooftop lounges for nice scenes before your night ends. 

4. Hawaii

Grab your swimsuits because you’re about to spend a lot of time at the beach. Get ready to just lay down at the beach with mimosas or beer at hand.  Get your luggage ready and travel to Hawaii with your guys for a relaxing and/or adventurous week. You can go snorkeling, kayaking, diving, jet skiing and if you’re feeling a bit more risky, go shark diving! The beautiful islands are great views to enjoy sunsets and stay at luxurious hotels like Halekulani or The Kahala Hotel & Resort. It might be your last short vacation with the bros for a while so make the most out of it. 

5. New York City

Now, if you want it all, go to New York City. The vibrant city that never sleeps has almost anything you want to do. The bright lights at night and busy streets make it easy to enjoy a walk and bar hopping. You have to eat some Brooklyn pizza and try the variety of food offered in New York City. Maybe even take a helicopter ride to watch the breathtaking city from above. The lounges and bars in SoHo or midtown Manhattan are great places to grab drinks while enjoying nice scenes. When you’re ready, head to a nightclub to shake your booty or a karaoke place to sign your lungs out and drinks.  

6. Wyoming

Wyoming is the perfect location for an outdoor dadchelor party. Grab your bag and camping gear because there is nothing more beautiful than Yellowstone National Park. You can bring your beer and booze, and drink while you’re literally on top of the world. But if camping in a tent is not your thing, hike in the morning then go to your rented cabin with a game room and a hot tube for fun nights. Or you can head to Town Square for dining or horseback riding at Introduction to Rodeo.

Remember, if you prefer not to travel or you’re on a budget, a party in your background is just as fun. Decorate with your favorite theme, have some delicious food and lots of booze and you’re set.

NYC Nightclubs – 2021年纽约市十佳夜总会

纽约是一个从来没有睡觉过且有充分理由的城市。 这个城市是令人难以置信的夜生活场所的所在地,这些场所确实带来了动感,并且整夜开放。 在这个钢铁丛林中独自冒险之前,请确保您知道最重要的地方。

关于“最佳夜总会”的问题,最常见的答案可能是运行时间最长,享誉世界的纽约俱乐部,这些俱乐部拥有最大的DJ表演或最昂贵,最富裕,著名和时装模特的专属场所 玩。 但是,就您个人将获得的乐趣而言,纽约最好和最热门的夜总会当然取决于您的音乐喜好和预算。

纽约市是世界夜生活之都之一,拥有众多拥有不拘一格音乐风格的俱乐部,包括电子,嘻哈,拉丁,深房,dubstep等。此外,纽约市还为四十岁以上的每个人提供夜生活聚会场所 -华尔街对冲基金经理为纽约大学哥伦比亚分校的大眼学生提供的服务,而著名的时装学校遍布曼哈顿。 寻找更地下的场景? 布鲁克林还设有许多仓库式俱乐部,其特色是DJ,从渐进式到Techno到深房。 在纽约分钟中,让我们看看纽约市十佳夜总会:

1. PHD Downtown

Crowded dance floor at LIV Miami Fontainbleau

这个市中心的屋顶休息室是极致的豪华顶层公寓,拥有豪华的饰面,包括意大利Portoro大理石,Macassar乌木,镍饰面墙和琥珀色Venini玻璃吊灯。 最重要的是,精美的曼哈顿全景天际线景观提供了通往哈德逊河和帝国大厦的直接视线。 座位在定制的意大利皮革宴会上,其大理石桌子和室外露台上的舒适户外座椅壁ni。 准备参加派对。

2. Avant Gardner

The busy dance floor at ELEVEN Miami
拥有4个不同的活动空间,Avant Gardner提供了一系列顶尖人才和经验!

Avant Gardner是纽约市娱乐活动的中心。占地80,000平方英尺的会展中心占据了整个Bushwick工业区,包括舞台和全方位服务的活动空间。其多样化的日历可庆祝社区和文化,提供无穷无尽的 该空间的无与伦比的视听功能突显了一系列的体验,其中包括布鲁克林幻影Brooklyn Mirage,人民大会堂The Hall,国王大厅King’s Hall和失落的马戏团The Lost Circus在内的庞大建筑群,都作为单独的场所使用,或者相结合使Avant Gardner成为第二大娱乐场所 布鲁克林.

3. Tao Downtown

View from the DJ at Story Miami

TAO Downtown提供独特的到达和发现感,是第一个TAO场地,客人可以进入多层空间。 位于切尔西中心地带的地下餐厅的外观和感觉好像已经存在了数十年,直到最近才发掘出来,以揭示其中的文物。 抵达后,客人会立即遇到一条长长的走廊,走廊上摆放着龙鳞花纹的屏风,壁挂在风化的砖墙上的中国书法壁画。

4. Up & Down

Massive dance floor party at Club Space

(UP)楼梯是传统的夜总会氛围,一楼拥有受古典影响的设计理念,天花板和墙壁上饰有皇冠造型,深蓝色的宴会和高架的DJ展位,配备了先进的音响系统,可邀请宾客前来 跳了一整晚。 较低楼层的(DOWN)楼梯经过精心设计,可让您在私人卡拉OK室,照相亭和通向一个秘密房间的“无处楼梯”中获得更私密和冒险的体验。 星期二晚上开放的少数景点之一。

5. Avenue

Avenue nightclub New York

Avenue是2层的休息室和活动场所,位于切尔西和纽约市Meatpacking区的交叉口,交通便利。 他们是大胆的名字和经常聚会的人的聚会场所,他们为马克·雅各布斯,金·卡戴珊和德里克·杰特举办了私人活动,仅举几例。

6. Jane Ballroom

Bottle service waitresses at Rockwell Miami

简宴会厅拥有宏伟而折衷的装饰,已举办了无数活动和电影拍摄。 宴会厅用途广泛,可容纳夹层的小型活动或整个空间的大型活动。 屋顶酒吧无与伦比的哈德逊河美景,而室内鸡尾酒吧则是举办更私密聚会的理想之选。

7. Marquee

Busy dance floor and themed party at Mynt Lounge

纽约市的Marquee夜总会是首屈一指的娱乐天堂,吸引了来自世界各地的名人,世界一流的DJ和聚会参与者,参加了该行业必须提供的一些最奢华的活动。 原始的5,000平方英尺的纪念性目的地提供广泛的照明,高架的DJ摊位,视频和激光系统,为您带来身临其境的聚会体验,从而增强了场地内各种音乐才华。

8. Magic Hour Rooftop

Magic Hour Rooftop, New York

太阳下山时,乘电梯一直到Magic Hour,这是纽约市最大的室内/室外全季酒店屋顶酒吧和休息室,设有一个“城市游乐园”,具有成人气息,并享有史诗般的帝国大厦天际线景观 。 在较冷的季节过冬,您永远没有借口不来玩。

9. Hotel Chantelle

Blue Martini party dance floor in Miami

这家人造酒店的夜总会-从外面看起来像是一家酒店,但没有可供出租的房间-被称为Bonbonniere。 其富丽堂皇的地下设计灵感来自同名的Fabergé鸡蛋。 实际上,大型Egg核心实际上是DJ摊位! Bradley Theodore的艺术品装饰了这个深夜操场内的墙壁,里面排满了皮革宴会,并配有可自定义颜色的LED灯。

10. 1 Oak

Avenue NYC interior

1 OAK诞生于同名流行语“ 1 Of A Kind”,经历了持续的竞争浪潮,并经受住了无数夜生活趋势的兴衰。 它位于切尔西中心地带的第17街,仍然是纽约市夜生活文化的中心。 1 OAK拥有世界知名DJ的轮换和令人惊喜的表演,迷人的内饰以及一流的服务水准,可满足甚至世界上最盛行的聚会者的夜生活敏感性。

为了跟上不断变化的大苹果派对场面并找到最合适的人,您可以使用Discotech app –在您到达城镇的特定日期之前搜索夜总会活动,然后购买门票,签名 该应用程序的活动信息每天都会刷新,从纽约市的各种娱乐在线资源(包括俱乐部本身的官方网站)中提取,因此每天都在刷新,以备不时之需。 如果您不确定从哪里开始,请在此处查看我们的纽约夜生活指南。请注意,大多数在周末开放的俱乐部也有一个标志性的工作日晚上,众所周知,它们吸引了更多的人群。 想出主意,不要犹豫,请当地朋友-或联系我们的帮助热线-寻求进一步的指导。

Disotech app screenshots

NYC Nightclubs FAQ






男生可以穿漂亮的牛仔裤和合身的普通T恤或漂亮的纽扣衬衫。 如果愿意,女孩可以穿牛仔裤或舒适却时尚的衣服。 当然,男孩和女孩在打扮方面永远不会出错-在夜总会里,根本没有过分打扮的事。


您可以使用我们的免费mobile app预订餐桌服务。 或者,如果您使用的是台式机,则可以使用我们的webapp


最低赌桌可能会变得非常昂贵,但每个场所都不尽相同。 找出答案的最佳方法是使用我们的app


您会在1 OAK,Soho House,Le Bain,TAO Downtown,The Skylark,Fleur Room,40/40和Please Don’t Tell找到名人。


East Village,Lower East Side,切尔西和Meatpacking区往往拥有最佳的夜生活选择。


曼哈顿最好的EDM夜总会可能是Marquee和Lavo。 如果您包括布鲁克林-Avant Gardner,Elsewhere,Quantum,Schimanski。


纽约最好的嘻哈俱乐部是1 OAK,Up&Down,Avenue,Jane Ballroom,Goldbar和Tao Downtown。


这取决于您要查找的内容。 纽约更独家的场所是Paul’s Cocktail Lounge,Le Bain,The Box,1 Oak,Fleur Room,Paradise Club。



Top 10 Bachelor Party Cities in US

Today, we’re going to look at some of the best cities for you bachelor party. Unlike the other lists we’ve written about, this one will be a ranking and we will be start at #1 because why not. I’ve never been a big fan of scrolling all the way down to the bottom either. But what makes a great bachelor city? Is it the people? The food? The options? The clubs? Today we’re hoping to answer all these questions and more. So grab your favorite suit, extra cash and all the alcohol you can carry, and strap in. Here we go!

So how do you take advantage of the Top Bachelor Party Cities? Discotech has made finding your next wild night out easy and simple. Now you can see upcoming events, sign up for guest list and book table service directly on the free Discotech Mobile App. Or reach out to our helpline directly at 4157356716 – we can help you pick a spot for your next night out!

#1. Las Vegas

If you don’t think Las Vegas is the best bachelor party location possible, you either have never been to Las Vegas or have been there with a bunch of losers who don’t know how to have fun. Las Vegas offers anything and everything you could want or need in a bachelor party.

There are plenty of nice hotels in Vegas, but you generally want to be in one on the strip. Just don’t completely cut your budget on hotels. It’s much harder thank you think to convince a girl to come back with you to a place like Planet Hollywood or Paris. Locations off the strip just make your life a pain in the ass. Traffic along the strip sucks and the less time you waste in the back of a limo, the better.

The pool parties in Vegas are second to none. Here’s a word of advice when dealing with the pool parties and later the clubs, always pay to cut the line or sign up for Guest List. It’s totally worth spending an extra $50 a man with a VIP host to not spend an hour or more on line. If you don’t know a guy, I’m sure your friend knows a guy, or your friend’s coworker knows a guy. There are plenty of those kinda “guys” in Vegas that can help you out in this situation, but why bother. Click the online Discotech app and avoid the stress and hassle.

Once night hits, you’ll need some good food. Prime Steakhouse is my favorite of all the Vegas steakhouses because it’s specific to Vegas. Stack in the Mirage is a step down from a steakhouse, but all the waitresses make the name of the restaurant proud. In ‘N Out is reachable by taxi if you just want to stuff your face. Then you’re off to the club, where you should be getting table service at Marquee or XS (the two best clubs in Vegas). It’s really hard to find regular bars to go out to in Vegas. The best you’re going to do is something the Chanderlier Bar at the Cosmpolitan, Ghostbar at the Palms, or Foundation Room at Mandalay Bay.

Or just get drunk while you gamble because that doesn’t hurt either. We know Vegas has you covered when it comes to table gaming. It’s also the only place you’ll find a sportsbook in the United States, so you can throw down on a horse race, a championship fight, or an NFL game without having to worry about too much. Grab your clubs and fit in a morning round on your first day out there or else you won’t have the energy to do so by the end of the weekend. There’s also a good chance you end up at the Spearmint Rhino to check out some of the hottest strippers in the world.

#2. Miami

First, lets talk about location. You are going to want to stay on South Beach. Brickell is a nice area if you’re living full-time in Miami, but South Beach is where you need to be for a wild bachelor party weekend. Brickell and other areas of Miami are farther away from South Beach and you don’t want to waste your time and money going back and forth. Also, don’t overpay on the hotel. You won’t be in your room much anyway, so why spend big bucks on an elite hotel? Hotel location is important, but classiness not so much.

Now for food. When it comes to food, you want to be stuffing your hungover face with anything breakfast/lunch on the menu at Big Pink. There are plenty of renowned New York restaurants that have opened up new locations in Miami like the Dutch, Scarpetta, and BLT Steak, but if you’re not grabbing a nice steak and a big Kobe meatball at Prime 112, you’re doing yourself a disservice. You can’t forget about local favorite Joe’s Stone Crab either. If you’re drunk and looking for late night munchies, now is the time to head over to the mainland and hit up La Moon for an arepa burger.

The nightlife scene is on par with anything you’ll get in the world. A night with bottle service at LIV should be on top of your list if you like clubbing. Club Space is the place to roll to at 5 a.m if you don’t want to stop raging. Places like the Clevelander, the Delano, and Nikki Beach (specifically day party) offer plenty of fun as well.

Lastly, the weather is great but avoid Hurricane Season as it rains a lot in Miami during that time. There are also plenty of places to golf, women galore and romance at the clubs. Those are all a given when hearing the word Miami obviously. The only thing you’re missing is gambling, but you won’t care when your eyes are fixed on your computer screen on Monday morning and you’re just thinking about how awesome your weekend was. Check out the Discotech app to see upcoming events in Miami.

#3. Montreal

Montreal is not technically in the US but it’s easy enough to head north of the border if you want to hit Canada’s party town. Montreal’s basically got you covered for anything bachelor party related. Perhaps the most notable thing in Montreal is the strip clubs. You can do the regular man’s thing on Saint Catherine Street by hopping around to Club Supersexe, Chateau du Sex, or Club Super Contact. If looking for something a little higher end, head to Kamasutra for a one of a kind show. They also take things a little further if you head down towards Old Montreal on Saint Catherines and ask the right people. If gambling is another activity you wish to indugle, you can head to the Montreal Casino, which isn’t too far away. It’s just smaller than you’d want in terms of available table gaming.

Trust me, you are really going to want to be on Boulevard Saint Laurent when searching for a place to drink. A place like Tokyo satisfies all your needs with good looking girls, multiple themed rooms, and a roof area. If bottle service is more your thing, Montreal has a scene where restaurants turn into a Club/Lounge atmosphere once it starts getting late. Make sure to download or click the Discotech App to check out what’s popping in Montreal. It’s a little different than what you’re used to in America because people tend to rage out by their tables and there’s usually not one main dance floor, but that doesn’t mean you can’t meet a nice local girl to party with for the night.

#4. New Orleans

Ah, New Orleans. Home to the infamous Mardi Gras. But fourth place? Yes, fourth place. The obvious reason is Bourbon Street, which, beleive it or not, is a lot more fun on something like a big sporting event weekend than it is during Mardi Gras. While you will miss out on seeing your share of naked ladies if you pass on Mardi Gras, Bourbon Street becomes much easier to manage.

There are still plenty of people during a big sporting event weekend to keep the fun up. Plus Bourbon Street has its share of strip clubs to get your fix there as well.

The food is also top tier. You can get anything pig-related at Cochon and it will be fantastic. You will not be disappointed, whether it’s pork ribs, smoked ham, fried boudin balls, or cochon itself. Johnny’s Po-Boys will get you your po-box fix.

Need some gambling? Harrah’s Casino is conveniently located near the water and open 24 hours a day, which may or may not be a good thing. Head to the Old New Orleans Rum distillery to make a nice day trip if you can wake up in time. New Orleans is one of the most fun places to be. Make sure to click Discotech to check out all the upcoming events in New Orleans!

#5. Charleston

Ah, number five. There are a ton of things to do in Charleston. For one, there are a lot of great restaurants in Charleston because of the large migration to the area from New Orleans’ best chefs after Hurricane Katrina. Places like Husk and The Ordinary are well recognized as some of the best restaurants in the country with Oak Steakhouse recently making a best of U.S. steakhouse list as well.

Golf and beaches are also two of Charleston’s finest qualities. You are truly lucky if you can somehow get a round of golf on the Ocean Course at Kiawah Island. If you can’t, you’ll still be able to find another great looking course to swing your clubs. The beaches get plenty of life, since the weather is generally good for most of the year.

There are plenty of fun bars on Bay Street and Market Street near the water or you can hit up King Street for bars closer to the University of Charleston’s campus. Neither area will disappoint.  The fun doesn’t stop when the bars close either. Thee Southern Belle strip club has a tremendous reputation and is a great place to go after hours in Charleston because you can BYOB. Regular girls even go there to hang out.

#6. Austin

One of everyone’s favorite Southern cities, Austin has a lot to offer for a bachelor party. We’ll start with the obvious – the women. There are few cities in America that can compete with Austin in terms of great looking women. Right behind the beautiful women is the barbecue, which is arguably as good as you’ll get anywhere in the country. Franklin Barbecue was recently voted the best barbecue in the country, so it’s a must-see spot on your trip.

With food and women out of the way, let’s focus on drinking. The bars on 6th street will have you satisfied or you can head over to the Warehouse District and Fourth Street if you’re looking to not hit the same spots all weekend. Need a good hangover omelet in the morning? Magnolia Café has got you covered. If music is your thing, Texas has two major music festivals that can give you your fill and are a fun thing to center a weekend around. Throw together with the generally warm weather, the potential for a University of Texas sporting event, plenty of local golf courses and you have the formula for success. Click here to see upcoming events in Austin!

#7. Nashville

There’s a good reason Nashville has the nickname of NashVegas. It’s a loved destination for travelers in the South and Midwest because it’s easy to get to and has lots to offer. The good thing about a place like this is the people you meet are for the morst part carefree and the visiting girls are very fun. I’d also recommened you get some good barbecue at Jack’s, a one of a kind meat and three or the Nashville specialty of hot chicken.

There are two main areas to get to drinking. There’s the well-known strip of bars on Broadway and a couple streets close by in the downtown area. You can also head out to the Midtown area near Vanderbilt and find plenty of places there.

I highly suggest checking out the Nashville Pedal Tavern, which is a unique and fun way to do a bar crawl and meet random chicks to hang out with. If your into shooting guns, you can do that too. The good thing about Nashville is that it’s weather-resistant, so it doesn’t really matter what time of year you check it out. The one downside is that basically every bar is country music heavy. If you’re not a fan, you might just have to bit your tongue and bear down the whole weekend. Click upcoming events in Nashville to see what’s going down!

#8 Phoenix / Scottsdale

When looking to throw it back to your youthful college days in bachelor party fashion, heading to Arizona is the best place for this type of experience . While there are a lot of scientific establishments and other boring things awaiting the average tourist in the state of Arizona, we’d not suggest those to you. Instead, you should be taking a road trip to Phoenix / Scottsdale for some brotherly bonding at adult clubs and open-till-late entertainment centers there.

Phoenix is ideal for those who do not mind getting tan and are craving a boyish road trip that would take them to wild nightclubs and unforgettable street parties. Some cool things to do while visiting include partying, golf, and river tubing. The food scene is also fantastic, as celebrated barbecue served by local restaurants and bars keep tourists coming from all over America. Click Upcoming Events in Phoenix / Scottsdale to see see what’s happening this weekend!

#9 Denver

For those who don’t know, a Colorado bachelor party is a different kind of bachelor party entirely. No clubs, no strippers, and possibly not even any women. So what’s the appeal? Depending on your group dynamics, a rugged three-day weekend of rafting, skiing/ snowboarding, hiking, beer drinking, weed smoking, outdoor adventuring and manly-bonding can actually be more memorable than the typical club-scene.

However, if you want to squeeze in the nightlife scene, Denver is home to some excellent steak restaurants and bars. However, the natural beauty and seemingly endless things to do in the gorgeous outdoor environment is really the highlight of this location. Although not known for a wild nightlife scene, Denver does host epic events and concerts. Hit the slopes or a hiking trail in the morning and then finish the day partying at one of the many bars / venues featuring your favorite musician, is not a bad way to spend a day. Click Upcoming Events in Denver to see upcoming events and concerts!

#10 New York

Last but not least, New York City. NYC certainly does have its positives. For starters there’s every type of bar imaginable and you can drink until 4 a.m. We recommend Brother Jimmys, then rink some good brews at the Standard Beer Garden, or hit a club like SL or 1Oak. The restaurants offer any cuisine a bachelor party can want whether it be pizza , burgers, barbecue, or steak.

For all the positives, this fine city has its downfalls for bachelor parties. It’s expensive, specifically with hotel rooms. You can’t do anything in New York between September and December because hotel prices will be through the roof. It also isn’t the best for strip clubs (yes, we know those matter too). To see upcoming events in NYC, click the link or download the Discotech app.

Best Day Parties, Pool Parties & Champagne Brunches in New York City in 2021

What’s the best way to spend a hot summer day on the weekends with your best friends in NYC? Pool Parties! Strangely enough, many NYC locals don’t even know the growing scene that has transformed and taken over the lovely rooftops that populate the city. You have waited for the warm summer vibes all year long, and when they are knocking at your door, let us show you where to spend those long awaited weekends in New York City. We have you covered on everything including day parties, pool parties, day clubs, champagne brunches and boozy brunch in NYC. All you have to do is choose which daytime party best suits you and your friends!

Don’t worry, because Discotech can help tremendously when finding the perfect rooftop party for you!

Avant Gardner (Mirage)

Huge dance floor at nightclub Avant Gardner in Brooklyn

Avant Gardner is the epicenter of New York City entertainment. The complex occupies an entire city block of industrial Bushwick, containing a compound of stages and full-service event spaces as well as an endless range of experiences highlighted by the space’s unrivaled audio visual features. The vast complex includes The Brooklyn Mirage, The Great Hall, The King’s Hall and The Lost Circus, all serving as individual locales, or when combined come together to make Avant Gardner the second largest entertainment venue in Brooklyn.

The Brooklyn Mirage is a breathtaking open-air sanctuary in the heart of the Avant Gardner complex. The venue is home to some of the wildest parties NY has ever seen. The inner courtyard is a totally immersive space, surrounded by towering walls lined with evergreen plants and captivating video projections. An exciting selection of refreshments, an ever-changing food menu and a stunning sound system complete this elusive summer paradise. (Early May through September) 

Profundo Pool Club

Crowd partying near Daybeds at Profundo Pool Club

Perched on the rooftop of the Ravel Hotel at 8-08 Queens Plaza South is the Profundo Pool Club. Here swimmers can cool off in the 50-by-20 foot pool and lounge on “Bali-inspired” daybeds. Access to this club starts at $50 a day but you’ll probably want to reserve the more sought after premium cabanas and daybeds for your crew. The club’s bar serves cocktails, rosé and 15 different beers on tap, while also offering celebrated “bar” food like burgers, fish tacos, sushi, lobster rolls and raw oysters.

Bagatelle Brunch

Bar view of Bagatelle Brunch restaurant in Manhattan NYC

Bagatelle in New York City is known for its over-the-top party brunches. It is the place to see and be seen. Located in Manhattan’s trendy Meatpacking District, Bagatelle immediately transports you to what feels like a 5-star French restaurant, as both the cuisine and ambiance create an unforgettable atmosphere. Stars like Beyoncé, Jay-Z, Mariah Carey, Sofia Vergara, Paris Hilton, Jamie Fox and the cast of “The Real Housewives of New York” enjoy brunches and dinners at this celebrity sanctuary. You never know who you’ll see or what you might walk into.

Inspired by the brunch parties in St. Tropez- the brunch party at Bagatelle was the first of its kind in the Meat Packing District. Bagatelle has a French inspired menu, with a few classic American morning munchies thrown in. Our recommendation: get there before 3pm so that you can have time to eat and catch up with your friends before the party kicks into full swing at 4pm.

The Beach at Dream Hotel Downtown

Aerial view of the Dream Hotel Downtown's pool party

The Beach at Dream Downtown is the perfect summertime escape. Spanning 5,000 square feet, it is the ideal location to host a soiree, company cocktail party or daytime meeting. For a quick bite and drinks among friends, the Beach at Dream Hotel Downtown is a perfect spot. It includes a glass-bottom pool, full-service bar, pool deck, sand beach, two private cabanas and over 50 chaise lounges. Seven of the guest rooms at Dream Downtown have direct access to the pool. The Beach at Dream Hotel is one of the hottest spots in NYC.

Bounce Sporting Club

Inside view of Bounce Sporting Club

Inspired by the 50’s and 60’s era, Bounce Sporting Club features cutting-edge designs, showcasing black and white sports photos on antiqued oak complimented with lush chocolate brown accents. Guests can choose from plush banquette seating, bar stools that face a lit back bar that gives the illusion of a vintage baseball scoreboard from the 1960’s. Bounce Sporting Club has earned a spectacular reputation as being on of the nicest clubs / lounges in NYC, and for good reason.

There are plenty of fun places to drink, The Bounce Sporting Club with their high-top tables that fill out the rest of the space – all with perfect views of 30 state-of-the art flat screen hd-tv’s surrounding the venue making it perfect for enjoying a comfortable drinking night out. Bounce Sporting Club will also feature a private area, the living room, for those looking for a more intimate setting or a concealed spot located in the back of the venue so you may watch your favorite sporting event.

PHD Downtown

Inside view of the couches and seating of PHD Downtown

PH-D Downtown is one of the few bars / clubs that is renowned for the gorgeous decorum, scenic views, and fantastic cocktail list. The gorgeous bar offers much to the patrons that flock to the venue every week for drinks and epic views of the city. Each and every Saturday partygoers from brunches across the city join forces at 6pm on top of Dream Downtown’s rooftop for a one-of-a-kind experience known around the world as SUNSET SATURDAYS.

Channeling inspiration from the South of France to Ibiza, SUNSET SATURDAYS features unique entertainers ranging from break dancers and aerialists to musicians and costumed performers among many others, as the event transforms PHD into a setting unlike any other in NYC! You are not going to want to miss this extravagant party.

Lavo Party Brunch

Party scene inside LAVO's Party Brunch in NYC

Get ready to spray some Champagne, as Saturday afternoons take on a whole new meaning at LAVO Restaurant’s Champagne Brunch. Every Saturday, from 2PM – 6PM, guests enjoy traditional and sharable items from LAVO’s brunch menu while the best local DJs spin the latest bangers which keep the champagne flowing and guests dancing on banquettes. LAVO is an epic spot to start your weekend, as this brunch combines a brunch with epic DJ’s, giving guest a unique but amazing experience.

The king of the brunch parties. Lavo brunch does the same stuff as any other party—it just does it better. If we had to pick one thing that really set this party apart it would be this: You get to dance on the table tops. That may seem like a small detail- but trust us, when you are up there, spraying the room with champagne, it makes all the difference. Lavo brunch is the party for people who demand the best, and can afford to pay for it.

Beauty and Essex Brunch

Bottle service at Beauty and Essex Champagne Brunch in NYC

Every Sunday, head over to the Lower East Side from 2pm – 6pm for Beauty Parlor Sundays. This party so much more than Brunch! Celebrate with delicious food, and divine décor! Make sure to check out their four-course prix fixe menu, with incredible dishes that range from famous Red Velvet Waffles to their beloved Grilled Cheese, Smoked Bacon & Tomato Soup Dumplings! Elevate your brunch experience with menu add-ons like their brand new Brunch Wonder Wheel and a bottle of Veuve Clicquot, so you can keep the champagne flowing all day long!!

Il Bastardo

Woman celebrating her birthday at Il Bastardo in NYC's Chelsea area

Il Bastardo is an upscale and chic weekend brunch spot tucked away within New York City, featuring headlining DJs and an exciting daytime club experience. This Chelsea based institution offers the finest dining, freshly prepared food and full bar, as well as bottle service. Il Bastardo takes day clubbing to a whole new level, as partygoers are treated to a brunch unlike any other. Il Bastardo’s versatile, spacious venue is tastefully designed, with an elegant twist. Il Bastardo offers endless possibilities that entertain your greatest brunch fantasies.

Let’s talk about NYC’s best boozy brunch parties.

Before we get into it– let’s be clear about what a boozy brunch party is, and what it is not:

What a boozy brunch party is: The biggest bottle of rosé you’ve ever seen.  Sparklers.  Models dancing on table tops. House music.

What a boozy brunch party is not: a place to bring your grandma. Unless she’s cool like Meryl Streep.

To explain it another way, we put together this little comparison of brunch parties vs. traditional brunches. We hope you like it.

Boozy Brunch

  • You will quench your thirst by: Guzzling champagne from a magnum sized bottle
  • If it were a car it would be a:  Ferrari
  • The mood of the room: Dancing on the tables
  • What you will order: Champagne bottles the size of a small human
  • If you don’t go you will get:  a serious case of FOMO

Traditional Brunch

  • You will quench your thirst by: nursing a cappuccino
  • If it were a car it would be a: Volvo station wagon
  • The mood of the room: Slow and sleepy
  • What you will order: Maybe a mimosa
  • If you don’t go you will get: to sleep in

Now that you understand what a “boozy” brunch party is– which one of NYC many brunch parties should you go to? That is a good questions. Lucky for you we have put together this list of all the ones that you need to know about.

If you’ve never experienced a boozy brunch before we highly recommend trying it at least once. It’s fantastically fun. LAVO and Beauty and Essex should be your first choices.

NYC Brunch Party & Dayclub FAQ

What time do NYC Bruch Parties typically open?

Brucnh Parties typically open around 10:30-11:30 AM.

What time do NYC Brunch Parties typically close?

Brunch parties typically close around 3-3:30 PM. Remember at most of these venues they need to clean up and set up so they may reopen at night.

What is the dress code like at NYC Bruch Parties?

Fairly nice attire. Guys should wear slacks and a button down shirt. Girls should wear a comfortable but stylish dress.

How can I book bottle service for NYC Brunch Parties & Dayclubs?

You can book table service using our free mobile app. Or, if you’re on desktop you can use our webapp.

How much is bottle service at Las Vegas pool parties?

Table minimums can get pretty expensive, but every venue is different. The best way to find out is to use our app.

Also Read: Best NYC Clubs

Up & Down NY Promo Code

Use promo code DISCO to get $5 off your tickets at Up & Down Nightclub in NYC. You can buy presale tickets to events at Up and Down nightclub here. This Up & Down discount code might not work for holidays / special events.

Getting a ticket means you’ll get in as long as you are dressed appropriately and are not overly intoxicated – ticket holders also get expedited entry.

You can also book table service directly on on our free mobile app, or on our webapp.

Top Hip Hop Clubs in NYC

NYC. The glorious skyscrapped inhabited metropolis known for its giant buildings, 4am closing times, and excellent pizza. Today’s post focuses on those lovely places with 4am closing times that tend to play Hip Hop more then the other genre of music. So with that being said, let’s get to it!

Looking for the hottest clubs in New York City? See upcoming events sign up for guest list and book table service directly on the free Discotech Mobile App. Or reach out to our help line directly at 4157356716 – we can help you pick a spot for your next night out in NYC.


Inspired by the original LAVO in Las Vegas, LAVO New York Nightclub brings a downtown atmosphere with an uptown awareness. Located in midtown, the state-of-the-art venue is a nightlife hot spot brought to you by the creators of the world-famous TAO Asian Bistro in NYC, TAO Las Vegas, TAO Beach and Marquee Dayclub & Nightclub in Las Vegas. The club comes equipped with bottle service as well as top DJs spinning your favorite tracks all night long.

Designed with a multi-layer approach, the venue is ideal for both after dinner entertaining and late night debauchery. The intimate, yet energetic dance floor is anchored by an elevated DJ booth, home to some of the most recognized DJs in the world. Two full-service bars and decadent banquette seating complete this space. Still interested? Cick upcoming events at LAVO NY to see who’s performing!


Fo those who have spent years absorbing life lessons from “Entourage,” PH-D is Xanadu: a glittering room full of celebrities, beautiful women and cresting credit-card bills. The nightclub, which opened in June on the roof of the Dream Downtown hotel, is the latest from the impresarios behind Marquee, Tao and other successful playgrounds for the well heeled.

The crowd is a testament to the timeless compatibility of wealth and attractiveness. PH-D is filled of men in business-casual attire and women who rarely spend weekdays in an office. Like tipsy flamingos, models weave around the room and dance on couches. At a recent one of the popular Tuesday night parties, a few craned over Wilmer Valderrama, an actor from “That ’70s Show,” who shared bottles of vodka with fellow patrons and rapped along with Jay-Z records. Later that week, Edward Norton and Woody Harrelson stopped in, perhaps reminiscing about “The People vs. Larry Flynt.”

Getting inside PH-D is no easy feat. With a max capacity of 400, table reservations are your best bet. Everyone else is left to the mercy of the doorman after 9:30 p.m. The emphasis is on table service, but more-frugal customers can lurk at the bar. Thriftiness is relative as specialty cocktails are priced $18, and with tax and tip automatically added to the bill, a Jameson on the rocks quickly surpasses $21. Click upcoming events at PH-D to see what’s happening at this venue this weekend!


After passing through an anteroom, 1Oak patrons find themselves in an expansive room with a ceiling of raw oak slats and a zigzagging black-and-white floor that sets an El Morocco tone. The room is divided by a central black lacquered bar doling out $20 mixed drinks, surrounded by a VIP-type area with VIP tables, a roaring fireplace and giant artwork by Roy Nachum of a nude flanked by buffalo.

Beyond that area is an outdoor smoking lounge partially enclosed by mirrored walls. Ostrich-leather banquettes line underlit brick walls covered by metallic gold curtains, offsetting a bizarre centerpiece—another large artwork of a young blindfolded boy with two horses. In the front of the room there is a DJ podium outfitted with what looks and sounds like a very pricey sound system and in the back, risers for those happy to sit without silver Dom Pérignon buckets in front of them. Click upcoming events at 1Oak to see who’s performing!

Tao NY

Tucked away within the grandeur of Tao Downtown’s restaurant is a hidden gem, what many refer to as the “in the know” oasis called Tao Downtown Nightclub. Separate from the restaurant, the 2500 sq foot drinks-only lounge has kept a low-key profile attracting VIPs and celebrities for late night/wee-hour cocktails, music and dancing.

Many people don’t even know a nightclub exists, as it is tucked away in the corner of the huge Tao complex, away from the dining area. The club is found one stair down and it’s so intimate and dark, it almost feels like a speak-easy. Tao Downtown Nightclub is one of the Meatpacking hotspots these days for those in the know, and it can be tricky to get in on weekends. It is important to note that dining at the restaurant does not guarantee entry into the club. Reserve your table here or click upcoming events at Tao Downtown to sign up for Guest List and catch your favorite DJ!

Marquee NY

In January 2013, Marquee New York, the legendary Chelsea nightclub that defined New York nightlife, reopened as an internationally acclaimed music destination, attracting the most in-demand DJs and live acts. Marquee has evolved into a pimped out warehouse with 28 ft. ceilings, industrial design accents, and new features including chandeliers constructed from functioning microphones, a top-tier Funktion-One Soundsystem, a custom-built DJ booth, and floor-to-ceiling LED walls. Looking to reserve a table? Click here for table options and reservations at Marquee NY.

By hosting a diverse array of world-class artists, the mega-club is seen as a trendsetter that fuses strongly impassioned and knowledgeable music fans with VIPs in a remarkable environment. Previously opening its doors to underground luminaries such as Dubfire and Nic Fanciulli, and the leading-edge Progressive House and Trance maestros like David Guetta, Tiesto, and Gareth Emery, it will only continue to feature a refined balance of the most premier acts. Marquee New York is truly a revolutionary establishment that is certainly in a vanguard of it’s own. Click upcoming event at Marquee NY so not to miss your favorite DJ!

Webster Hall

Those who know Webster Hall solely as the roomy host to ascendant indie-acts and faded legends alike will be surprised to hear that the faux-marbled space doubles as a real-life night club featuring cover-charged theme parties and big-name DJ sets. The four-story, 40,000 square foot space includes a main stage is lined with balcony space on either end, as well as a few amenities and extras which include an underground coat check, a large back-area bar, the 600-capacity Marlin Room, and the Studio at Webster Hall, a smaller venue-within-a-venue with an intimate atmosphere.

Attendees are usually too entranced by the spinning stage lights and gothic chandeliers to notice the multi-culti hieroglyphic hode-podge lining the venue’s wall; the upstairs unisex bathroom – complete with checkered, hop-style design and blackboard walls and chalk sticks on string to encourage scrawled musings from stall occupants – is harder to ignore. Most importantly, the house sound system’s crisp low end refuses to be ignored, probably thanks to a recent $1 million upgrade. Click upcoming events at Webster Hall to see who’s performing!

What Cities in the US Have Nightlife Past 2 AM?

While quite a few cities across America have nightclubs and bars that are open past 2am, Las Vegas, New York City, Los Angeles, and Miami are the four nightlife capitals of the U.S., if not the entire world. Each of these cities boasts nightlife venue variety for all kinds of musical, ethnic, and socioeconomic tastes numbering in the several hundreds, with new ones popping up every day.

It is true that most L.A. nightclub venues stop serving alcohol at around 1:30am and close at 2am, but there are few that stay open past 2am until 3–4am – specifically, Academy, Exchange LA, and Avalon. In Las Vegas, New York, and Miami, most nightclubs stay open well past 3am, with the hottest and most popular ones going until 5–6am. There are a couple venues in each city that stay open til dawn, such as Space Miami, and Drai’s After Hours.

For those of you night owls visiting a major U.S. city to do some partying, the Discotech app is an essential planning tool for seeing how late your selected clubs will be open. You can use our app to browse club and pool party events by specific days of the week, holidays, or dates you’ll be in town. Then, you can even take the next step within the app, using its features to buy tickets, sign up for guest lists, or even reserve tables if you’re feeling super-fancy. The app event info refreshes daily, pulling from various entertainment online resources including the official websites of the clubs themselves, so it’s always current, accurate, and in the know. We are live in the four aforementioned top-tier cities and six other second-tier markets in the U.S., and we work with nearly 200 nightlife venues, including every one of the Top 10 nightlife venues mentioned in the Forbes list and 95% of the list’s Top 100.

If you’re interested in going deeper down the nightlife rabbit hole, you can check out all the latest nightclub news across America here: Nightlife News by Discotech – the #1 Nightlife App.

Broken Shaker – NYC’s Hottest New Rooftop Bar

New Yorkers are lining up around the block to get into Broken Shaker, a new cocktail bar that sits atop the Freehand Hotel in Gramercy Park. But there, on the 18th floor, you won’t find the pricey bottle service and snobby clientele common to many hot spots.

Rather, the bar, which has outposts in Miami, Chicago and LA, has a chill, egalitarian vibe that draws an eclectic and hip crowd for its exotic cocktails.

“Everybody’s welcome and treated the same,” says co-owner Gabe Orta, 39, who runs the group of subtly tropical watering holes with buddy Elad Zvi. “We’re not changing the foundation of what Shaker is about: We want everyone to feel like they’re at home.”

With its straw-shaded light fixtures and brightly patterned wallpaper, the wood-paneled space feels like an Afro-Caribbean rec room. Funk, reggae and soul emanate from an old-school, reel-to-reel audio tape and DJs will spin on occasion. A huge outdoor space wraps around the indoor bar, offering 360-degree views of Midtown, along with plenty of out-of-the-way nooks perfect for discreet canoodling.

On a recent night, the clientele was a mix of creative types, tech guys and Instagram babes — quite a different crowd than the one that previously occupied the space.

“Apparently Joey Ramone once lived in the hotel [back when it was a fleabag called the George Washington] and Keith Haring hung out here,” says Zvi. “ The outdoor part of the bar used to be a sun deck. The indoor part was a game room.”

The first Broken Shaker launched in 2012, originally as a pop-up at the Freehand in Miami. It quickly gained a loyal following, thanks to its fresh juice-infused cocktails and mellow atmosphere. It has since expanded to other Freehand outposts — each with its own distinct feel.

For New York, head bartender Evan Hawkins, formerly of the acclaimed Mother’s Ruin, has created a number of drinks (all $16) inspired by the Big Apple. They include the tequila-based Curry in a Hurry, named for a nearby Indian spot of the same name, and the Smillie, a beet-based cordial that honors Orta and Zvi’s friend, Upland chef Justin Smillie. There’s even a bagel-based drink.

The Poppyseed Bagel Fizz is made by soaking poppy seed bagels from downtown’s Black Seed in water, sugar and yeast overnight and then mixing the resulting liquid with liquor.

“We create a kind of bagel beer and use it to make a gin fizz,” says Zvi. Expect more New York-specific drinks in the future, along with bar games such as Jenga, chess and backgammon.

“We used to visit [NYC] every month to be inspired,” says Orta. “Now, being here and actually living here, we’re finding new ways to be inspired all the time. It all ties together.”

A concise, international menu features elevated bar food from South American arepas to Middle Eastern dips.

Locals who loved the Florida original are thrilled to have a Broken Shaker of their own.

“I felt like I was traveling to Florida without having to buy an airline ticket,” says Gary Toriello, 52, a web designer from Jersey City, who praised the balanced cocktails and nice glassware. “I’ll definitely be back.”