
Drai’s Beach Club Las Vegas

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Drai’s Beach Club Las Vegas

Best Nightswim Pool Parties In Vegas

Best Nightswim Pool Parties In Vegas


EDM Pool Parties Las Vegas – 拉斯维加斯顶级EDM泳池派对和日间俱乐部

拉斯维加斯的哪些夜店和泳池派对可以播放EDM /电子音乐/ House?

电子舞蹈音乐席卷了拉斯维加斯。 虽然实际上EDM泳池派对比Hip Hop派对少,但拉斯维加斯最热门的夜总会都拥有世界顶级DJ。 如果您正在寻找电子/家庭音乐,那么您来对地方了。 拉斯维加斯是新的EDM麦加。 期。

See upcoming events, get on free guest lists, book tables, and buy tickets for all the hottest EDM events in Vegas using the FREE discotech app.

Encore Beach Club at Wynn Encore

有人称Encore海滩俱乐部为“地球上最幸福的地方”。 一天之后,您很难同意。 EBC占地50,000平方英尺,设有休息室,沙发,沙发床,凉亭,平房,睡莲,3个游泳池,一个游戏亭,先进的音响系统,EBC女孩,香槟淋浴和美丽的人 看到。

EBC还主办了一个特别的星期四晚上泳池派对,称为Surrender的星期四Nightswim。 如果您星期四在拉斯维加斯,我们强烈建议您在EBC夜间查看夜游。

2020年的常驻DJ包括Chainsmokers,Kygo,Dillon Francis,Alesso,David Guetta,Diplo,RL Grime和Gryffin。

Wet Republic at MGM Grand

米高梅大酒店的Wet Republic是聚会爱好者,名人和名人的特权游乐场,结合了拉斯维加斯夜生活的最佳元素和池畔设施,创造了终极的日间生活体验。无与伦比的热点为客人提供各种体验,无论他们是想要在池畔休息室放松身心的鸡尾酒,在高级VIP简易别墅中放松身心,还是在主泳池甲板或小屋上享受派对的乐趣。


2020年的常驻DJ包括3LAU,Tiesto,Steve Aoki,DVBBS,Martin Garrix,Nervo,Illenium和Calvin Harris。我们强烈建议您在计划维加斯之旅之前先查看湿共和国即将举行的活动。

Marquee Dayclub at The Cosmopolitan

Marquee是北美终极派对城市中心地带的庞大俱乐部综合体,可以说是美国式舞曲革命的主要建筑师之一。分为Marquee Dayclub和Marquee Nightclub,Marquee Dayclub是在春季春季每天开放的阳光灿烂的池畔空间,其三个区域(The Boom Box Room,Library和Main Room)无疑是该市最令人印象深刻的场所之一美国。

它的声光效果也令人印象深刻:拥有32,000瓦重低音扬声器的Funktion One音响系统和由史蒂夫·利伯曼(Steve Liberman)设计的最先进的视听舞台装置,Marquee的外观和声音令人赞叹不已,令人赞叹不已。众所周知的参观场地。


2020年,Marquee Dayclub的常驻DJ包括Alan Walker,Dash Berlin,Gorgon City,Deorro,Malaa和Mustard。我们绝对建议您在计划近期旅行时查看Marquee Dayclub即将举行的活动!

Drai’s Beach Club at The Cromwell

Drais 的海滩俱乐部位于11楼的The Cromwell顶上,统治着维加斯最繁忙的十字路口。白天在海滩上举行类固醇的泳池派对;到了晚上,它变成了一个高档的高压夜总会。该夜总会享有朝北的景致,包括远处的红岩山脉和马路对面的贝拉吉奥喷泉。


Drai经常会打出前40位/ Hip Hop,但这取决于DJ。有时他们会带来EDM DJ-这实际上取决于一天。在决定参加Drai’s之前,绝对要检查Drai’s Beach Club即将到来的产品阵容,特别是如果您正在寻找嘻哈音乐!


JEMAA at the Nomad Pool

在周末,NoMad泳池会变成JEMAA-NoMad泳池派对。 JEMAA是一项诱人且充满活力的白天体验,提供我们著名的鸡尾酒节目,桌边服务,以及一流的DJ和艺术家名册,提供细腻的音乐节目,包括周日的热带家庭氛围。

泳池是拉斯维加斯大道霓虹灯和闪闪发光的豪华宁静之地。 这个花园般的绿洲,受到摩洛哥马若雷勒花园的启发,提供便餐,精心制作的鸡尾酒和丰富的葡萄酒。

Nomad Pool上查看即将举行的JEMAA活动,以获取免费的来宾名单!

Bonus: XS Nightswim at the Wynn

您是夜总会的粉丝吗? 泳池派对呢? 拉斯维加斯的一些俱乐部将两者结合起来以创建Nightswim –夜间泳池派对。

XS的周日夜游是无可争议的国王。 拥有80度夜晚的宜人之夜,美丽的人和世界上最大的DJ,夜游是一次独特的体验,对任何拉斯维加斯旅行都是必不可少的。 XS没有举办一日派对,因此,您唯一在俱乐部之王中入水的机会是周日XS夜游。

周日的XS Nightswim是拉斯维加斯最好的聚会,一个华丽的场地最多可容纳5,000人。 参加如Chainsmokers,David Guetta,Alesso,Robin Schulz,Diplo等DJ的节拍。 如果您周日晚上在拉斯维加斯,那么您需要参加这个聚会。



夜总会和泳池派对通常在10:30-11 AM左右开放。如果您想避免排队,建议您在10-10:30之前到达。在阵亡将士纪念日周末等繁忙的周末,到达更早可能会很明智。


头条新闻DJ通常在1-2 PM之间的任何时间上映。







Chainsmokers at Encore Beach Club Las Vegas DJ Booth




Discotech可以帮助您打造一次印象深刻的难忘的郊游,我们可以为您提供所有的信息和更多的帮助来满足您选择最好的派对从提供饮食到您派对时的一切需要。首先查看下面介绍的排名前十的拉斯维加斯泳池派对和日光浴俱乐部的视频和名单。然后下载免费的FREE Discotech App,, 它能保证您只要轻轻按几下手机就能让您知道谁在旋转/表演,在哪里,价格是什么,预订就餐位,购票或者注册免费宾客名单。

永利安可的安可海滩俱乐部/ Encore Beach Club at Wynn Encore (EDM):

Crowded Pool Party called Encore Beach Club  in Las Vegas

忘了迪士尼乐园吧,安可海滩俱乐部(Encore Beach Club)为许多拉斯维加斯泳池聚会的人们所知道的“地球上最快乐的地方”,在这里度过一天之后很难不同意他们的观点。安可令人印象深刻的布局拥有50,000平方英尺占地,配有休息室,沙发,躺椅,小屋(cabana),别墅(bungalow),睡莲叶,三个游泳池和先进的音响系统,香槟雨,游戏屋。

不仅是泳池时刻保持清洁这里的音乐也很棒,舞池方便进入,同时提供食物(总是加分的好处)。安可的驻场DJ包括世界知名的天才The Chainsmokers, David Guetta, Kygo, Alesso , Diplo等等,最好的地方在于夏天的安可到了夜晚就变成了海滩俱乐部,所以穿上您的泳衣,跳入泳池,在星空下和您最喜欢的DJ狂欢吧。

克伦威尔的翟尔海滩俱乐部 (嘻哈音乐/ Drai’s Beach Club at Cromwell (Hip Hop):

A Busy Pool Party at Drais Beach Club at the Cromwell Las Vegas

在克伦威尔(Cromwell)的11层,翟尔海滩俱乐部 (Drai’s Beach Club)耸立在拉斯维加斯最繁忙的道路交汇处。白天这里是热闹的泳池派对,夜幕降临的时候这里演变成高档的电音十足的夜总会,它的泳池特点是没有屋顶遮盖,坐在这里尽享Red Rock Mountains , Bellagio fountains 的美景一览无遗,俱乐部的中心游泳池周围环绕棕榈树,二楼的小屋(Cabanas)配有高清电视粉红窗帘装饰。但是旁边有这么一群靓丽佳人随着现场DJ的表演在舞动,有谁还会坐下来看电视呢

在俱乐部的另一面,夜总会有一个两层楼的室内空间面对泳池,黑色闪亮的半圆形隔间和马蹄形DJ 站被数不清的邮票大小的镜子装饰的柱子的环绕之中. Drai’s 经常播放嘻哈音乐排名前40的单曲,但也取决于DJ. 夜总会定期会有一些最著名的嘻哈歌手过来表演包括 2 Chainz, Wiz Khalifa, 50 cent, Gucci Mane, Migos, Lil Wayne , Trey Songz, TY Dolla $ign 等等。 偶尔他们会请来Quintino或者 Sidney Samson这些 电子音乐的 DJ, 在这样的时候您可以享受嘻哈和电子音乐的混合音响。


大都会日光俱乐部/ Marquee Dayclub at Cosmopolitan (EDM):

View of the Massive Pool Party Marquee Dayclub at Cosmopolitan

拥有大型俱乐部大楼的大都会位于维加斯中心,可以说是美国国家舞蹈革命的关键一员,分为—大都会日光俱乐部,一个在夏季充满阳光的露天豪华泳池和大都会夜总会,这里又进一步分为The Boom Box Room, 图书馆和主厅,毫无疑问大都会是全美最令人印象深刻的场所之一.

如果您不相信的话就听听关于他们的音响和灯光系统 :Funktion One音响系统带有32,000个等待中的低音炮和歌手Steve Liberman设计的最先进的视听舞台装置。大都会只为您提供最好的服务,夜总会本身拥有三层别墅阁楼(Bungalow loft)  内有小屋,起居区以及带无边泳池和派对甲板的大型拉斯维加斯泳池小屋,汇聚了Alan Walker, Robin Schulz, Deorro , Gorgon City, Cedric Gervais和 Oliver Helders 等艺术家,在这里您就期待着疯狂吧。            

米高梅大酒店/Wet republic at MGM Grand (EDM):

DJ Tiesto Performing at Wet Republic Pool Party in Las Vegas

为派对常客和名人而装饰一新的派对游乐场,米高梅酒店的Wet Republic 混合了所有维加斯夜生活的最佳元素与一流的酒店住宿泳池相融合打造出的泳池派对的超级体验。在池畔休息室享用鸡尾酒放松身心,在专属VIP简易别墅清凉一下,别在主泳池甲板的派对上晒晒日光浴,整个无与伦比的热场为来客们提供各式各样的体验。

米高梅大酒店的54,000 平方英尺的游泳池最近进行了357.4万元18,400平方英尺的改建和翻新。就在去年,泳池首次开放了扩大的DJ站,升级的LED显示屏,加长的吧台和新家具。最新的翻新工程增加了六个新的海滨小屋,配有电视, 喷雾风扇和三个私人跳水泳池,新卫生间和淋浴设施以及增大的遮阳区,这里的设备和他们的演出目录同样令人印象深刻,驻场的DJ和艺术家包括Calvin Harris, Tiesto, Zedd, Martin Garrix, Steve Aoki, Tyga, Afrojack 等等等等。

诺马德酒店JEMAA泳池(开放式)/JEMAA at Nomad Pool:

Cabanas and Lounge Chairs at JEMAA Las Vegas

在周末的时候您能找到诺马德酒店的泳池JEMAA, 这里有诱人的充满活力的白天体验,以鸡尾酒出名,优秀的餐桌服务以及一流的DJ和艺术家组成的星光闪烁的阵容,提供主题音乐表演,包括周日的热带家庭氛围。

整场的亮点是漂亮而宽敞的泳池,周围是沙发床,小屋和简易别墅,客人可以在两个吧台还有一个遮蔽区可以在阴凉下享用美食的完美之处。这里整个夏天有出色的DJ 阵容,在这片花园般的绿洲中,从拉斯维加斯大道的繁华中解脱出来的梦幻般的感觉,受摩洛哥马若雷勒花园的启示,这里提供便餐,精心制作的鸡尾酒(它们屡获殊荣,非常美味)以及令人印象深刻的葡萄酒选择。不要忘记询问的JEMAA鸡尾酒喷泉。

曼德勒海湾的日光海滩俱乐部/ Daylight Beach Club at Mandalay Bay(Hip Hop):

Busy Pool Party with DJ at Daylight Beach Club Las Vegas

可能日光海滩俱乐部不是年代最久的那个(2013 年夏季在曼德勒海湾赌场度假村首次亮相),但它早已成为拉斯维加斯最热门的那些日间聚会场所之一,DBC设有70个坐卧沙发,25个海滨小屋,6个屏幕和5, 000 平方英尺的泳池。这里场地非常宽敞可以供您随意走动而不用担心出现在其它俱乐部很拥挤的情况。

DBC 最初主要是玩电子音乐的(EDM), 但随着去年管理层的更换它也已经迅速转变为嘻哈前40 vibe了。DBC的常驻音乐家包括T-Pain, Jeezy, Rick Ross, Saweetie, Morgan Page 和Duke Dumont.它在拉斯维加斯的夏季泳池季节开放,通常在3月下旬/4月初开始,一直持续的劳动节为止。

专家提示: 我们有为女生提供的免费宾客名单(Free Guestlist for Girls)甚至包括酒票的比例派对( Ratio Parties).

威尼斯人的Tao海滩/ Tao Beach at Venetian(Hip Hop/Top 40):

Cabanas and Pool View at Intimate TAO Beach at Venetian Las Vegas

作为最早的泳池派对之一,陶海滩(Tao Beach)十多年来一直是休闲俱乐部的日常活动。 陶海滩(Tao Beach)将于2020赛季关闭,将进行数百万美元的翻新工程-陶海滩(Tao Beach)有望在2021年恢复到比以往任何时候都更大和更好的水平,同时艺术家阵容也将得到巨大提升。 敬请关注!

Bare Pool at The Mirage (Hip Hop/ Top 40)

View of the Pool at Bare Pool Inside Mirage Las Vegas

位于幻影(Mirage)的Bare Pool近似于一个隐蔽的藏身之处,要想找到它,必须沿着蜿蜒小径穿越热带丛林绿洲。抵达后,客人会发现一个私密的泳池区,女士们可以上身裸露地溜达。Bare 提供了更加放松,凉爽的氛围但是没有了有些俱乐部那种墙对墙,大家拥挤在一起的感觉。您会发现在这个14,000 平方英尺的空间有不是一个而是两个豪华的浸池,一个提供全套服务的酒吧,六个等离子大屏幕,池畔躺椅,躺椅和小屋。和维加斯许多泳池趴一样,期望会看到找到数不清的俏丽佳人。

您可能已经猜到,与其它日光浴俱乐部和泳池相比,的氛围更加凉爽和悠闲。如果您想寻找失去理智的狂怒者,跳过Bare吧。如果您正在寻找一个可以放松和朋友们一起凉爽一下同时有好听的背景音乐的地方,Bare Pool是您的最佳选择。

永利 XS Nightswim at Wynn (EDM):


XS Nightswim的周日无疑是这一地区的冠军。干燥的80度的夜晚,拥挤在漂亮的充满活力的人群中,还有世界上最受欢迎的DJ们。Nightswim 是一次成功的拉斯维加斯之旅必不可少的独特体验。XS 不举办日间聚会,因此您唯一可以在俱乐部之王入水的机会只有礼拜日。

XS Nightswim 是整个拉斯维加斯最好的派对,在这个华丽的场所最多可容纳5000人,在DJ们和The Chainsmokers, David Guetta , Diplo, Alesso , Kygo Drake 这些音乐家的音乐声中狂舞享乐吧。如果您周日在维加斯,请相信我们,您必须参加这里的聚会—您一定不虚此行!

自2003年在Hard Rock酒店开业以来,日间夜店现象已将拉斯维加斯变成了24小时聚会的天堂。

在美国所有主要城市中,只有凤凰城和亚利桑那州会与拉斯维加斯匹敌。 从黎明到黄昏的平均时间平均为85%,这意味着这里总是阴雨天气。 由于天气异常恶劣,所有大型酒店都争相打造更好,更精致的沐浴和聚会空间。 凯撒(Caesars)最近改建了众神花园(Garden of Gods)。

但是,由于这是拉斯维加斯,所以无论游泳池多么凉爽,仅仅在水中嬉戏都是不够的。 在过去的十年中,随着日间俱乐部的推出,拉斯维加斯的不间断派对氛围已提升了一个档次。 要获得真正的零钱VIP体验,请预订小屋。



日光浴俱乐部和泳池趴通常在10:30-11:00左右开放,但是如果您想避免排队(特别是在阵亡将士纪念日这么繁忙的周末),我们建议您早些到达,大约10-10:30,几乎所有的泳池派对(Encore Club 和Wet Republic的一些特定活动除外)都有免费的偶数比率宾客名单。







What is the dress code like at Las拉斯维加斯的日光浴俱乐部和泳池趴的着装要求?我应该穿什么参加Pool Parties?







维加斯的所有泳池派对都有免费的女生客人名单(guestlist),而且大多数都有免费的偶数比例客人名单。如果参加派对的女生人数相同或更多,则免费参加,即使在重要的假日周末也是如此。请使用我们的免费手机app注册 guestlist。

我应该如何预订在拉斯维加斯日光浴俱乐部和泳池派对的bottle service?

您可以使用我们的免费手机mobile app来预订table service, 或者web app, 如果您使用您的desktop。

在拉斯维加斯的Bottle Service需要多少钱?

每桌的最低消费可能非常昂贵,但是每个泳池派对都不相同。 找到答案的最佳方法就是使用我们的mobile app




我们建议您购买假日周末和著名DJ们(Alesso, Kaskade, Chainsmokers, Tiesto,Calvin Harris等等)的门票。购票排队的人通常会比guestlist 的人更少更快捷!






没有Vegas泳池派对允许您使用BYOB。 他们就是这样赚钱的-向醉酒的聚会者卖酒!


在一周中,会有很多游泳池开放供您休息和晒黑,但通常没有DJ主持的“泳池派对”。 拉斯维加斯泳池派对通常在周五,周六和周日开放。


拉斯维加斯泳池派对通常在三月份开始。 官方开始日期因季节和天气而异-非官方开放时间通常为3月中旬,而大型开放时间则为3月底。






根据DJ和场地的不同,一般入场费为20-60 +。 您可以提前购买机票,通常可以使您结账更快。 也有通常在特定时间之前供偶数配偶聚会使用的来宾列表。

Best Migos Songs of All Time – Top 5 Tracks

While their rise to fame was somewhere between fast and meteoric, the Atlanta trio Migos are steeped in the Southern tradition of hip-hop groups, having come together over their shared love of acts like the Hot Boys and OutKast. Members Offset, Quavo, and Takeoff, who are all related, grew up together and first started making music in 2009 under the name Polo Club, with the name Migos becoming official in 2010. In 2012, they released the mixtape No Label, which featured the cut “Bando,” a regional hit that caught the attention of producer Zaytoven and Kevin Lee, aka Coach K, the manager who launched the careers of Gucci Mane and Young Jeezy. The year 2013 was a whirlwind, as June saw the group drop their Young Rich N*ggas mixtape, which featured the instant hit “Versace.” That same year, Coach K got them on the Hot 107.9 Birthday Bash, a popular Atlanta festival where Migos came across their newest fan, Drake. The rapper added a verse to the “Versace” remix and put the cut on his 2013 album Nothing Was the Same.

In 2018, Migos released a sequel LP, Culture II, which featured production by Kanye West, Pharrell Williams, Metro Boomin, and more, as well as guests 21 Savage, Drake, Gucci Mane, Nicki Minaj, and Cardi B. The set topped the Billboard 200 and spawned the platinum hits “MotorSport,” “Stir Fry,” “Walk It Talk It,” and “Narcos.” In the lead-up to the third Culture installment in 2019, the trio issued a series of singles, including “Pure Water” with Mustard, “Position to Win,” and “Stripper Bowl” from the label compilation Quality Control: Control the Streets, Vol. 2. In February 2020, Migos released “Give No F**ks” as the first track off Culture III. You can see Migos perform their hits at Drai’s Nightclub in Las Vegas. You can find the list of upcoming events at Drai’s Nightclub here.

See a full list of upcoming Migos shows here.

Without further ado, Migos top 5 tracks of all time:

5. Migos -Pure Water ft. DJ Mustard

4. Migos – Versace

3. Migos – Motorsport ft. Nicki Minaj & Cardi B

2. Migos – Walk It Talk It ft. Drake

1. Migos – Bad & Boujee ft. Lil Uzi Vert

BONUS: Migos – Narcos

Best Future Songs of All Time – Top 5 Tracks

Future is not only at the top of the rap world, he’s creating his own genre.

Future is one of the hottest American rappers of the recent times; he has everything going for him–the fan following, the music, the sound and the chartbusting albums. He has been dubbed by Billboard as the ‘Future of the Music’. And why not, for he officially became the first ever artist to knock out his own album (FUTURE) from the number 1 spot to replace it with yet another album of his (HNDRXX). His most recent EP Save Me was a follow up to his highly anticipated album The WZRD. The album was everything a rap fan wanted and included features from Travis Scott, Young Thug & Gunna.

With this, Future became the only musician in the Billboard’s history to ever debut two back-to-back #1 albums. Interestingly, it was his cousin who first introduced him to music and rapping. Little did Future know that his fate would be sealed and so would be his stage name for life. Since 2010, Future has released several mixtapes and albums, each of which have charted to the top spot. In 2015, Future hit it big internationally with his chartbursting album ‘DS2’ and super hit mixtape ‘What A Time To Be Alive’. With a universal influence and omnipresent chart dominance, Future surely seems to be the ‘Future’ of music. You can find Future perform live in Las Vegas at Drai’s Nightclub. You can check out the upcoming events at Drai’s Nightclub here.

See a full list of upcoming Future shows here.

Without further ado, Future’s top 5 tracks of all time:

5. Future -F*ck Up Some Commas

4. Future – Where Ya At ft. Drake

3. Future – Low Life Ft. The Weeknd

2. Future – Life is Good ft. Drake

1. Future – Mask Off

BONUS: Future – Crushed Up

Chainsmokers at Encore Beach Club Las Vegas DJ Booth

Top 10 Best Pool Parties & Dayclubs in Las Vegas in 2021

As summer approaches, it can be quite the challenge to find that epic party that’ll give you memories to last a lifetime. In all your wisdom and party expertise, you find yourself selecting Vegas as your next party destination (good call). You’ve done most of the work, crushing that low carb diet for months, hitting the gym and now you’re finally ready to show off the washboard abs and rage in the sun. Time to find that epic Las Vegas Pool party.

There’s just one problem – this is your first Vegas trip and you’re not sure which pool party to go to. Maybe it’s not your first Vegas trip but you might be asking which DJs are at which Las Vegas pool parties? Which pool parties play hip hop? Which pool parties feature EDM music? What are the hottest dayclubs and pool parties in Vegas? Which pool parties have a free guestlist?

Don’t worry, we’ve got all the info and more to help you choose the best party to cater to whatever your needs may be. First, check out the top 10 pool parties & dayclubs in Las Vegas video and article below. Then, download the FREE Discotech App, which allows you to see who’s spinning / performing and where, table pricing, booking tables, buying tickets, and signing up for FREE guest list with a few taps on your phone. 

Encore Beach Club at Wynn Encore (EDM)

Crowded Pool Party called Encore Beach Club  in Las Vegas

Forget Disneyland, Encore Beach Club is known to many Vegas pool partygoers as “the happiest place on earth”. And after spending a day at EBC it would be hard to disagree with them: Encore’s impressive layout boasts a 50,000 square foot space complete with lounges, couches, daybeds, cabanas, bungalows, lily pads, 3 pools, a state of the art sound system, champagne showers, and even a gaming pavilion.

Not only is the pool always clean and the EDM music great, but the dance floor is also easily accessible and food is served straight to your cabana (always a bonus). Encore Beach Club’s resident DJs include world renowned talents such as The Chainsmokers, David Guetta, Kygo, Alesso, Diplo, and more.  Best of all, during the summer Encore turns into EBC at Night; so put on your swimsuit, jump in the pool and party with your favorite DJ under the stars! 

Drai’s Beach Club at Cromwell (Hip Hop)

A Busy Pool Party at Drais Beach Club at the Cromwell Las Vegas

All the way up on the 11th floor of The Cromwell, Drai’s Beach Club towers over what is arguably the busiest intersection in Vegas. During the daytime, it’s a beach pool party on steroids; as night falls, it evolves into an upscale, high-voltage nightclub. The dayclub features an unblocked rooftop which provides an unrivaled view of the Red Rock Mountains far off in the distance and the Bellagio fountains, located right across the street. The club is outfitted with a central pool surrounded by palm trees while pink curtains shroud the second-floor cabanas adorned with HD TVs – but with all the beautiful people dancing along to a live DJ, it’s doubtful anyone will be watching much television.

On the flipside, the nightclub is a two-story indoor space that faces the dayclub pool and is decked with shiny black semi-circular booths and a horseshoe DJ station, all surrounded by columns decorated with tons of postage stamp-sized mirrors. Drai’s will most often be playing top 40 / hip-hop but it will depend on the DJ. The nightclub regularly features some of the biggest name hip-hop artists in the world including 2 Chainz, Wiz Khalifa, 50 Cent, Gucci Mane, Migos, Lil Wayne, Trey Songz, TY Dolla $ign, and more.  On occasion they’ll bring in EDM DJs such as Quintino or Sidney Samson; on those days you’ll get a mix of hip-hop and EDM. We highly recommend checking out the upcoming schedule before planning your trip!

Pro-tip: Hotel guests at the Cromwell get free access to the dayclub!

Marquee Dayclub at The Cosmopolitan (EDM)

View of the Massive Pool Party Marquee Dayclub at Cosmopolitan

A sprawling club complex located in the heart of Vegas, Marquee is arguably one of the key figures of the Stateside dance music revolution. Split into Marquee Dayclub – a luxurious, sun-filled poolside space open during summer – and Marquee Nightclub, which is further split into The Boom Box Room, Library and Main Room, Marquee is undoubtedly one of the most impressive venues in the whole of the US.

If you’re still skeptical, just wait until you hear about Marquee’s sound and light systems: a Funktion One sound system with 32,000-waitt subwoofers and a state-of-the-art audio-visual stage set-up designed by singer Steve Liberman. Marquee provides nothing but the best to accommodate the high flyers that have been known to frequent the venue. The dayclub itself features three-story Bungalow Lofts complete with cabanas, living quarters, and grand Las Vegas pool cabanas with infinity pools and a party deck on top. Featuring artists such as Alan Walker, Robin Schulz, Deorro, Gorgon City, Cedric Gervais, and Oliver Helders, you can expect that this place gets WILD. 

Wet Republic at MGM Grand (EDM)

DJ Tiesto Performing at Wet Republic Pool Party in Las Vegas

A playground for partygoers and celebrities alike, Wet Republic at MGM Grand combines the best elements of Vegas nightlife with superior poolside accommodations to create the ultimate pool party experience. The unrivaled hot spot provides a variety of experiences for its guests, whether it’s relaxing over cocktails in the poolside lounge, chilling in exclusive VIP bungalows, or basking under the sun amidst the party scene on the main pool deck.

MGM Grand’s 54,500 square-foot pool recently underwent a $3.574 million remodel to renovate 18,400 square feet of the space. Just last year, the pool debuted an expanded DJ booth, upgraded LED display, extended bar and new furniture. The latest renovations add six new VIP bungalows equipped with furnishings like TVs, misting fans and three private plunge pools. New restrooms and shower facilities as well as an extended shade area have also been added. The venue boasts a setlist as impressive as its facilities: resident DJs and artists include Calvin Harris, Tiesto, Zedd, Martin Garrix, Steve Aoki, Tyga, Afrojack and many more. 

Daylight Beach Club at Mandalay Bay (Hip Hop)

Busy Pool Party with DJ at Daylight Beach Club Las Vegas

While Daylight Beach Club may not be the oldest club in the game (it made its debut summer 2013 at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino) it’s certainly gone on to become one of the hottest dayparty spots in Las Vegas. DBC features 70 daybeds, 25 cabanas, 6 LED screens, and a 5,000 square-foot pool. The venue is spacious and provides tons of room to explore, a breath of fresh air from the shoulder-to-shoulder clubbing you’ll find at other spots.

Daylight initially began playing primarily EDM, but with last year’s change in management its vibe has quickly shifted to a Hip-Hop / top 40 vibe. Some of the resident musicians at Daylight include T-Pain, Rick Ross, Saweetie, Jeezy, Morgan Page, and Duke Dumont.  It’s open during Vegas’s summer pool season, which usually begins late March/early April and runs up until Labor Day. 

Pro tip: We have a free guestlist for girls and even ratio parties that includes drink tickets!

Ayu Dayclub at Resorts World

Ayu Dayclub is an outdoor paradise that takes direct inspiration from nature as they attempted (and we’d say succeeded) to establish harmony and balance throughout the venue, and the stunning islands of Southeast Asia also served as an influence on the overall design and themes. As our guests wander through the beach club, a series of Instagram-worthy moments should take place as the beauty around you compliments the raging party going on. On both levels of this 41,000 square foot facility, there are plenty of chaise couches, various day beds, and countless cabanas for you to sit back, relax, and enjoy the music. The design incorporates natural features such as stone, bamboo, water, wood, and gravel to create a soothing feeling that is unmatched at any other dayclub. So what’s holding you back from watching some of the most talented artists of our time performing live while you sip an ice cold cocktail? Sign up for the free guestlist, purchase tickets, or reserve bottle service today!

Bare Pool at The Mirage (Hip Hop/ Top 40)

View of the Pool at Bare Pool Inside Mirage Las Vegas

Located in the Mirage, Bare Pool acts almost like a secret hideaway; to find it, one must trek down a winding pathway through a jungle oasis. Upon arrival, guests will find an intimate pool area where women are allowed to wander topless. Bare offers a more relaxing, chill atmosphere without the wall-to-wall, packed-in feeling of some of the other clubs listed. You’ll find 14,000 square-feet of not one but two luxury dipping pools, a full-service bar, six plasma screens, poolside daybeds, chaise lounge chairs and cabanas. As with many Vegas pool clubs, expect to find a seemingly-endless number of beautiful people, seeing and looking to be seen. 

As you might have guessed, the atmosphere at Bare Pool is a lot more chill and laid-back than that of other dayclubs and pools. If you’re looking for an out-of-control rager, you’ll want to skip Bare. If you’re looking for a place to kick back and chill with friends with some great background music, Bare Pool is the place to be!

TAO Beach at Venetian (Hip Hop / Top 40)

Cabanas and Pool View at Intimate TAO Beach at Venetian Las Vegas

After it’s recent mega renovation, Tao Beach has evolved into the ultimate dayclub experience. This 47,000 sq ft electric pool party has been fully equipped with the newest in everything sound and lighting, giving you a brilliant show that you’ll be able to feel in your bones. Sitting atop the famous TAO Asian Bistro and Nightclub, visitors are transported into an exotic Balinese escape filled with so much beauty and hedonism you’ll lose track of time. On a weekly basis the seasonal pool club features music from internationally acclaimed DJs and even has celebrity appearances like Jay Z, Heidi Klum, Jamie Foxx, and many more.

As you enter, you’ll find yourself in an open-air club with two 14-foot fire columns, dynamic music from resident and international guest DJs, and strategically-placed daybeds and cabanas that are excellent for resting and hanging out with friends while still being right in the middle of the action. Trust us when we say you don’t want to leave Vegas before checking this party out.

Bonus: XS Nightswim at the Wynn (EDM)

Are you a fan of nightclubs? How about pool parties? A few nightclubs in Las Vegas have combined the two to create the nightswim –  the pool party at night.

The Sunday nightswim at XS is the undisputed king. Featuring dry 80 degree nights, beautiful people, and the biggest DJs in the world, nightswims are a unique experience that are essential to any Vegas trip. XS does not host a day party so your only opportunity to get in the water at the King of Clubs is the Sunday XS nightswim. 

XS nightswim on Sundays is THE best party in Vegas, hosting up to 5,000 people in a gorgeous venue. Party to the beats of DJs and artists such as The Chainsmokers, David Guetta, Diplo, Alesso, Kygo, and Drake. If you’re in Vegas Sunday night, you need to be at this party.

Since the opening of Rehab at the Hard Rock Hotel in 2003, the day-clubbing phenomenon has turned Las Vegas into a 24-hour party paradise.

Of all America’s major cities, only Phoenix and Arizona matches Las Vegas for sunshine. On average, 85% of the hours from dawn until dusk are showered in golden rays meaning it’s always pool weather here. Since the weather is phenomenal, the big hotels all compete to build better and more elaborate spaces for bathing and partying. Caesars’ recently revamped Garden of the Gods complex.

But, since this is Las Vegas, merely splashing around in water is not enough, no matter how cool the pool. In the past 10 years, the non-stop party vibe of Las Vegas has been cranked up a notch with the introduction of the day club. For the real money-no-object VIP experience, book a cabana.

Las Vegas Dayclub & Pool Party FAQ

What time do Las Vegas Pool Parties typically open?

Dayclubs and pool parties typically open around 10:30-11 AM. If you want to avoid lines, we recommend arriving by 10-10:30. During busy weekends like Memorial Day Weekend, it might be smart to arrive even earlier. Almost all pool parties (with the exception of certain events at Encore Beach Club and Wet Republic) will have a free even ratio guest list.

What time do Las Vegas pool parties typically close?

Pool parties typically close around 6 PM. It may depend on how the party is going, but things typically wind down by 6:30 or 7 at the latest. Remember at most of these venues they need to clean up and set up so they may reopen at night

What time does the headlining DJ usually come in in Las Vegas dayclubs?

The headlining DJ usually comes on anytime between 1-2 PM.

How long do DJs play in Las Vegas?

The headlining DJ usually plays a 1.5 – 2 hour set but can go longer depending on how the DJ feels.

What is the dress code like at Las Vegas dayclubs and pool parties? What should I wear to Las Vegas pool parties?

Pool attire. Swimwear, flip flops, hats, etc are all ok. Jerseys and wifebeaters (undershirts) are not allowed. Hats are okay.

Can I smoke cigarettes in Las Vegas pool parties?

Yes, you can smoke cigarettes in most Las Vegas pool parties.

Can I smoke weed at Las Vegas pool parties?

Even though weed was just legalized in Nevada, most casinos still ban marijuana from the premises. If you are caught with weed or weed paraphernalia at most clubs, they will deny you entry / kick you out. We wouldn’t recommend risking it. Many of the pool parties do a VERY thorough search.

How can I get into Las Vegas dayclubs & pool parties for free?

All Las Vegas pool parties have a free girl’s guestlist, and most have a free even ratio guestlist – Entry is free if you have the same number of girls (or more) in your party, even on big holiday weekends. You can sign up for the guestlist using our free mobile app.

How can I book bottle service for Las Vegas pool parties & dayclubs?

You can book table service using our free mobile app. Or, if you’re on desktop you can use our webapp.

How much is bottle service at Las Vegas pool parties?

Table minimums can get pretty expensive, but every pool party is different. The best way to find out is to use our app.

Where can I store my stuff at the pool parties?

Most of the dayclubs will have lockers for rent. They usually have free towels available as well.

Should I buy tickets to Las Vegas dayclubs/pool parties? 

We recommend buying tickets during holiday weekends and for big name DJs (Alesso, Kaskade, Chainsmokers, Tiesto, Calvin Harris etc). The ticket line is usually faster and shorter than the guestlist line.

Which Vegas pool parties play Hip Hop?

Check out our guide to the best hip hop pool parties in Las Vegas.

Which Vegas pool parties play Electronic music (EDM)?

Check out our guide to the best EDM pool parties in Las Vegas.

Can you bring your own alcohol to Vegas pools?

No vegas pool parties allow you to BYOB. That’s how they make most of their money – selling alcohol to drunk partygoers!

Are there pool parties during the week in Vegas?

Many pools will be open during the week for you to lounge and get your tan on, but there are generally no “pool parties” with DJs headlining. Vegas pool parties are usually open on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays.

What month do pool parties start in Vegas?

Vegas pool parties typically start up in March. Official start dates vary by season and weather – unofficial openings are usually mid march, with grand openings towards the end of March.

Are pool parties open in Vegas in October?

Pool parties are usually open to mid October but it really depends on the weather.

Are there pool parties in Vegas in November?

Pool parties are closed in November.

How much are pool parties in Vegas?

General admission ranges from 20-60+ depending on the DJ and venue. You can buy tickets in advance that usually let you get in a faster line. There are also guest lists that are usually free for even ratio parties before a certain time.

Pauly D Announces Drai’s Beach Club Residency

DJ Pauly D has inked a two-year residency with Las Vegas’ Drai’s Beachclub, returning to its famous rooftop pool for more than 25 dates a year. He joins fellow residents Showtek and A-Trak.

“Last year, DJ Pauly D was one of the best artists we had on our roster, and we couldn’t be happier to have him back,” director of marketing Dustin Drai is quoted in a press release. “His energy and excitement on stage really took our beachclub to a whole new level. He has taken his craft from just being a DJ to being a true entertainer that people want to come see. As Pauly would say, ‘This summer is going to be a movie.'”

“Drai’s Beachclub is the ultimate Las Vegas pool party,” Pauly D is quoted. “It has a vibe like no other. I’m excited to extend my residency with them and continue to be a part of the Drai’s family. Proud to call it my Las Vegas home. Yeah buddy!”

Pauly D’s residency kicks off at Drai’s Beach Club Saturday, March 16, with dates announced through early September. Tickets are on sale now. Check the full list of announced dates below, use the Discotech app to sign up for guestlist, book tables, or buy tickets to his shows!

DJ Pauly D Dates
Saturday, March 16 
Saturday, March 23 
Saturday, April 6 
Saturday, April 20 
Sunday, May 5 
Sunday, May 26  
Sunday, June 2 
Sunday, June 9 
Sunday, June 16   
Sunday, June 23   
Sunday, June 30 
Thursday, July 4 
Sunday, July 7 
Sunday, July 14 
Saturday, July 27 
Saturday, Aug. 3 
Sunday, Aug. 11 
Saturday, Aug. 24 
Sunday, Sept. 1 

Migos Announces Drai’s Las Vegas Residency

Las Vegas has been making noise in the music world in recent years thanks to an update of its entertainment model. The Strip’s resident headliners have gotten younger and more relevant, with several different pop artists proving you don’t have to be a legacy act to fill a big theater throughout the year. Gwen Stefani just debuted at Zappos Theater, and Lady Gaga will do the same at Park Theater in December.

But there’s a different type of headliner that’s being overlooked—chart-topping artists who typically don’t get categorized with their fellow Strip stars. They’re selling out a smaller but still big entertainment venue, and they’re as musically relevant as the others—quite cutting-edge, in fact. These are the residents at Drai’s Nightclub and no, they’re not DJs. They’re the biggest names in hip-hop and R&B, and they’re performing full concerts on a weekly basis.

At the moment, there’s no name bigger than Migos. Even among Drai’s stellar resident roster of rappers (Big Sean, Future, G-Eazy, Rae Sremmurd, T.I., Wiz Khalifa and newest additions Pusha T and Meek Mill), the ubiquitous Georgia trio of Offset, Takeoff and Quavo stands out. Migos didn’t just take over hip-hop with viral single “Bad and Boujee” in late 2016. As Pitchfork put it, Migos “infiltrated the mainstream without going pop; instead, pop had gone Migos.” The group reached a new level of cultural saturation in May, when Donald Glover, Kenan Thompson and Chris Redd portrayed them in a riotous Saturday Night Live sketch called “Friendos.” If you missed it, hit YouTube immediately.

In the past week alone, Migos won the Best Group Award (and performed current hit singles “Stir Fry” and “Walk It Talk It”) at the BET Awards and snagged the Vanguard Award at the ASCAP Rhythm & Soul Awards gala. Sprawling January album Culture II—its 24 tracks clock in around 105 minutes—has been hailed as an experimental evolution of the Migos sound, and if that isn’t enough output for you, there’s also a constant stream of guest appearances. Two of the year’s most epic hip-hop tracks contain direct Migos contributions and even more influence: Glover’s “This Is America” (as Childish Gambino) and “Apesh*t,” the lead single from Beyoncé and Jay-Z’s surprise album, Everything Is Love.

Next month, Migos will kick off a combo tour with Drake that promises to be one of the hottest music events in the country throughout the summer and fall, even though it’s a more expensive ticket ($189 vs. $178) than the Beyoncé-Jay On the Run II tour, according to a recently released TickPick list.

That demand makes Migos’ shows at Drai’s an even more significant experience. After all, isn’t the current Vegas headliner model based on the opportunity to see favorite artists who can sell out arena-sized facilities in a more intimate and exclusive environment?

Which dates are Migos performing at Drai’s Las Vegas and Drai’s Beach Club?

Find upcoming Migos events at Drais on the Discotech app.

Which Vegas Club / Pool Party Has The Hottest Waitresses / Bottle Girls?

Anyone who’s lived in Vegas and worked in the service industry knows that the holy grail of service jobs for females is as cocktail servers at the summer dayclub pool parties. The ladies who secure jobs at these establishments can make six-figure salaries for less than six months of three-days-a-week, eight-hours-a-day work. In addition, it is widely known that male customers in Vegas will tend to spend more money in the presence of attractive females, so it’s just good business for the venues to stock their services staff with eye candy, and the corresponding server tip pools for them can be sizable at the end of a high-demand day.

As a result, these Las Vegas dayclub bartender and table server positions are the most competitive, most selective, and most coveted out of any casino front-lines customer service job position offered in Vegas, and the best venues thus have the luxury of choosing from an endless candidate pool of the most attractive women in the world. And because the women at the dayclubs have to wear bikinis in broad daylight and show skin to a much further extent than their nightclub server counterparts do, they are usually a cut above in terms of physical appearance as well as demeanor and personality.

It’s a consensus among most of us Vegas service industry insiders that the most attractive female service staff works over at Encore Beach Club (shown above), one of the best pool parties in Vegas 7+ years running. This assessment is backed up by anecdotal evidence from numerous women who have participated in annual tryouts for casino pool party service jobs; many claim that tryouts for EBC are both the most well-attended and the most demanding, owing in large part to the higher-spending clientele that EBC attracts. The Wet Republic staff (shown below) is rated a close second to EBC, followed by Marquee Dayclub, Daylight, and Drai’s Beach Club.

But don’t take our word for it. You can do some, ahem, “research” yourself on your next trip out to Vegas. Use the Discotech app to search Vegas pool parties by the specific dates you’ll be in town, and then buy tickets, sign up for guest lists for pool parties, or even reserve tables if you’re feeling super-fancy. If you’ve got the cash, reserving Vegas bottle service is a guaranteed way to get the utmost attention of all the hottest bottle girls in the venue. The app event info refreshes daily, pulling from various Las Vegs entertainment online resources including the official websites of the clubs themselves, so it’s always current, accurate, and in the know. Pro tip: the bigger the featured performer that day, the better the odds of the venue having all of their “A” Team servers working, and the better the eye candy for you to admire.

Also Read: Hip Hop Clubs In LV