
Miami Nightclubs – 2021年迈阿密十大最佳夜总会

与纽约市,洛杉矶和拉斯维加斯等城市一样,当您想到以夜生活闻名的城市时,迈阿密可能是一个让人想到的地方。 迈阿密的夜生活是独一无二的,不仅与美国相比,而且与全世界相比。 在这些城市中,来自世界各地的各种各样的人们专门来参加深夜活动,这为野生的夜生活场景做出了贡献,这些场景在周末变得很辛苦,在一周中却很少放松。 有这么多种选择,您很容易对迈阿密的夜店开始感到困惑。

话虽如此,正如您所期望的那样,您的工作日选项池较小,热点不那么明显,并且总是在变化,并且您更容易被当地人包围(他们不太可能会见和交往) 游客)。 此外,迈阿密的闪光人物和社交圈人士更喜欢周一/周二/周三外出游玩,以享受更高程度的隐私/排他性,当地工薪阶层则在迈阿密庞大的服务业和旅游业中度过周末。

迈阿密美丽的阳光明媚的天气会整天保持良好的氛围,但是夜晚才是这座城市真正的活力所在。 世界上一些最好,最疯狂的俱乐部就坐落在这里,它们使聚会一直持续到太阳升起。 无论您决定在迈阿密结帐的哪个俱乐部,您都不会感到失望,但是与其他任何事物一样,还有一些脱颖而出。 让我们将您带到迈阿密十大最佳夜总会。


Crowded dance floor at LIV Miami Fontainbleau


坐落在时尚而富裕的Fontainebleau Hotel内,这家一流的夜总会一直被评为世界顶级夜生活场所之一。更不用说,它在经过耗资1000万美元的装修后重新开放,以开启夜总会的第十个营业季。 LIV主要专注于音乐和舞蹈,客人可以跳舞到黎明,成为房屋,嘻哈和拉丁之类的流派。场地是18,000平方英尺的醒目的建筑,具有高耸的天花板,充满活力的照明和标志性的圆顶。俱乐部的外观,声音和氛围融为一体,创造了一个环境,最吸引了高贵的宾客,使他们一整夜都回去。 LIV重新定义了迈阿密海滩的夜生活,并开创了夜生活体验。与LIV的自定义音乐混音和播放列表一起跳舞,其中通常包括正在重塑当今音乐的艺术家的现场表演,同时在四个全方位服务的酒吧之间跳来跳去,有才华的调酒师摇晃并混合您喜欢的饮料。 LIV还使您可以鸟瞰聚集迈阿密海滩俱乐部的宴会聚会者,同时在舒适的50个宴会区和六个提供餐桌服务的私人空中帐篷旁放松身心。


The busy dance floor at ELEVEN Miami


在E11even Miami的豪华高档娱乐场所中,享受难忘而无与伦比的夜晚,享受狂欢。 该俱乐部位于城市的中心,每周7天,每天24小时开放。 在这个超级俱乐部,您会发现一个充满活力,充满活力的夜总会现场,全天都有许多杰出的艺术家和DJ表演。 屡获殊荣的俱乐部还提供各种优质食品和饮料以及私人客房,所有客房均由细心的五星级服务人员运营。 E11even充满活力的背景和出色的款待使其成为迈阿密乃至全美最好的俱乐部之一。 如果您要在迈阿密举行单身派对,那么这个派对就必须把蛋糕当做您选择的场所。 真的没有别的了!


View from the DJ at Story Miami

没去过马戏团吗? 别担心,STORY举办了一场“同类中的一场”表演!

自2012年开业以来,STORY一直是迈阿密夜生活领域的领跑者。 俱乐部的创造者,夜生活专家和大人物戴维·格鲁特曼(David Grutman)和迈阿密营销集团(也负责LIV,前面已经提到)的努力可以归功于俱乐部中优质的夜生活和活力。 在这座位于市中心的27,000平方英尺的大型场地内,您将找到最先进的无限混合音响系统以及音乐会风格的灯光和视觉效果,这是迈阿密其他夜总会所无法比拟的 海滩。 STORY的内部生产和设计团队将场地变成了马戏团风格的奢华场所,没有什么令人震惊的地方。 通过融合先进的设计和精致的氛围,与高级瓶装服务相得益彰(其中包括60个独家VIP桌和5个全方位服务的酒吧),STORY提供了无与伦比的狂欢之夜。


Massive dance floor party at Club Space


如今,“Club Space”的名称已成为美国舞蹈音乐的代名词。 在其运营的18年中,Club Space一直是一流的俱乐部,夜生活爱好者可以在此体验创新的舞会和充满活力的俱乐部。 这些行为受到各种国际DJ和其他现场演奏的影响,这些现场演奏可以播放从Techno,House,EDM到嘻哈音乐的替代音乐。 该空间分为四个不同部分:地面(现场场地),弗洛伊德(通常被视为俱乐部的瑰宝,并举办折衷的房屋以及现场电子表演),阁楼(室内主要演奏嘻哈音乐) 音乐)和The Terrace(他们的室外屋顶区域,带来了迄今为止一些房屋和Techno最著名的表演)。 凭借其无拘无束的营业时间以及驻场DJ和来宾DJ的出色阵容,Space除了提供EDM(本地和国际)方面最好的服务外,无所不包。 这里的聚会不会在凌晨5点停止,您也不应该!


Small but crowded dane floor at WALL Miami

不要让这个地方的大小欺骗你; 当遇到一个好时机时,它充满了冲击力!

Wall Lounge位于W South Beach酒店,为聚会提供了一个更小巧,更私密的场所。 自2009年7月开业以来,Wall一直是迈阿密最令人垂涎的活动和独家客户的首选场地。 一旦您穿过天鹅绒绳索,并穿过构成俱乐部入口的银色门,您便会立即被带入VIP俱乐部场面。 凭借其丰富,深色和优雅的内饰,Wall体现了精致,豪华和时尚,热忱的服务是迈阿密所无法比拟的。 其独特而开放的设计使舞者在清晨时分不断舞动。



著名的夜生活场所老板Chris Paciello推出了Rockwell Nightclub,旨在创建一个融合洛杉矶的凉爽,纽约的音乐和迈阿密的活力的空间。该场所位于迈阿密海滩的华盛顿大街上,以前是南方独家住宅的所在地 诸如Les Bains和Chaos之类的海滩热点。在这里,450位宾客可以享受各种音乐形式和现场表演形式的娱乐。


Busy dance floor and themed party at Mynt Lounge


Mynt Lounge在南海滩South Beach声名狼藉,吸引了众多知名人士,贵宾和名人来宾-Jennifer Lopez,Paris Hilton,Britney Spears和Jamie Foxx,仅举几例。 其现代和豪华风格的装饰营造出一个奢华而奢华的空间,能量高昂,可能性无限。 室内音乐和当天的热门歌曲在高科技的LED灯具下以开放格式播放给一群跳舞的聚会参与者。 天花板上悬挂着明亮的频闪灯,使人们可以窥探迈阿密派对现场。 休息室配备了完整的吧台,但是Mynt“凭借其精巧的餐桌服务专注于满足客户需求。着装要求严格,因此如果您想通过该地区最严格的门禁政策之一,则衣服会给人留下深刻的印象。Mynt有时也 周末举行特别活动,包括现场娱乐表演和客串DJ。


Crowd close to the DJ at Treehouse in Miami


Treehouse是一间两室一厅的房屋,由Techno联合管理,是迈阿密海滩上终极俱乐部的所在地。 Treehouse装潢活泼,有野蛮的客户群,营造出了一种类似于二手房聚会的氛围。 该场所在网上带来了良好的共鸣,并拥有迈阿密最好的深层住宅和技术风格,并定期提供更多地下DJ,例如Cassy,Matt Tolfrey和Scuba。 这里的气氛超级低调而随意。 在树屋里,不需要花哨的衣服。 如果您漫步到后院的AstroTurf地毯,您真正需要的是一双舒适的舞鞋。

Blue Martini (Brickell)

Blue Martini party dance floor in Miami


Blue Martini位于Brickwell的中间,是该市最热门的高档夜总会之一。 Blue Martini拥有美丽的氛围,美丽的人和最佳的现场娱乐表演,是欢乐时光爱好者的热门之地。 在他们传奇的欢乐时光中,您将可以与人群进行社交和交流。 您可以随意品尝其中一种美味的新鲜马提尼酒,然后在露台上闲逛,或者通宵畅游,欣赏中心舞台上最受欢迎的现场音乐。 下班后或独自或与朋友一起忙碌的一天或下班后,到这里放松一下,无论您心情如何,Blue Martini都拥有完美的氛围。

Mr Jones

mr jones miami

这是位于迈阿密海滩的更高档次的高档俱乐部之一。 Mr Jones的音响系统虽然强大,但其音响系统,精心设计和私密的内饰吸引了众多漂亮和有钱人。 知名的DJ会定期与本地有才华的人士一起在场地上表演。 Mr Jones以对室内音乐和嘻哈音乐的敬意而闻名,是在迈阿密海滩上最新出现的“ it”景点。

如您所见,访问迈阿密时有很多有趣的聚会场所! 如果您要寻找酒吧或休息室,我们强烈建议您首先查看迈阿密的顶级俱乐部,因为这座城市拥有世界上一些最好,最有趣的俱乐部。

迈阿密众多传统舞蹈夜总会提供众多夜生活选择,包括多种音乐风格,包括电子,嘻哈,巴西/拉丁。 请注意,大多数在周末开放的俱乐部还设有一个标志性的工作日晚上,据称他们吸引了更多的人群,例如 星期一是Mokai或Rockwell,星期三不坐,而Ora星期四。

除了传统的舞蹈俱乐部外,周三最热闹的聚会场所将是当地人闲逛的地方:Brickell和Coconut Grove的欢乐时光酒吧,新兴的Wynwood的餐馆和潮人/艺术家休息室,当然还有Miami的 著名的(臭名昭著的)脱衣舞俱乐部:Tootsies,King of Diamonds,G5ive和E11even,后者实际上是一个混合式脱衣舞俱乐部概念,值得在一周的任何一天进行检查。 当然,在旅游旺季(3月至6月)期间,即使是南滩旅游陷阱酒吧也像周末一样挤满了大学生以及欧洲和南美游客。



迈阿密南海滩的最佳俱乐部是Hyde Beach/Hyde Lounge, Treehouse, Basement, Rockwell,Cameo,Wall LoungeMokai


迈阿密最好的EDM俱乐部是Liv,Story,Space,Trade,E11even,Wall Lounge和Basement。


迈阿密最好的嘻哈俱乐部是Rockwell,Cameo,Mokai,Mr Jones和Liv / Story(在某些晚上,请检查即将发生的事件)。






男生可以穿漂亮的牛仔裤和合身的普通T恤或漂亮的纽扣衬衫。 如果愿意,女孩可以穿牛仔裤或舒适却时尚的衣服。 当然,男孩和女孩在打扮方面永远不会出错-在夜总会里,根本没有过分打扮的事情。


大多数SoBe俱乐部的女孩都认同相同的概念:短,紧身,多乳沟,并配以高高的平台或细高跟鞋。 动物图案和水钻发现在南海滩很常见。 在迈阿密外出的女孩子穿裙子和高跟鞋,没有牛仔裤,没有凉鞋,没有平底鞋。 裙子越小,高跟鞋越高,您看起来越好和性感。


您可以使用我们的免费mobile app预订餐桌服务。 或者,如果您使用的是台式机,则可以使用我们的webapp


最低赌桌可能会变得非常昂贵,但每个场所都不尽相同。 找出答案的最佳方法是使用我们的app


在大多数俱乐部,平均每晚的保底费为20至40美元。 在假期的周末或有大才干的活动中,期望付出更多。 通常,您可以在才华横溢的夜晚提前购买门票,这通常比在门口支付普通门票便宜。


迈阿密最好的名人热点是Rockwell,E11even,King of Diamonds和Liv。


南佛罗里达州的大多数夜总会只向法定饮酒年龄开放。 但是,如果您年满18岁但还未满21岁,您仍然可以在迈阿密参加一些活动。 查看Discotech App,了解即将在Club Space和1-800-LUCKY举办的18多个活动。 也有超过18岁的节日,例如Ultra Miami。


迈阿密俱乐部通常要到凌晨5点才关门。 如果您之后仍想参加聚会,我们建议您使用Club Space(Techno til上午9点),e11even(半脱衣舞俱乐部半夜总会,开放时间为24/7)和King of Diamonds(全脱衣舞俱乐部,至6AM开放 )。


如果您是女孩,则可以免费与发起人一起进入,或者您可以提早到达那里,并希望保镖喜欢您的“外表”。 对于像Liv和Story这样的俱乐部,您可以提前购买门票。 您也可以出现并支付一般入场费。 当然,总有瓶服务选项。

Best DJ Khaled Songs of All Time – Top 5 Tracks

DJ Khaled, is an American DJ, record executive, songwriter, record producer, and media personality. Khaled is gone on to become one of the most prominent names in music.

Khaled gained worldwide attention as a media personality, and subsequently attained a large following on social media. This foresaw the release of his ninth studio album Major Key in 2016. The album attained wholesale critical and commercial success; it debuted atop the Billboard 200, it was certified gold, and received a Grammy nomination for Best Rap Album. He released his tenth studio album, Grateful, in 2017, which contained the singles “I’m the One” and “Wild Thoughts”, which charted at number one and number two on the Billboard Hot 100, respectively. The album debuted at number one on the Billboard 200, and was also certified platinum. His eleventh album, Father of Asahd, was released in 2019; it peaked at number two on the Billboard 200.

With his increased popularity DJ Khaled has gained himself appearances at popular clubs such as LIV in Miami and Marquee in Las Vegas.

See a full list of upcoming DJ Khaled shows here.

Without further ado, DJ Khaled’s top 5 tracks of all time:

5. DJ Khaled -For Free ft. Drake

4. DJ Khaled – Wild Thoughts ft. Rihanna, Bryson Tiller

3. DJ Khaled – I’m The One ft. Justin Bieber, Quavo, Chance the Rapper, & Lil Wayne

2. DJ Khaled – I’m On One ft. Drake, Rick Ross, Lil Wayne

1. DJ Khaled – All I Do Is Win ft. Ludacris, Rick Ross, T-Pain & Snoop Dogg

BONUS: DJ Khaled – I Got The Keys ft. Future & Jay Z

Top 10 Best Bachelorette (Hen) Party Activities In Miami / South Beach

Headed to Miami / South Beach for a hen (bachelorette) party soon? In addition to dayclubs and nightclubs, you’ll need to plan other afternoon and early-evening group activities for the bachelorette and her group that are fun and memorable, while still giving you the most value for your money spent.

The Miami that most out-of-town visitors know is the South Beach one: steamy summer temps, white and neon tones, sheer opulence, fast money, stylish excess, and glitzy sensory overload.  Of course, the locals and insiders are happy to deliver upon those stereotypes, because that’s the version that tourists pay handsomely to witness and be a part of. And South Floridians surely play that fiddle in harmonious tune, because more tourists to Miami in general and SoBe specifically mean more revenues generated and jobs created for the state’s sun-kissed residents!

aerial view of South Beach, MIami

Why is planning a bachelorette party so hard?

Your bachelorette has just chosen the Magic City as the destination city and assembled her final list; now, you as the Maid of Honor are on the hook to make magic happen. So you let out a big sigh, open up your laptop and hop on the internets, and get to work on mapping out this epic weekend in Miami.  You’re about halfway through planning the shindig, and you’ve already locked down a great room rate at one of Miami’s top hotels. As you start your search on activities, you know you’re not totally a lost kitten – you’ve partied in Miami a few times in the past with and without the bride-to-be, and you’ve got numerous friends in high and low places who are willing to offer sound and not-so-sound recommendations – but of course you wouldn’t mind having a professional to guide you.   You know, someone totally plugged who can take all those half-formed suggestions floating around and give you accurate, actionable answers?

Look, we know you’re here for a good time, not a long time… so you’ll need some expert guidance to help narrow down your choices to round out your ideal hen-do agenda. Here, in order of our highly experienced customer service staff’s preferences, is our Discotech Top 10 list of best and most entertaining bachelorette party activities that your classy group of ladies would do well to line up during your few days in the Magic City:

1) Dance Your Face (and Heels) Off – Nightclubs

  • Venue (Location): Varies by price and music type (click here for recommendations)
  • Cost Per Person: Free (certain guest lists); $10-100 (discounted guest lists & presale tickets); $200 and up (VIP tables)
  • Time Length of Activity: 4-5 hours
  • Best Time of Day to Go: 10:00PM-12:00AM (avoid long lines and waits)

Seems predictable, but sorry not sorry ladies: you know you LOVE to dance, so this activity must make the Top 10 of any bachelorette party list in any city. Whether your Saturday or Sunday mornings/afternoons figure to be calm ones or crazy ones, it MUST necessarily be followed by (or preceded by) an epic high-energy night filled with music and mirth. A word of caution though: when it comes to nightlife in Miami, the “good guys / gals” don’t always win: villains and shady characters run amok in the South Beach streets, and they’ve long made large fortunes and long-term careers taking advantage of visitors through cryptic double-speak and sleight of hand, and false expectations.

Enter Discotech – your ultimate solution for lining up the bachelorette party – or “hen do” as they say if you’re from the U.K./Europe – dayclub and nightclub festivities. We’re deep into this Miami nightlife game, and we know how to plan things to a “T” ladies.  We’ve helped THOUSANDS of satisfied clients with their bachelorette party needs in Miami, Vegas, Los Angeles, and other cities; we’ve been featured on BBC Travel and we are also highly reviewed on Yelp! and in both the App Store and Google Play.  

2) Life’s a Beach – Miami Beaches

Lummus Park Beach and Ocean Ave, Miami, Florida
  • Venue (Location): Varies by location / atmosphere
  • Cost Per Person: Free (parking fees for pay lots)
  • Time To Set Aside: 3-4 hours
  • Best Time of Day to Go: 9:00AM-12:00AM or 3:00PM-6:00PM (avoid the sun’s strongest midday rays so you don’t turn into a lobster)

Let’s face it: the bachelorette chose Miami because she wanted the beaches with her betches. The best thing about the beaches in South Florida is that ALL of them are open to the public, and they’re all free. Whether your hen party is searching for an isolated destination or wants to spend a day at a busy “see and be seen” strip of sand and surf, Miami caters to all tastes and offers a variety of beaches to choose from. Some beaches in Miami are dotted with palm trees to provide a shady respite from the heat, while others are perfect for quickly getting that pre-wedding golden suntan that will make those wedding pics pop off. Some have serene and glassy waters that call for a good book; others boast rolling, crashing waves that scream out for watersports action photos. The one thing that all South Florida beaches have in common is their stunning and well-groomed natural beauty, and many area beaches likewise offer plenty of water activities and proximity to restaurants, bars, and entertainment venues to appease visiting tourists. Here our our Top beaches around South Florida:

  1. Lummus Park Beach – People-watching, volleyball, sunbathing
  2. South Beach – Trendy, close to restaurants / nightclubs, younger “party” tourist crowd
  3. Haulover Beach – LGBTQ-friendly, surfing, nude sunbathing
  4. South Pointe Park Pier – Fishing, kid-friendly, local families beach
  5. 12th Street Beach – LGBTQ-friendly, tourist crowd, close to restaurants / nightclubs
  6. Sunny Isles Beach – Snorkeling, diving, kid-friendly
  7. 21st–45th Street Beach – Sunbathing, strolling, smaller crowds
  8. Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park – Windsurfing, kayaking, quiet atmosphere
  9. Fort Lauderdale Beach – Skating, jogging, younger (under 21) crowds
  10. Oleta River State Recreational Area – Swimming, canoeing, bicycling, nature views

3) Make a Splash – Dayclubs / Pool Parties

Hyde Beach poolside, Miami, Florida
  • Venue (Location): Varies by price and music type (click here for recommendations)
  • Cost Per Person: Free (certain guest lists); $5-100 (discounted guest lists & presale tickets); $200 and up (VIP loungers, daybeds, & cabanas)
  • Time Length of Activity: 4-5 hours
  • Best Time of Day to Go: 11:30AM-1:30PM (avoid long lines and waits)

Pool parties are a legendary daytime activity that epitomizes the sumptuously debaucherous surfside feel of Miami Beach, and the ones here are arguably second-best only to those of Las Vegas. At least one of these day parties on your bachelorette weekend agenda is a must; even for girls who don’t like nightclubs, the eye candy, sunshine, cool plunges to beat the heat (and did we mention eye candy?) make it worth it. For any bachelor party larger than four 4-5 ladies, it’s a no-brainer to book a cabana or daybed with bottle service in order to maximize the fun; for a smaller hen-do or one that wants variety, we suggest purchasing presale tickets or signing up for guest lists. Find one of the hottest events going on that weekend using our Discotech app, and go see one of your favorite DJs or performing artists. For a Saturday day party, Hyde Beach and Nikki Beach are the best party scenes especially if money ain’t a thang: between the killer music lineups, badass surroundings, and (did we mention) eye candy, these two venues are head-and-shoulders above the rest if your bride-to-be is into nothing but the best.

4) Relax, Don’t Do It – Day Spa / Massage / Salon

Lapis Spa @ Fontainbleau Hotel, Miami, Florida
  • Venue (Location): Varies by price and services offered
  • Cost Per Person: $50 and up
  • Time To Set Aside: 2-4 hours
  • Best Time of Day to Go: 9:00AM-1:00PM (right when you wake up, to combat hangovers)

Every bachelorette party will need some downtime to rest and recover from the festivities of the night before… or the night to come. Spas, massages, and salons are the go-to group daytime activity if your the bachelorette is craving a relaxing atmosphere and a serene respite from all the chaos of the past months’ wedding planning. Most of four-star and five-star hotel properties along Miami Beach offer luxurious spa packages for you and your ladies to wind down, so it’s merely a matter of finding the one that fits your style and price point. For example: The Spa at Mandarin Oriental offers unique treatments influenced by ancient Chinese medicine; Tierra Santa Healing House at The Faena specializes in Native American natural / holistic treatments; Lapis Spa at the Fontainebleau is known for its hydrothermal therapy offerings. So throw on your comfiest robe, grab a glass of champagne, clear your mind of clutter, assume your favorite position of relaxation, and let your chosen spa take care of the rest. The well-deserved pampering will leave your crew of wild ones fully refreshed and ready to tackle on another exciting night in Miami.

5) I’m on a Boat! – Yacht Party / Booze Cruise

bachelorette party on booze cruise in Biscayne Bay - Miami, Florida
  • Venue (Location): Varies by price, music type, and services offered (Miami Party4U and South Beach Party Boats are two of most popular party boats; Propel Yachts is a highly rated luxury private charter service)
  • Cost Per Person: $100 and up
  • Time To Set Aside: 5 hours
  • Best Time of Day to Go: 2:00-2:30PM (allows full day party plus enough downtime to recover for evening dinner / entertainment plans)

Open bar on the open seas? We had you at “Hello!” amirite! Say thanks but no thanks to the crowded tourist trap beaches and enjoy an all-inclusive booze cruise boat party around Biscayne Bay with fabulous views of the iconic Miami skyline in the distance. Enjoy a magnificent sightseeing experience full of lazy crystal blue waves on your way to an island or sandbar 30 minutes from the beach… then three hours of high-energy party access on a private island or sandbar. Upon your arrival, the crew turns the music up and unloads water toys – stand-up paddle boards, floaties, water trampolines, and water mats, snorkel gear – for you and the gents to enjoy while sipping cold drinks and mingling on the boat deck or in the water to make new friends. What’s​ included in most party boat packages:

  • Round Trip Transportation: Bus departs 45 mins before boat party starts
  • 3 Hours Full Open Bar: Spirits (Vodka, Rum, Whiskey, Gin, Tequila), Juices and Sodas.
  • Food: Light Snacks
  • Sandbar Swim Stop with Water Activities
  • DJ playing open format music (R&B, Hip Hop, Reggaeton, House, Top 40)
  • Emcee promoting Champagne Showers, Twerking Competitions, Wet T-shirt Contests
  • Iconic views / photo ops with Biscayne Bay / Miami skyline backdrop

6) Nom, nom, nom! – Little Havana Food Tour

  • Venue (Location): Various stops on Calle Ocho, Little Havana
  • Cost Per Person: $59 and up (includes food samples at each tour stop)
  • Time To Set Aside: 2.5-3 hours
  • Best Time of Day to Go: 12:00PM (3-hour tours start at this time)

If the way to the bachelorette’s heart is through her stomach, then you’ll need to set aside a few midday hours for an epic “Only in Miami” experience like this. With its numerous cultural landmarks and small businesses, Little Havana is well-known for its plethora of historic, political, and artistic contributions to broader American culture. A 3-hour tour of this famed Miami neighborhood is the most ideal excursion, and expert tour guides will delve deep into the history and traditions of Caribbean-influenced local customs… which of course includes introducing you to some of the most delectable food and snacks in the world along your journey. The tour begins with a short history lesson at the Bay of Pigs monument and quickly proceeds to the famed Calle Ocho, with visits to one of the oldest farmers’ markets on the continent to learn about hard-to-find Caribbean tropical fruits and a cigar factory to watch taqueros hand roll tobacco leaves into the finest cigars. After the sightseeing and history lessons, the culinary onslaught soon begins:

  • A coffee shop visit for a cortada, or a small cup of high-octane Cuban coffee
  • Fresh-squeezed tropical juices made to order by local street vendors
  • Fresh baked pastries, and/or a Cuban sandwich or empanada
  • Small plates of ropa vieja, mofongo, pescado escabeche, or other main dish staples from around the Caribbean
  • Classic cocktails (mojitos, Cuba Libres) at a Cuban Socialista-style cantina
  • Desserts (Cuban ice cream, flan, dark chocolate)

Added bonus: as you dine and drink and savor the flavors, your tour guide will share the origins, ingredients, and customs surrounding each of the culinary stops. And she’ll even tell you where in the neighborhood to go for salsa / merengue lessons and attractive Don Juan charmers, should the charms of Calle Ocho seduce you and the girls into extending your visit deeper into the hot Latin night.

7) Put It in the Bag – Shopping

Lincoln Road Outdoor Plaza / Shopping Center  Miami, Florida
  • Venue (Location): Lincoln Road Mall (South Beach)
  • Cost Per Person: Free to stroll (Shopping… that’s another story)
  • Time To Set Aside: 2-3 hours
  • Best Time of Day to Go: 2:00PM-6:00PM (good post-lunch or pre-dinner activity, plus downtime to recover for late-night entertainment plans)

Miami has plenty of activities for you to do “’til you drop” and of course shopping is one of them. Located on Lincoln Road between restaurant-laden Alton Road and nightclub-laden Washington Avenue, Lincoln Road Mall is a high-end pedestrian walk and outdoor shopping center. Originally designed with Art Deco flair in the 1950s, the Lincoln Road shopping metropolis received a major modernization overhaul in 1997 that produced a resurgence in its popularity; in 2011, it was added to the National Register of Historic Places, enshrining its status as a cultural hub in Miami. Shoppers can expect to find big-brand fashion retail giants – Banana Republic, Gap, Macy’s, Lululemon Athletica, Sephora – alongside chic local boutiques, each carrying their latest warm-weather fashions to appeal to the eyes and wallets of wealthy Miamians and well-heeled tourists. Interspersed among the shops are a bevvy of restaurant options from fast food to fine dining (most of them a tad overpriced, unfortunately); the Lincoln Road also hosts morning yoga classes throughout the year, outdoor concerts when whether permits, and farmers & artisan crafts market on Sundays where you might just find that perfect piece of jewelry or accessory to complement your matching bridesmaids dresses.

8) Get Wet… Again! – Jet Skiing

Jet skiing in Biscayne Bay - Miami, Florida
  • Venue (Location): Jet Ski Tours of Miami (Biscayne Bay)
  • Cost Per Person: $149 and up
  • Time To Set Aside: 1.5-2 hours
  • Best Time of Day to Go: 3:00PM-6:00PM (allows enough downtime to recover for evening dinner / entertainment plans)

Admit it: every time you see pics or videos of Kim Kardashian or Kendall Jenner on those jet skis, you’ve hoped to someday reenact those glamorous scenes. Now is your chance to do so with the girls, while at the same time taking in a Miami sightseeing tour from a very unique angle. You’ll mount and ride Yamaha wave runners at top speed as you hop around Biscayne Bay to visit six islands, zoom past the Port of Miami and wave “Bon Voyage” to all the jealous passengers on the decks of the cruise ships, and – if you’re lucky – catch glimpses of dolphins playing or a peaceful manatee backstroking in the water. Tourist hotspots Star Island and Sir Flagler Island are stops along the route, along with hundreds of other Instagram-worthy scenes. Make sure at least one of the ladies has a waterproof camera phone in tow, line up some friendly wagers for jet ski races among the crew to see who’s buying the evening’s first round of drinks, and get gassed up for some fun in the South Florida sun.

9) Murals & Mojitos – Wynwood Art Tour / Bar Crawl

bachelorette party at Wynwood Art Walk, Miami, Florida
  • Venue: Wynwood Art & Bar Tour (Wynwood)
  • Cost Per Person: $60
  • Time To Set Aside: 4 hours
  • Best Time of Day to Go: 5:30PM (start time for early tour; ensure you return early enough to rest, shower, and grab a bite before going out)

So you’ve done a few of the other items on this list, and now your bachelorette party might be in need of a brief window of a low-key and somewhat high-brow activity – less thrill and more chill. Fear not, there are a handful of fun daytime activities that don’t require participants to sign an injury waiver. One of these is the Wynwood Art & Bar Crawl, which takes dazzled guests on a walking tour of 4-5 local bars in between marveling at the neighborhood’s world-famous multi-story wall murals. Although specific murals are constantly changing, the area is filled with permanent must-see fixtures from international street art superstars like David Walker and Interesni Kazki. An experienced tour guide will give you the 101 on the marvelous works of art and the artists, their stories, and their cutting-edge techniques, as well as the story of how Wynwood itself as transformed into one of the hippest art and entertainment districts in the world. And after all the artsy download, you’ve got plenty of friendly watering holes in the neighborhood to try out your newfound knowledge as part of your drink-and-chat game. As a courtesy, here are some of the more popular bars and breweries to check out when the Art Walk bar crawl ends:

  • Centro Wynwood (turns into a happening club starting around sunset)
  • The Dirty Rabbit
  • Wood Tavern
  • Gramps
  • R House Wynwood
  • Barter Wynwood
  • Concrete Beach Brewery
  • Veza Sur Brewery
  • J. Wakefield Brewery
  • Wynwood Brewing Co.

10) Break a Sweat – Group Dance Class

  • Venue (Location): Vixen Workout (Overtown / Downtown Miami)
  • Cost Per Person: $20 and up
  • Time Length of Activity: 1.5 hours
  • Best Time of Day to Go: 9:00AM – 11:30AM (burn some calories before a hearty brunch)

Got some gym rats and health nuts in the party demanding to break a healthy sweat at some point in the weekend? Perhaps the last thing you or the bride-to-be want to do is work out while on your Miami vacation… unless it’s a fun group class that’s a perfect female bonding activity for a Miami bachelorette bash. Taught by professional modern dancers and featured in the New York Times and Vogue magazine, Vixen Workout – VXN – is a convenient short trip across the causeway from South Beach and covers all the basic movements and techniques for getting pulses racing while recreating smashing hip-hop / pop video dance routines. At Vixen Workout, you’ll get to dance to killer music, learn popular modern moves you’re sure to apply immediately on Tik Tok or at Miami’s nightclubs, glean expert confidence-building tips on how to look fierce and move fiercer like your favorite Hollywood starlet, and construct a high-energy choreographed routine for the bride-to-be to show off to her fiancee… and for the bridal party show off to friends and strangers at future house parties. Like J. Lo at the Super Bowl halftime show, it’ll be the bachelorette’s time to shine… with her maid of honor Shakira and her backup dancers in tow, of course.

Bonus Activity: Men at Work – Male Revue Show

Hunk-O-Mania male review show, Miami, Florida
  • Venue (Location): Hunk-O-Mania Miami (South Beach)
  • Cost Per Person: $20 and up
  • Time Length of Activity: 2-3 hours
  • Best Time of Day to Go: 7:00PM-10:00PM (show start times for most revues are in evenings)

They call it “Magic City” for a reason, so it’s no cause for shame at all if the bachelorette party wants to include a more magical ride on the naughty side. Male revue shows are the quintessential way to get the pulses racing, and Miami is home to Hunk-O-Mania, one of the best male revue shows in the world. Yes you’ll get your fill of good-looking Adonises of all races with chiseled physiques and washboard abs, but along with that you’ll also get expertly choreographed high-energy dance routines that ooze charisma, athleticism, swagger, and sex appeal. For many of the shows, you’ll also be offered the opportunity to snap photos with the hunks of your choice as well as treat the bride-to-be to an up-close-and-personal lap dance. And along with such multi-sensory delights, a bit of light internet research beforehand can yield plenty of “bang for your buck” in the form of discounts and bundling packages that include limo rides, fancy dinners, and cocktails as value-added side dishes to your lip-smacking main course.

In conclusion: Miami is definitely a bachelorette party destination where a lot of good times can be had by a group of ladies along all points of the budget spectrum. It is a magical beachfront oasis where both indoor and outdoor activities can spice up any hen party agenda… if you know the lay of the land. Your friends and nightlife guides here at Discotech are an essential part of that equation – we help you browse and book free guest lists and cheap presale tickets or VIP bottle service for the hottest nightclubs and pool parties in Miami. What are you waiting for? Download our app now – featured on BBC Travel and highly reviewed on Yelp! – in the App Store or Google Play.

Miami Nightclubs and Bars Currently Reopen After Coronavirus

Some bars and breweries will be allowed to reopen May 27, provided they served food before the pandemic as several South Florida cities reopen their restaurant scene. Those bars with food service licenses will be allowed to seat customers again, though they still must restrict capacity to no more than 50 percent and follow all CDC guidelines laid out in the restaurant reopening process.

Venues that are strictly bars and do not have a food service license cannot reopen yet, according to the county’s New Normal plan.

Last week, on May 18, Miami-Dade County allowed restaurants, retail stores and salons to reopen with restrictions. But several municipalities, including Miami, Miami Beach and Hialeah, banded together to delay opening retail until May 20 and restaurants until May 27.

But don’t expect to grab a stool at your favorite watering hole.

Restaurants with a bar area must keep the bar closed during this phase of reopening. Counters will be closed for seating. Bars with restaurant licenses will have to provide seating like a standard restaurant with tables six feet apart, said spokespersons for the county and and Miami Beach.

Check back here for the latest updates!

Miami Nightclubs / Dayclubs / Pools Currently Open

Miami Bars Currently Open

  • no venues open

Are you a nightclub owner or bar that would like to be added to this list? Feel free to email us at

aerial view of South Beach, MIami

Top 10 Best Hotels in Miami / South Beach

You’re halfway through planning a trip to Miami, and you already know that you’re one of those destination party animals that wants a memorable experience full of luxury and modern amenities…. and you’re willing to open up the purse strings to get that. So then, it behooves you and your vacation companions to mobilize early in order to lock down a good room rate at one of Miami’s top hotels.  Take it from us experts: there are a handful of magnificent Miami resorts that are head and shoulders above the rest of crowded pack, ones that offer all the trappings you desire in the central location you want and are conveniently right smack dab in South Beach.

What are the best high-end / upscale luxury hotels in South Beach, Miami in 2023?

The Miami that most out-of-town visitors know is the South Beach one: steamy summer weather, sheer opulence, fast money, stylish excess, and glitzy sensory overload.  Of course, the locals and insiders are happy to deliver upon those stereotypes, because that’s the version that tourists pay handsomely to witness and be a part of. So South Floridians play that fiddle in harmonious tune, because more SoBe tourists mean more revenues generated and jobs created for the city’s residents.

Here, in order of our highly experienced and well-traveled Discotech customer service staff’s preferences, is our Top 10 list of high-end hotels you will want to visit – and stay at, if you can – on your next trip to Miami Beach:

1) Fontainbleau

Since opening its doors in 1954, the legendary Fontainebleau has held its place atop many a “Best Hotels in Miami” list. Fontainbleau looms largest among its peers in physical size – 1,504 rooms, most in Miami – but perhaps more importantly in history, reputation, and panache. Early-era entertainment icons Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Marilyn Monroe, and Elvis Presley registered regular stays there while in town; a who’s who of contemporary stars such as Sean “P-Diddy” Combs, Ariana Grande, Gwyneth Paltrow, and even Miami resident J-Lo have recently booked stay-cations there. With multiple pools, twelve on-site dining experiences, and an endless array of luxury diversion options for visitors, the most stress you’ll encounter is choosing your daily agenda. No worries though, they’ve got a cure for that too: clear your scheduled and spend an entire day at Lapis, Fontainebleau’s 40,000-square-foot spa.

  • Room amenities: smartphone docks, marble showers, ocean-view balconies
  • 11 pools, including a kids’ water area and private cabana rental
  • On-premises nightclub (LIV)
  • World-class spa with hydrotherapy circuit and boutique
  • Three on-premises celebrity chef restaurants (Hakkasan, Scarpetta, StripSteak)
  • Well-equipped, modern gym and free (limited) fitness classes
  • Pet-friendly

2) 1 Hotel South Beach

Formerly Perry South Beach and the Gansevoort Miami Beach, the 1 Hotel South Beach in was renovated and relaunched under its current moniker in March 2015. The 1 Hotel brand is extremely eco-conscious, and sustainability permeates every facet of this jumbo-sized oceanfront resort: salvaged wood, hemp mattresses, organic linens, living walls, and even take-home socks instead of disposable slippers. If you think you’ll be roughing it in the woods like a tree-hugger though, you’ll be sadly mistaken. Airy rooms average 700 square feet – some of the largest in Miami – and are outfitted with Carrara marble soaking tubs and rainfall showers. Make time to check out the 18th-floor pool, an adults-only enclave next to to the hotel’s rooftop bar, which spoils guests with panoramic views of downtown Miami due west, the Atlantic Ocean due east, and the urban sprawl of the South Florida coastline due north and south.

  • Room amenities: Nespresso coffee machine, yoga mat, cotton robes, ocean-view balconies
  • Direct access to Miami Beach with chairs and umbrellas available
  • Four outdoor pools, including a large whirlpool
  • Three bars and on-premises celebrity chef restaurant (Beachcraft)
  • Full-service Bamford Spa
  • Lobby farm stand selling fresh fruit & vegetables
  • 14,000 square-foot Spartan Gym
  • Conference rooms and business center

3) Dream Hotel South Beach

One block from the Miami’s famed beaches in the center of the Art Deco District sits the center of the party: Dream Hotel South Beach. An upscale hotel designed specifically for Miami’s well-heeled party circuit clientele, the Dream boasts 107 rooms plus a guesthouse that doubles as an event space. Room decor is chic and modern, with a focus on the two things that matter to party animals the most: comfortable beds and high-pressure rainfall showers. Families would do well to steer clear of this property, as everything in it caters to freewheeling and hard-charging adults. On-site perks include a Mexican restaurant with an impressively extensive tequila list, a standard spa with any services required for hangover recovery, and a rooftop infinity pool with a bar that stays open late. The Dream Hotel is a party lover’s dream – an upscale, stylish, Instagram-worthy backdrop that is an ideal home base for a wild weekend of adventure in Magic City.

  • Room amenities: large flat-screen TVs, minibars, smartphone docks
  • Guesthouse with covered rooftop terrace available for stays or events
  • On-premise restaurant Naked Taco with cantina & advanced tequila tasting menu
  • Spa with wide range of treatments plus a boutique
  • Rooftop infinity pool with cabanas and pool bar
  • Pet-friendly

4) The Miami Beach EDITION

Ian Schrager’s buzzy Miami Beach EDITION opened in December 2014 with the goal of providing high-end yet hip accommodations to couples, families, and business professionals in search of South Florida sunshine. Along the way, the EDITION gained a reputation for attracting ultra-trendy travelers, including numerous A-list and B-list celebrities who have become fans of its 1950s retro glamor vibe. The 294 spacious rooms and bungalow-like suites are outfitted with an array of unique modern luxuries such as Beats Bluetooth speakers and copies of PAPER magazine; downstairs away from the rooms, the resort wows guests with delightful experiential treats: an on-site restaurant from Jean Georges Vongerichten; a tranquil full-service spa; two pools lined with lush tropical plantings and a hidden hammock garden called The Sandbox; and Basement, an underground nightclub complex that Drake once rented out entirely to skate laps with his celebrity crush Rihanna during Ultra / Miami Music Week. Oh, and did we mention EDITION has 70,000 square feet of pristine white sand and blue waves as its backyard?

  • Room amenities: in-room speakers, flat-screen TVs, balconies with ocean views
  • Beachfront with chairs and umbrellas
  • Two swimming pools with poolside food and drink service
  • On-premises celebrity chef restaurant (Matador)
  • On-premises nightclub, bowling alley, and ice-skating rink (Basement Miami)
  • Multiple bars indoors and outdoors
  • Spa with treatment rooms, hammam, infrared sauna, and salon
  • 24-hour fitness center with free weights and cardio machines
  • Nightly turndown service with free bottled water

5) SLS Hotel South Beach

Another trendy and upscale hotel for the trendy and upscale partying crowd, SLS South Beach boasts 140 beachfront rooms designed by the famous Philippe Starck featuring white, black, and pink hues and mirrors above the beds. The well-known on-site restaurants give the hotel cachet among foodies, while a legendary party pool scene and two bars keep the party going from morning until… the next morning. At night though, Miami’s craziest party people staying here opt for wilder nightclub scenes around the city, and so the scene at SLS Hotel resembles more a cool, hip, chill, low-key European-style ultra-lounge. Between the luxurious retro-inspired indoor areas and the sprawling pool deck, the entire venue has more than 8,000 square feet for partygoers to get their party vibes on no matter the time of day or their mood.

  • Room amenities: minibars, flat-screen TVs, oversized bathrooms with quality Ciel toiletries, couches, espresso machines
  • Serviced beach area with free loungers
  • Two pools, including a guest-only pool
  • On-premises dayclub (Hyde Beach) and nightclub (Hyde Lounge)
  • On-premises celebity chef restaurants (Katsuya, The Bazaar)
  • Two bars with popular happy hours, and a poolside bar
  • Full-service salon and poolside nail treatments
  • Small gym with cardio machines and free weights
  • Free drop-offs within a two-mile radius
  • Pet-friendly

6) The Setai

Erected on the property of the the circa 1937 Dempsey Vanderbilt Hotel, the Setai is a superlatively stylish Asian-themed beachfront resort with teak floors, lacquer furniture, and bronze and dark stone accents. While the property doesn’t appear to be much from the outside on the walk up, the hotel lobby is immaculate: jade, bronze, and stone architecture in alignment with Feng Sui practices, while each brick that lines the lobby floors was sourced from Shanghai and dates back to the Asian Art Deco period.  All of the 135 rooms on property are suites, airy and roomy enough to accommodate larger groups (average room size is 600 square feet). Away from the rooms, the theme of “finding one’s zen” stays rigidly on-brand: an indulgent spa features therapeutic indulges from Paris-based Thémaé, and three infinity pools side-by-side offer guests their choice of soothing waters at a precise 75, 80, and 90 degrees.

  • Room amenities: Duxiana beds, black granite baths, jacuzzi tubs, Acqua di Parma toiletries, flat-screen TV’s, minibars
  • Multiple award-winning restaurants plus a world-class wine cellar
  • Luxury spa
  • State-of-the-art fitness center
  • Free yoga classes on the beach

7) W South Beach

Like many of the W Hotel properties around the world, the 401-room W South Beach is a high-energy luxury hotel with a sophisticated look and relaxed atmosphere popular with young professional twenty-somethings and new-family thirty-somethings with toddlers. Its lobby boasts eclectically designed interiors with an enviable collection of high-end contemporary art from famous names like Andy Warhol, Julian Schnabel, and Kenny Scharf (as well as a giant Instagram-worthy Hello Kitty fountain greeting visitors at the entrance). The Miami Beach sand and surf is just a stone’s throw away from the property, which cordons off a private area for W South Beach guests. The pool scene is everything and anything one could want from South Beach: tight bodies, six packs, cabanas, and a gorgeous crowd sipping mojitos to DJ-spun tunes.

  • Room amenities: kitchenettes, coffeemakers, minibars, outdoor spaces, hot tubs, balconies, Bliss toiletries
  • Two pools, including a semi-private adult-only pool
  • Two on-premises restaurants (Mr. Chow, RWSB)
  • On-premises nightclub (Wall at the W)
  • Bliss Spa with steam room, treatment rooms, and sauna
  • 24-hour gym with free fitness classes
  • Luxury car rental available
  • Pet-friendly, plus dog kits available

8) Faena Hotel Miami Beach

An ambitious design collaboration between hotelier Alan Faena and power couple costume designer Catherine Martin and film director Baz Luhrmann, the eponymous 179-room Faena Hotel Miami Beach is a prime oceanfront luxury resort and cultural complex showcasing stylish extravagance. This resort opened to a well-heeled crowd during Art Basel 2016, and its opulent and chic interior decor – including a Damien Hirst sculpture in the lobby – is a lasting homage to its roots. Faena has retained a cadre of loyal high-end clients – including a few celebrities – with luxe, colorful, well-decorated rooms boasting furnished balconies and spectacular shoreline vistas. In addition to exquisite decor, guests are wowed by two five-star restaurants, four bars, and immaculately serviced pool and beach areas.

  • Room amenities: minibars, flat-screen TVs, furnished sea-view balconies, large tubs, butler service (for suites)
  • Free loungers and umbrellas on beachfront
  • Outdoor pool with cabanas for rent
  • Huge spa has hammam and treatments with a holistic and high-tech edge
  • Four on-premises celebrity chef restaurants (Los Fuegos, Pao, Veranda, Gitano)
  • Four bars with great cocktails and stunning interior decor
  • Kids’ club with high-brow activities

9) Hotel Delano Miami Beach

The Delano South Beach has long been regarded as one of Miami’s top luxury hotels, its iconic white-on-white design making it a South Beach playground favored by glitterati since it was first designed and built by Philippe Starck in 1947. With one of the most envied locations within the South Beach entertainment hub, this beachfront boutique hotel paradise is just steps from some of South Beach’s most popular restaurants, shops, sites, and streets. A stay in one of its 195 all-white rooms doesn’t come cheap; for the price you pay though, Delano will live up to your expectations and its reputation of having an impeccable standard of luxury. The heated pool with its trendy bar/lounge scene is a household name among local and international upscale partiers.

  • Room amenities: white marble bathrooms, wraparound windows, walk-in closet, sofa chair, desk, minibar
  • Direct access to beach with comfy loungers
  • Large high-energy infinity pool
  • Two on-premises restaurants (Leymia, Umi)
  • On-premises dayclub (Delano Beach Club) and evening lounge (Delano Beach At Night)
  • Agua Spa with full-service therapeutic treatment menu
  • Fitness center with weights and cardio
  • Free bike rentals

10) Shelborne Wyndham Grand

Shelbourne Hotel Miami Beach

Thank to a 2014 overhaul to combine its Art Deco roots with modern luxury, the Shelborne South Beach has risen to become a popular pick for those seeking a less opulent (and slightly less expensive) but still stylish, upscale experience right on Collins Avenue. Standard rooms are smaller than those of the other hotels on this list; however, amenities are top-notch and include all the most important staples including beach access and a heated pool. The two best amenities by far are location and value for dollar spent: no matter the time of the year, room rates at this property are always competitive for an upscale beachfront option in South Beach. Most of its neighbors, including the Hotel Delano right next door, are consistently two to three times pricier. 

  • Room amenities: flat-screen TV, smartphone dock, coffee maker, minibar, balconies
  • Heated pool with cabanas available
  • On-premises restaurant (The Sarsaparilla Club)
  • Beach service includes chair and towel
  • Business center and meeting spaces

OK, so you’ve just scrolled through and wrapped up all your research to maximize your high-end South Beach hotel accommodation experience! What’s the next step? Maybe head over to one of the famous Miami pool parties? Line up your day or night party plans for your Miami trip well in advance, and set aside the appropriate budgets using our Discotech app. Our app – available in both the App Store and Google Play and featured on BBC Travel and highly reviewed on Yelp! – will put you and your crew another huge step closer to your hassle-free Miami vacation!

Disotech app screenshots
aerial view of South Beach, MIami

Top 10 Best Cheap Hotels in South Beach Miami

Headed to Miami on a budget? These affordable hotels on the main South Beach drag that is the center of entertainment offer the most bang for your buck, not to mention prime location and plenty of upside.

The Miami that most out-of-town visitors know is the one of steamy summer weather, sheer opulence, fast money, gluttonous excess, and glitzy sensory overload.  Of course, the locals and insiders are happy to indulge all those “Magic City” stereotypes, because that’s the version that many tourists pay handsomely to be a part of. And South Floridians play the fiddle in tune because “a fool and his money are soon parted” as the old saying goes – more revenues generated and jobs created for the city’s residents.

That being said, having a blast in Miami on a budget is actually much easier than you think. With the right hotel choice, you can save A TON money for all the fun stuff: shows, attractions, and of course…. reasonably priced (aka “Ballin on a Budget”) nightlife.  But, first things first: if you’ve already told yourself that you’re one of those party animals that only needs a room to shower and nap pretty much, then you should to move early to lock down a good room rate at one of the best cheap (3-star or lower) hotels in Miami.

Take it from us experts: there are indeed a handful of budget-conscious resorts that offer all the amenities you need in the central location you want – right smack dab on South Beach – and at a ridiculously reasonable price point.   Here,  in order of our highly experienced customer service staff’s preferences, is our Discotech Top 10 List of best cheap – ahem, “affordable” – hotels smack in the center of Miami’s primary entertainment district, all within walking distance of the city’s world-famous nightclubs:

1) Hotel Victor

Entrance to Hotel Victor, Miami Beach

Located next to the Versace Mansion, the Victor was designed by Jacques Garcia (the man behind Paris’s Hôtel Costes), who adapted the “retro” 1930s Art-Deco feel into the Victor’s modern architecture. Garcia splashed the interiors with bold reds, magentas, and emeralds against warm and soothing beige tones. The Victor’s mosaic-tiled pool is tiny but equally beautifully decorated, as are the spa and the on-site restaurant Bice Ristorante. Comfortable guest rooms are outfitted with walk-in showers and infinity bathtubs for you to relax to the fullest while scrubbing the South Beach sand off your newly tanned body.

  • Sharp rooms with Keurig coffeemakers and 42-inch flat-screen TVs
  • Bungalow Rooms with direct pool access and outdoor rainfall showers
  • Casual outdoor pool with bar and stylish daybeds
  • Fitness center with a wide selection of cardio and weight machines
  • Lobby bar and independently owned/operated restaurants on-site
  • Free bike rental
  • Complimentary Wi-Fi plus free iPad use (hour per day)

2) Freehand

lobby of Freehand Hotel, Miami Beach

Set in a 1930s Art Deco building just two blocks from the beach, the Freehand features amenities, a guest kitchen, complimentary Wi-Fi, complimentary breakfast with Cuban pastries and locally roasted Panther Coffee, a happy hour for shared-room guests, and a chic hotel pool. One of the best budget hotels in Miami, the Freehand is not short on quirky character than many of its South Beach competitors, with vintage pieces from flea markets adorning the lobby and its 63 guest rooms. Because the property started out as a hostel – and technically still is – guests can opt to book shared “dorms” for four or eight in addition to private rooms for two. This hotel attracts mostly international clients, who are drawn by both the congenial atmosphere it exudes and its proximity to the South Beach eye candy.

  • Convivial atmosphere in lobby lounge
  • Chic outdoor pool with poolside table service
  • Broken Shaker cocktail bar draws locals and visitors
  • Excellent value for style and location
  • Free breakfast
  • Complimentary Wi-Fi

3) President Hotel

Location, location, location: the recently renovated three-star President Hotel is well-located in the Art Deco district of Collins Avenue, just a mere 15-minute walk from Ocean Drive. The hotel has fresh and modern wood-floored rooms – 64 guest on-site plus 20 villa annexes next door – decorated in minimalist nature motifs. The hotel has a small front terrace and a cocktail and smoothie bar in the lobby, plus a casual full-service on-site restaurant for you to grab a quick 10-minute bite…. before taking 2-3 hours to get ready for your epic night out at the Miami nightclubs.

  • Short walk to the beach and Ocean Drive
  • Guest rooms with mini-fridges and flat-screen TVs
  • Casual lobby restaurant and lobby bar serving cocktails and smoothies
  • Continental breakfast with upgraded hot options
  • Front porch terrace with tables and chairs

4) Colony Hotel

Colony Hotel, Miami

Launched in 1939 and last renovated in 2008, the Colony Hotel is a bustling, not-so-quiet party pad that offers 50 clean and modern rooms with picturesque views of Lummus Park. Across from the beach and in the middle of the all-night Ocean Drive chaos, this hotel relishes its niche role catering to younger spring breakers, with free Wi-Fi and a bar that serves fishbowl-size mojitos. For guests who aren’t going to be bothered by dingy yet safe hallways and tiny guest room bathrooms, the Colony is a wonderful way to stretch your dollar

  • Prime location across street from South Beach
  • 37-inch flat-screen TVs
  • Clean, modern bedrooms
  • Complimentary Wi-Fi

5) Clinton Hotel

lobby of Clinton Hotel, Miami Beach

The Clinton is an affordable, comfortable, clean hotel that’s only two blocks from the beach while surrounded by the swarm of South Beach bars and restaurants.. The upholstery is aging and the rooms are small, but the property make up for that by offersingmore amenities than most small-scale budget boutiques in the area. And the best part: it’s actually tucked away in a much quieter location than most South Beach hotels, so your night’s sleep – or day’s sleep, you party animal! – will be more peaceful and less subject to noise interruptions.

  • Sunny enclosed courtyard
  • Large hot tub on-site
  • On-site French restaurant (with room service)
  • Complimentary Wi-Fi and in-room Netflix

6) Kimpton Angler’s Hotel

front of Kimpton Angler's Hotel, Miami Beach

With its lush tropical gardens buffering its guests from the white-hot bustle of the South Beach streets, The Kimpton Angler’s Hotel has all the feel of a serene desert oasis. This low-key 46-room property also has a top-notch restaurant and a small but well-groomed and always peaceful pool and courtyard. Other surrounding properties in the neighborhood do offer more features and amenities, but the Angler should be your go-to choice if the only thing you really care about – other than your party plans – is having a hotel room that is more adult than college dorm.

  • Spacious Wallace Tutt-designed rooms
  • HDTVs plus surround sound in each room
  • Central location to main South Beach drag
  • Free passes to Miami Life Center’s yoga classes (1 block away)
  • Complimentary Wi-Fi

7) Marseilles Hotel

In the heart and soul of Miami Beach, the 111-room Marseilles Hotel combines historic art deco charm with modern sophistication and comfort. It is elegant yet unpretentious, and bursting at the seams with vibrant color patterns. Proximity to the beach is the main selling point of Marseille, but a relatively large outdoor pool with lots of seating is certainly a plus. Brightly decorated rooms come with coffee makers and electronic safes, and some of the rooms even have small balconies to take in Miami cityscape views and jetted tubs. For a higher energy experience, you can check out the best pool parties in Miami here.

  • Beach loungers and umbrellas (included in resort fee)
  • Contemporary, rooms with hairdryers, flat-screen TVs, and AC
  • Attractive pool lined by loungers and daybeds
  • Casual all-day American restaurant and a backyard bar
  • Daily happy hour with free cocktails
  • Meeting room and business center
  • On-site gymnasium

8) National Hotel

Front of National Hotel, Miami Beach

Designed by Roy France, one of the Art Deco period’s foremost architects, National Hotel was one of the grandest luxury hotels on Miami Beach when it opened in 1940. In 1997, new owners and management restored and reopened the hotel, which today stands asa historical landmark and treasure in the heart of ritzy South Beach. The National Hotel is hard to beat when it comes to location – a stone’s throw from the sand and rolling waves – but it’s got plenty of style and amenities as well. The tower’s 116 rooms provide sweeping views of downtown Miami across to the Atlantic Ocean, with cabanas and artist-inspired suites lining Miami’s longest infinity-edge party pool. The poolside Aqua Club is a prime pre-game prelude to a long night of South Beach partying, with specialty cocktails and classic favorites available.

  • Expansive pool deck and swimming pools
  • Direct beach access
  • 24-hour concierge
  • Great on-site fitness center + yoga classes
  • On-site restaurant

9) Kimpton Surfcomber Hotel

Pool at Surfcomber Hotel, Miami Beach

Built in 1948 and acquired by the Kimpton hotel chain in 2011, the 186-room Surfcomber Hotel is more affordable and more casual than most of its swankier neighbors. It’s always been more hip with the cool kids: with its giant rectangular pool and direct beach access, the hotel has become world-famous for its high-energy pool parties during big Miami weekends (it served as the headquarters for MTV during the 2005 MTV Video Music Awards and for Bud Light during 2010 Super Bowl XLIV). On the inside, the rooms are small but trendy with colorful surf-themed decor and a host of modern amenities, such as flat-screen TVs, smartphone docks, and in-room yoga equipment.

  • Large pool with waterfall and cabanas
  • 2 stylish restaurants and a poolside bar
  • Rental chairs, umbrellas, and bar service on the beach
  • Rooms have flat-screen TVs, iHome docks, and cool surf-inspired decor
  • Fitness center with modern equipment
  • Free morning coffee, evening wine hours, in-room yoga equipment
  • In-room and cabana massages available

10) Townhouse Hotel Miami

Patio Deck of Townhouse Hotel Miami

Where beach house charm meets old-fashioned comfort in the heart of South Beach. Located steps from South Beach, the Townhouse is quite the minimalist property that offers guests bright, stylish rooms with little to add in terms of amenities. Still, it’s a property that’s cleaner, more modern, and less sketchy then some of the other South Beach hotels at the same price point. It’s also a great fit for clubheads and well-behaved party people, as it attracts a younger, hipper, and good-looking global crowd that takes advantage of the venue’s proximity to the famed Miami nightlife spots.

  • Direct beach access
  • Rooftop bar The Cape (managed by SBE)
  • On-site restaurant Ramen Baby Burger
  • Free continental breakfast
  • Complimentary Wi-Fi
  • Free coffee and water in the lobby

Miami is definitely a place where things can escalate quickly in terms of expenses, especially when the party picks up and the food and drink are flowing  Nevertheless, it is still a magical landscape where fun can be had on the cheap if you know the lay of the land; your our friends and budget nightlife guides here at Discotech are an essential part of that equation.  What are you waiting for? Download our app now – featured on BBC Travel and highly reviewed on Yelp! – in the App Store or Google Play.

Disotech app screenshots

Top 10 Bachelor Party Cities in US

Today, we’re going to look at some of the best cities for you bachelor party. Unlike the other lists we’ve written about, this one will be a ranking and we will be start at #1 because why not. I’ve never been a big fan of scrolling all the way down to the bottom either. But what makes a great bachelor city? Is it the people? The food? The options? The clubs? Today we’re hoping to answer all these questions and more. So grab your favorite suit, extra cash and all the alcohol you can carry, and strap in. Here we go!

So how do you take advantage of the Top Bachelor Party Cities? Discotech has made finding your next wild night out easy and simple. Now you can see upcoming events, sign up for guest list and book table service directly on the free Discotech Mobile App. Or reach out to our helpline directly at 4157356716 – we can help you pick a spot for your next night out!

#1. Las Vegas

If you don’t think Las Vegas is the best bachelor party location possible, you either have never been to Las Vegas or have been there with a bunch of losers who don’t know how to have fun. Las Vegas offers anything and everything you could want or need in a bachelor party.

There are plenty of nice hotels in Vegas, but you generally want to be in one on the strip. Just don’t completely cut your budget on hotels. It’s much harder thank you think to convince a girl to come back with you to a place like Planet Hollywood or Paris. Locations off the strip just make your life a pain in the ass. Traffic along the strip sucks and the less time you waste in the back of a limo, the better.

The pool parties in Vegas are second to none. Here’s a word of advice when dealing with the pool parties and later the clubs, always pay to cut the line or sign up for Guest List. It’s totally worth spending an extra $50 a man with a VIP host to not spend an hour or more on line. If you don’t know a guy, I’m sure your friend knows a guy, or your friend’s coworker knows a guy. There are plenty of those kinda “guys” in Vegas that can help you out in this situation, but why bother. Click the online Discotech app and avoid the stress and hassle.

Once night hits, you’ll need some good food. Prime Steakhouse is my favorite of all the Vegas steakhouses because it’s specific to Vegas. Stack in the Mirage is a step down from a steakhouse, but all the waitresses make the name of the restaurant proud. In ‘N Out is reachable by taxi if you just want to stuff your face. Then you’re off to the club, where you should be getting table service at Marquee or XS (the two best clubs in Vegas). It’s really hard to find regular bars to go out to in Vegas. The best you’re going to do is something the Chanderlier Bar at the Cosmpolitan, Ghostbar at the Palms, or Foundation Room at Mandalay Bay.

Or just get drunk while you gamble because that doesn’t hurt either. We know Vegas has you covered when it comes to table gaming. It’s also the only place you’ll find a sportsbook in the United States, so you can throw down on a horse race, a championship fight, or an NFL game without having to worry about too much. Grab your clubs and fit in a morning round on your first day out there or else you won’t have the energy to do so by the end of the weekend. There’s also a good chance you end up at the Spearmint Rhino to check out some of the hottest strippers in the world.

#2. Miami

First, lets talk about location. You are going to want to stay on South Beach. Brickell is a nice area if you’re living full-time in Miami, but South Beach is where you need to be for a wild bachelor party weekend. Brickell and other areas of Miami are farther away from South Beach and you don’t want to waste your time and money going back and forth. Also, don’t overpay on the hotel. You won’t be in your room much anyway, so why spend big bucks on an elite hotel? Hotel location is important, but classiness not so much.

Now for food. When it comes to food, you want to be stuffing your hungover face with anything breakfast/lunch on the menu at Big Pink. There are plenty of renowned New York restaurants that have opened up new locations in Miami like the Dutch, Scarpetta, and BLT Steak, but if you’re not grabbing a nice steak and a big Kobe meatball at Prime 112, you’re doing yourself a disservice. You can’t forget about local favorite Joe’s Stone Crab either. If you’re drunk and looking for late night munchies, now is the time to head over to the mainland and hit up La Moon for an arepa burger.

The nightlife scene is on par with anything you’ll get in the world. A night with bottle service at LIV should be on top of your list if you like clubbing. Club Space is the place to roll to at 5 a.m if you don’t want to stop raging. Places like the Clevelander, the Delano, and Nikki Beach (specifically day party) offer plenty of fun as well.

Lastly, the weather is great but avoid Hurricane Season as it rains a lot in Miami during that time. There are also plenty of places to golf, women galore and romance at the clubs. Those are all a given when hearing the word Miami obviously. The only thing you’re missing is gambling, but you won’t care when your eyes are fixed on your computer screen on Monday morning and you’re just thinking about how awesome your weekend was. Check out the Discotech app to see upcoming events in Miami.

#3. Montreal

Montreal is not technically in the US but it’s easy enough to head north of the border if you want to hit Canada’s party town. Montreal’s basically got you covered for anything bachelor party related. Perhaps the most notable thing in Montreal is the strip clubs. You can do the regular man’s thing on Saint Catherine Street by hopping around to Club Supersexe, Chateau du Sex, or Club Super Contact. If looking for something a little higher end, head to Kamasutra for a one of a kind show. They also take things a little further if you head down towards Old Montreal on Saint Catherines and ask the right people. If gambling is another activity you wish to indugle, you can head to the Montreal Casino, which isn’t too far away. It’s just smaller than you’d want in terms of available table gaming.

Trust me, you are really going to want to be on Boulevard Saint Laurent when searching for a place to drink. A place like Tokyo satisfies all your needs with good looking girls, multiple themed rooms, and a roof area. If bottle service is more your thing, Montreal has a scene where restaurants turn into a Club/Lounge atmosphere once it starts getting late. Make sure to download or click the Discotech App to check out what’s popping in Montreal. It’s a little different than what you’re used to in America because people tend to rage out by their tables and there’s usually not one main dance floor, but that doesn’t mean you can’t meet a nice local girl to party with for the night.

#4. New Orleans

Ah, New Orleans. Home to the infamous Mardi Gras. But fourth place? Yes, fourth place. The obvious reason is Bourbon Street, which, beleive it or not, is a lot more fun on something like a big sporting event weekend than it is during Mardi Gras. While you will miss out on seeing your share of naked ladies if you pass on Mardi Gras, Bourbon Street becomes much easier to manage.

There are still plenty of people during a big sporting event weekend to keep the fun up. Plus Bourbon Street has its share of strip clubs to get your fix there as well.

The food is also top tier. You can get anything pig-related at Cochon and it will be fantastic. You will not be disappointed, whether it’s pork ribs, smoked ham, fried boudin balls, or cochon itself. Johnny’s Po-Boys will get you your po-box fix.

Need some gambling? Harrah’s Casino is conveniently located near the water and open 24 hours a day, which may or may not be a good thing. Head to the Old New Orleans Rum distillery to make a nice day trip if you can wake up in time. New Orleans is one of the most fun places to be. Make sure to click Discotech to check out all the upcoming events in New Orleans!

#5. Charleston

Ah, number five. There are a ton of things to do in Charleston. For one, there are a lot of great restaurants in Charleston because of the large migration to the area from New Orleans’ best chefs after Hurricane Katrina. Places like Husk and The Ordinary are well recognized as some of the best restaurants in the country with Oak Steakhouse recently making a best of U.S. steakhouse list as well.

Golf and beaches are also two of Charleston’s finest qualities. You are truly lucky if you can somehow get a round of golf on the Ocean Course at Kiawah Island. If you can’t, you’ll still be able to find another great looking course to swing your clubs. The beaches get plenty of life, since the weather is generally good for most of the year.

There are plenty of fun bars on Bay Street and Market Street near the water or you can hit up King Street for bars closer to the University of Charleston’s campus. Neither area will disappoint.  The fun doesn’t stop when the bars close either. Thee Southern Belle strip club has a tremendous reputation and is a great place to go after hours in Charleston because you can BYOB. Regular girls even go there to hang out.

#6. Austin

One of everyone’s favorite Southern cities, Austin has a lot to offer for a bachelor party. We’ll start with the obvious – the women. There are few cities in America that can compete with Austin in terms of great looking women. Right behind the beautiful women is the barbecue, which is arguably as good as you’ll get anywhere in the country. Franklin Barbecue was recently voted the best barbecue in the country, so it’s a must-see spot on your trip.

With food and women out of the way, let’s focus on drinking. The bars on 6th street will have you satisfied or you can head over to the Warehouse District and Fourth Street if you’re looking to not hit the same spots all weekend. Need a good hangover omelet in the morning? Magnolia Café has got you covered. If music is your thing, Texas has two major music festivals that can give you your fill and are a fun thing to center a weekend around. Throw together with the generally warm weather, the potential for a University of Texas sporting event, plenty of local golf courses and you have the formula for success. Click here to see upcoming events in Austin!

#7. Nashville

There’s a good reason Nashville has the nickname of NashVegas. It’s a loved destination for travelers in the South and Midwest because it’s easy to get to and has lots to offer. The good thing about a place like this is the people you meet are for the morst part carefree and the visiting girls are very fun. I’d also recommened you get some good barbecue at Jack’s, a one of a kind meat and three or the Nashville specialty of hot chicken.

There are two main areas to get to drinking. There’s the well-known strip of bars on Broadway and a couple streets close by in the downtown area. You can also head out to the Midtown area near Vanderbilt and find plenty of places there.

I highly suggest checking out the Nashville Pedal Tavern, which is a unique and fun way to do a bar crawl and meet random chicks to hang out with. If your into shooting guns, you can do that too. The good thing about Nashville is that it’s weather-resistant, so it doesn’t really matter what time of year you check it out. The one downside is that basically every bar is country music heavy. If you’re not a fan, you might just have to bit your tongue and bear down the whole weekend. Click upcoming events in Nashville to see what’s going down!

#8 Phoenix / Scottsdale

When looking to throw it back to your youthful college days in bachelor party fashion, heading to Arizona is the best place for this type of experience . While there are a lot of scientific establishments and other boring things awaiting the average tourist in the state of Arizona, we’d not suggest those to you. Instead, you should be taking a road trip to Phoenix / Scottsdale for some brotherly bonding at adult clubs and open-till-late entertainment centers there.

Phoenix is ideal for those who do not mind getting tan and are craving a boyish road trip that would take them to wild nightclubs and unforgettable street parties. Some cool things to do while visiting include partying, golf, and river tubing. The food scene is also fantastic, as celebrated barbecue served by local restaurants and bars keep tourists coming from all over America. Click Upcoming Events in Phoenix / Scottsdale to see see what’s happening this weekend!

#9 Denver

For those who don’t know, a Colorado bachelor party is a different kind of bachelor party entirely. No clubs, no strippers, and possibly not even any women. So what’s the appeal? Depending on your group dynamics, a rugged three-day weekend of rafting, skiing/ snowboarding, hiking, beer drinking, weed smoking, outdoor adventuring and manly-bonding can actually be more memorable than the typical club-scene.

However, if you want to squeeze in the nightlife scene, Denver is home to some excellent steak restaurants and bars. However, the natural beauty and seemingly endless things to do in the gorgeous outdoor environment is really the highlight of this location. Although not known for a wild nightlife scene, Denver does host epic events and concerts. Hit the slopes or a hiking trail in the morning and then finish the day partying at one of the many bars / venues featuring your favorite musician, is not a bad way to spend a day. Click Upcoming Events in Denver to see upcoming events and concerts!

#10 New York

Last but not least, New York City. NYC certainly does have its positives. For starters there’s every type of bar imaginable and you can drink until 4 a.m. We recommend Brother Jimmys, then rink some good brews at the Standard Beer Garden, or hit a club like SL or 1Oak. The restaurants offer any cuisine a bachelor party can want whether it be pizza , burgers, barbecue, or steak.

For all the positives, this fine city has its downfalls for bachelor parties. It’s expensive, specifically with hotel rooms. You can’t do anything in New York between September and December because hotel prices will be through the roof. It also isn’t the best for strip clubs (yes, we know those matter too). To see upcoming events in NYC, click the link or download the Discotech app.

Wet Pool at the W South Beach Promo Code

Use promo code DISCO to get a discount off each ticket for Nervo NYE 2020 at WET W South Beach! Tickets available here.

Bottle service is also available. Book your table service for Wet Pool South Beach here. 

Discount code valid for a limited number of uses – we recommend buying your tickets ASAP, before the coupon code runs out!

Shore Club Miami Promo Code TIXR

Use promo code DISCO to get a discount off each ticket for Shoreclub Miami! Tickets available here and on TIXR.

Bottle service is also available. Book your table service for Shore Club here. 

Discount code valid for a limited number of uses – we recommend buying your tickets ASAP, before the coupon code runs out!

Offer code only valid on certain events at Shore Club. 

aerial view of South Beach, MIami

Best Rooftop Bars in Miami

As we head Southeast to the beautiful city of Miami, one wonders how it is possible to soak up all the city has to offer. Although many enjoy running around finding clubs and bars, few actually know some of the hidden gems scattered around the city. Rooftop bars. Yes, scenic views, calm breezes and stunning crowds, rooftop bars will not only provide you a playground for fun but also impress your friends as you guide or show them what Miami has to offer. None of our lists are ever in ranking order.

Looking for the hottest bars & clubs in Miami? See upcoming events sign up for guest list and book table service directly on the free Discotech Mobile App. Or reach out to our help line directly at 4157356716 – we can help you pick a spot for your next night out in Miami.

Altitude at SLS Brickell

The idea behind this 20,000 square foot pool deck and bar was to provide party goers a pool bar where you can lounge and hang out throughout the day and into the night. Here you can take gorgeous pictures of the sights around Miami Beach and Key Biscayne, while drinking a margarita and pondering a dip in the pool. The deck is free to the public — with the purchase of a day pass or cabana rental — so you don’t need to pay out for a room to enjoy an afternoon here.

Area 31

There perhaps no better feeling than standing at the edge of this bar on the 31st floor of the EPIC. Of course, going here on a Friday night means you’re sharing that feeling with a couple hundred other people, but who cares. Truth be told, I prefer a bar where everyone’s in a great mood. That’s nothing new in this city so grab whatever you enjoy drinking on a lovely night out and hang poolside, while appreciating that you’re living this good in February.


Unknown to many, the Buena Vista neighborhood was founded and named far before there were “rooftop bars” where people like you and me go to take in the “vistas.” The foreshadowing name comes to fruition as when arriving you’ll notice this terrace on the second floor of Vista Italian restaurant. Here you are able to survey the neighborhood, or enjoy Upper Buena Vista’s iconic ancient oak tree, tapas and a menu all with live music in the background.

Watr at the 1 Hotel

When your pool is known as having one of the best hotel pool views in the world, of course you need to be shooting some serious beverages to go along with it. Although this spot has quieted down, the bar still remains one of the most scenic spots on the beach.

When taking in the views, your treated to the Atlantic, while in the other you’ll see the expansive Miami skyline, blending the feel of an urban rooftop, oceanview, and trendy pool bar in one sun-soaked patio.


When hittting Ocean Drive, an afternoon spent at the Clevelander’s rooftop bar is a must for new comers to the city and for the locals, a visit to this bar is sure to remind you why you live in this gorgeous city. As you stare out at the inviting blue-green waters of the Atlantic Ocean, the Art Deco hotels, and the city behind you, you are taken back to the enchantment that first drew you to this wild beach city.


The restaurant found on the top of the 1111 garage in South Beach is one of the great date-with-a-view spots in Miami. Not only is it one of the top date spots, but bewarned, the place is expensive and will quickly burn a hole in your wallet if you let your friends order multiple rounds of drinks and entres on you.

If looking for romance and a much lower bill, head over to this place for drinks. Relax and unwind by the ivy-covered walls outside, and relish in the award-winning design layout and views of the ocean.

No. 3 Social

With Wynwood building being what it is, a second-floor bar qualifies as a top tier rooftop establishment on its own. So rather than waiting for an elevator, you’ll just ascend a flight of stairs surrounded by beautiful tropical plants and come towards this big, purple space where you are reminded to “Socialize.” Perhaps no greater debate has ever existed, as one struggles between posting the perfect picture or following the rules that have been told to you. Good luck finding a healthy balance.


Perhaps nothing is quite as enoyable after spending all your money at E11even than making a quick retreat to the bar upstairs. You can gaze out towards Downtown, feel the cool breeze blowing upon you from down NW 11th Street, and savor an ice-cold beer or fancy cocktail. E11even also has fantastic bottle service availiable for those looking to drop real money. Then, once you’ve regained your composure, you have the option of enjoying some food or going back downstairs and to continue with your bad decision making. Click here for upcoming events at E11even so not to miss out!


Way atop Brickell’s swanky East hotel rests one of the city’s premier rooftop bar, Sugar, with perfect views far out beyond Biscayne Bay to the east, north to Downtown, and south to the bright lights of Brickell. Completely encompassing this Balinese garden exists a mysterious but alluring feeling that makes you more than happy to be here. And if it’s raining, nothing to worry about. The party’s not ruined, make sure to head inside to the not-so-secret room to keep enjoying all the views without the rain.

Mr. C Coconut Grove

While you’re pounding shots at Sunday brunch or sipping mimosas, there’s a pretty good chance you’re enjoying yourself while doing it if doing it here. Mr. C’s bar provides a gorgeous view of Miami and hosts a elegant and sophisticated atmosphree while also staying light and upbeat. The latest sits atop the Mr. C hotel in Coconut Grove, where the nautical Cipriani décor gives way to a huge patio with sights that stretch far out over the lush, tropical landscape.


Although not the very first rooftop lounge in Wynwood, Astra is the very first to bring the garden styled view feel to Miami’s art district. This Greek-inspired scene has a west facing patio, ensuring you and your friends see the beautiful sunset. You’ll additionally notice the large trippy pink walls and pink butterflies that litter on the ground. The sunsets seem particularly heavenly when matched with what is possibly the best selection of Greek wines in the city.

Bloom Skybar

The bar located at the top of the Langford Hotel boasts one of the most divine panoramic views from the middle of the Miami skyline, provding partrons with spectacular drinks in inventive containers. If you find yourself looking for a great view or maybe an escape from the typical bar-on-a-curb scene, this is your place.