
Strawberry Moon is located at 601 Washington Ave in Miami

Days Open

Strawberry Moon is open every day of the week from 11:00 AM to 11:00 PM / 12:00 AM

Is there a guest list at Strawberry Moon pool?

There is unfortunately no Strawberry Moon free guest list at this time. You will need to make a table reservation or purchase tickets to get into Strawberry Moon.

How do I get into Strawberry Moon in Miami if there is no guest list?

  • General Admission: You can wait in line and pay the general admission cover charge. Entry is not guaranteed.
  • Buying Tickets: This is actually a cheaper option than general admission, and entry is guaranteed. You can also save $5 on all Strawberry Moon tickets by using the promo code DISCO.
  • Reserving Bottle Service: This is both the most luxurious options as well as the most expensive way to spend the day at Strawberry Moon. You will be able to reserve a daybed, cabana, or bungalow while enjoying a delicious cold drink by the pool.

How do I get on the Strawberry Moon guestlist?

You can’t. There is not guestlist for Strawberry Moon at this time.

Still have some questions?

Have a question or need help getting started? Feel free to contact us at info@discotech.me or call/text us at at +1 (415) 735-6716.

Upcoming Events At Strawberry Moon Pool: